Saturday, June 19, 2021

Pt. 1- It's YOUR Body & only YOU can decide what should or should NOT go into it! (See Communiques herein)

 Submitted by: Craig Maus

Permission to Forward: 

(ALL bcc herein Brothers & Sisters) 


Well, the time has arrived whereby YOU, and Only YOU 

Must Decide what is or is not good for YOU! 


YOU must once again, as it once was, 



The ONLY THING standing between YOU & “Those People” who want to inoculate YOU with 

Their ‘JUICE’ is YOU! 


Now YOU can believe what their CIB’s, (controlled information bureau’s) are telling YOU or NOT. 

There are NO In-Betweens


Basically, it comes down to this- Who DO YOU TRUST? 

YOURSELF & YOUR ability to Think for YOURSELF, 

or “Those People” in Washington? 


For once the ‘JUICE’ goes in, it Doesn’t come out!  



Kind of like how AmeriCa once was- 

Right or Wrong & NO Bull-Shit in between 

because it is… 

YOUR DECISION & BODY & NOT Washington’s! 


In that light, We Confederates want to share with you the following communiques 

sent us by our Brothers & Sisters. 

We TRUST our Folks! 

We do NOT TRUST what the Washington Politburo & Company is saying. 


Unlike Washington,  

We Confederates will NOT tell YOU what to do! 

We merely provide YOU with information for YOU to discern and 

What YOU do moving forward is entirely up to YOU! 


That has ALWAYS been the KEY DIFFERENCE between 

“Those People” and us CONFEDERATES… 


to be YOUR own ‘Captain’ it 

Once was in AmeriCa! 


Deo Vindice, 





Dr. Mercola's article below explains Dr. Bridle’s Bombshell Revelations Regarding Spike Proteins as BIOWEAPONS, from Vaccines  


Dr Bridle: 'We Made a Big Mistake' on COVID-19 Vaccine 

It's been two weeks since the original report  and mainstream media continues to ignore it. Instead of moving away from it, we're doubling down and exposing the truth to as many as possible. 

Below is a super VIP, must watch video  "ON POINT with Alex Pierson) with pro vaccine Canadian virologist, 

Dr. Byram Bridle. 


This is the MOST critical video (only 2 min 14 sec) on the DANGERS of the 'jab' you will EVER watch plus, detailed instructions on how to potentially recover from the 'spike proteins' that Dr. Bridle acknowledges (with clinical proof from many other researchers that 'spike proteins' are bioweapons. 

Directions for the best present known methods for recovery, at bottom of this email) 

Click below for 2:14 second interview with Dr. Bridle. 



by Scott Boyd 


June 14, 2021 


in HealthcareOpinions 




Two weeks ago, we posted at The Liberty Daily a bombshell report regarding an interview with Dr. Byram Bridle. The pro-vaccination PhD had shocking warnings he needed to get out regarding the spike proteins produced by the Pfizer and Moderna shots or injected directly as part of the Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca shots. In short, beware. 

From the June 1 article: 

When it comes to the so-called Covid-19 “vaccines,” he’s (Dr. Brydle) is now singing a different tune. 

Recent studies have him taking to the airwaves to issue a grave warning about what the vaccines are supposed to do versus what they’re actually doing. His biggest concern is the distribution of spike proteins produced by the body as a result of the vaccines. 

In theory, the injections into the arms of vaccine recipients would localize the spike proteins, allowing the body to produce antibodies that would fight Covid-19. 

But what recent peer-reviewed studies have indicated is that the spike proteins are not remaining localized as they were intended. They are entering the blood stream where they can cause clotting, among other side-effects not anticipated by the Big Pharma distributors of the drugs. 

This is almost certainly why we’re seeing such a spike in blood clots, heart inflammation, Vaccine-induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT), and other ailments, including death, that arise shortly after someone is injected. What makes it worse is that there’s no way to tell when the spike proteins will “dislodge” from the tissue in the arm. It could be days, weeks, or even months after receiving the vaccine that the side-effects manifest. 



  • Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher Byram Bridle, Ph.D., has gained access to Pfizer’s biodistribution study from the Japanese regulatory agency. The research, previously unseen, demonstrates a huge problem with all COVID-19 vaccines 
  • The assumption that vaccine developers have been working with is that the mRNA in the vaccines would primarily remain in and around the vaccination site. Pfizer’s data, however, show the mRNA and subsequent spike protein are widely distributed in the body within hours 
  • This is a serious problem, as the spike protein is a toxin shown to cause cardiovascular and neurological damage. It also has reproductive toxicity, and Pfizer’s biodistribution data show it accumulates in women’s ovaries 
  • Once in your blood circulation, the spike protein binds to platelet receptors and the cells that line your blood vessels. When that happens, it can cause platelets to clump together, resulting in blood clots, and/or cause abnormal bleeding 
  • Pfizer documents submitted to the European Medicines Agency also show the company failed to follow industry-standard quality management practices during preclinical toxicology studies and that key studies did not meet good laboratory practice standards 

The more we learn about the COVID-19 vaccines, the worse they look. In a recent interview1 with Alex Pierson (above), Canadian immunologist and vaccine researcher Byram Bridle, Ph.D., dropped a shocking truth bomb that immediately went viral, despite being censored by Google. 

It also was featured in a “fact” check by The Poynter Institute’s Politifact,2 which pronounced Bridle’s findings as “false” after interviewing Dr. Drew Weissman,3 a UPenn scientist who is credited with helping to create the technology that enables the COVID mRNA vaccines to work. But, as you can see below, unlike Bridle, Politifact neglected to go beyond interviewing someone with such a huge stake in the vaccine’s success. 

Two videos you will want to watch about how these are NOT vaccines, these are genocidal bioweapons. 

Dr Judy Mikovits - PLANDEMIC VIDEO 

When DrJudy Mikovits finished her presentation the room was silent for a moment, then one of the scientists said, "Oh my God!". The resulting investigation would be like no other in science. For DrMikovits, a twenty-year veteran of the National Cancer Institute, this was the midpoint of a five-year journey that would start with the ... 

Dr Judy Mikovits: "COVID vaccine will kill 50 million ... 

Dr Judy Mikovits"COVID vaccine will kill 50 million Americans.". The 33-minute video shown below has been banned on YouTube, Facebook and other major media outlets because it presents warnings from many experts regarding dangerous health risks caused by the COVID gene therapy injections, which are being falsely called a vaccine in reports ... 

What Are the Solutions? 

While all of this is highly problematic, there is help. As noted by Mikovits, remedies to the maladies that might develop post-vaccination include: 

Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin treatments. Ivermectin appears particularly promising as it actually binds to the spike protein. Please listen to the interview that Brett Weinstein did with Dr. Pierre Kory,19 one of Dr. Paul Marik’s collaborators 

Low-dose antiretroviral therapy to reeducate your immune system 

Low-dose interferons such as Paximune, developed by interferon researcher Dr. Joe Cummins, to stimulate your immune system 

Peptide T (an HIV entry inhibitor derived from the HIV envelope protein gp120; it blocks binding and infection of viruses that use the CCR5 receptor to infect cells) 

Cannabis, to strengthen Type I interferon pathways 

Dimethylglycine or betaine (trimethylglycine) to enhance methylation, thereby suppressing latent viruses 

Silymarin or milk thistle to help cleanse your liver 

From my perspective, I believe the best thing you can do is to build your innate immune system. To do that, you need to become metabolically flexible and optimize your diet. You’ll also want to make sure your vitamin D level is optimized to between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL (100 nmol/L to 150 nmol/L), ideally through sensible sun exposure. Sunlight also has other benefits besides making vitamin D. 

Use time-restricted eating and eat all your meals for the day within a six- to eight-hour window. Avoid all vegetable oils and processed foods. Focus on certified-organic foods to minimize your glyphosate exposure, and include plenty of sulfur-rich foods to keep your mitochondria and lysosomes healthy. Both are important for the clearing of cellular debris, including these spike proteins. You can also boost your sulfate by taking Epsom salt baths. 

To combat the toxicity of the spike protein, you’ll want to optimize autophagy, which may help digest and remove the spike proteins. Time-restricted eating will upregulate autophagy, while sauna therapy, which upregulates heat shock proteins, will help refold misfolded proteins and also tag damaged proteins and target them for removal. It is important that your sauna is hot enough (around 170 degrees Fahrenheit) and does not have high magnetic or electric fields. 




----- Forwarded Message ----- 

From: Colonel Robert F Cunningham <

To: "" <

Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 06:29:24 PM CDT 

Subject: FWD: DEVVY KIDD - Vax more important than individual freedom. 


At 02:51 PM 6/14/2021, you wrote:


From: robert bowen <>
Subject: Fw: DEVVY KIDD - Vax more important than individual freedom. 

“100% Vaccination is ‘More Important Than Your Individual Freedom” 



By Devvy Kidd    June 14th, 2021 

By: Devvy  

The incredible forms of bribery going on to get people to take one of those experimental gene editing technology COVID injections is almost beyond belief.  We have never seen anything like it in our life time.  Kentucky, Ohio and Oregon all offering a $1 MILLION dollar prize in the vaccine lottery.  I wonder how the taxpayers in those states who dutifully got the jab feel about that.  Other states like California have also gone to offering money and prizes.  

As I covered in my recent column, Father, The Rebellion Has Begun, people around the world are rising up against those deadly shots.  

If you’ve been following my columns, I have been hammering on the Health & Safety committees in our state legislature for months as well as our governor, Greg Abbott.  Below is my new letter to Sen. Bob Hall who actually held hearings on the safety of those shots being called vaccines.  I watched the hearing on May 14th and was surprised to hear Hall cover some of the information I had sent to them.  

Please help spread the truth.  Make sure everyone knows about reporting to VAERS.  I have zero doubt the numbers are much, much higher, tragically.  We have to keep resisting so keep the heat on your state lawmakers and governors.  The more lawsuits the harder it’s going to be to hide what’s going on.  

June 14, 2021  

Senator Bob Hall (Sent to his district office as our legislature is now out of session until Abbott calls a special session as planned to deal with three bills not passed.)  

Dear Senator Hall:  

This is a follow up to my letter to you, May 31, 2021.  All that’s left is for Texans & Americans throughout the country to continue rising up against those dangerous experimental gene editing technology injections.  

Of course, resistance doesn’t come without a price.  As I predicted Houston Methodist Hospital was sued by 177 doctors and nurses as they refuse to be guinea pigs.  No exemptions for religious or even medical reasons.  They’re all suspended right now for 14 days without pay.  I’ve been in the trenches full time going on 31 years, Senator, so pretty much nothing shocks me anymore.  But what came out of the mouth of David Bernard, the CEO of Houston Methodist San Jacinto Hospital was shocking and chilling.  

“100% vaccination is more important than your individual freedom.  Everyone one of you is replaceable.  If you don’t like what you’re doing you can leave and we will replace your spot.”  

Kim Jong-un and Xi Jinping would be smiling if they heard that.  Patrick Henry would have gone for his long gun.  

The District Judge in that case dismissed it last week.  Plaintiffs will appeal.  Sickening.  

Here’s the latest data from VAERS as of June 4, 2021.  On the attached resource sheet is the URL so you can follow the postings.  Again, it’s my belief they are deliberately lagging weeks behind for political reasons.  Since those numbers reflect only about 1% reported, well, you can do the math.  And, by all means, look at the reports for ages under 20.  All cases of Myocarditis in teenagers for God’s sake.  

Pfizer should be indicted for voluntary manslaughter at the least but won’t since they have immunity from the crooks in Congress.  They’re now shooting up 5-11 year-old children whose parents have no idea what’s in those shots.  As of June 4, 2021 – all categories jumping by hundreds, in the case of hospitalizations, almost 2,000 in two weeks.  

Adverse reactions:  A whopping 329,021.  Dead:  5,888 – and yes, Texans included.  Permanently disabled:  4,583.  

Hospitalizations:  19,597.  Urgent Care:  43,891.  Anaphylaxis:  1,459.  Bell’s Palsey:  1,737.  Life Threatening:  5,885.  Heart Attacks:  2,190.  Myocarditis/Pericarditis:  1,087.  Office Visits:  58,800 – an increase of 7,000 in two weeks.  Thrombocytopnenia/Low Platelet: 1,564.  Miscarriages:  652.  Severe Allergic Reaction: 15,052  



I’ve warned over and over:  The number of deaths will begin to accelerate and they are.  From my last letter to you May 28th, deaths were 4,863, now 5,888 – 1,025 or 500 a week.  

During your presentation on May 14, 2021 hearing you said more study is needed regarding safety of those shots.  No, Senator:  All of them need to be stopped now because the more vaccinated, the more will die.  

Statistically, children have a zero- percentage rate for getting that (phantom) coronavirus.  Survival rate is between 99.4% – 99.7%.  There is no emergency and there never was.  The hysteria and cherry-picking hospitals out in NYC by the media was deliberate, to cause panic.  

Masks.  One of the most grotesque control tools shoved down America’s throats.  Long term wearing that causes depression (like the lockdowns), people who never had periodontal disease before; destruction of brain cells that are gone forever.  If you people think school kids across the country have failed miserably this past school year, what forcing them to wear masks has done to them by denying them oxygen for a year or more is criminal.  Why the hell do teachers think these kids are having such a difficult time learning while being oxygen deprived, forced to breathe back in their own carbon dioxide instead of exhaling it?  

Cases of COVID-19.  The CDC’s gold standard, the PCR or polymerase chain reaction test.  Let me quote Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who has been spearheading lawsuits being filed in several countries.   Cease & Desist Order to Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten,  Creator of SARS-CoV-2 PCR test, Jan. 4, 2021 – “Christian Drosten invented a prototype Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test to purportedly detect live-and-infectious SARS-CoV-2 virus which became the model for the worldwide PCR test:  

“… the PCR-Test for the detection of an infection was invented by now infamous Prof. Drosten. At the beginning of January of 2020, based on this very basic knowledge, Mr. Drosten developed his PCR test, which supposedly detects an infection with Sars Cov 2. Without ever having seen the real Wuhan virus from China, only having learned from social media reports that there was something going on in Wuhan, he started tinkering on his computer with what would become his Corona PCR test.  

“For this, he used an old Sars virus hoping it would be sufficiently similar to the allegedly new strain of the Corona virus found in Wuhan. Then he sent the result of his computer tinkering to China to determine whether the victims of the alleged new corona virus tested positive. They did, and that was enough for the WHO to sound the pandemic alarm and to recommend the worldwide use of the Drosten PCR test for the detection of infections with the virus now called Sars COV 2.”  

As I believe you are aware, Kary Mullins invented the PCR test for which he won a Nobel Prize.  This is what Mullins had to say about using his PCR tests to detect a virus.  It’s a video interview I’ve listed on the resource page:  “With PCR if you do it well you can find almost anything in anybody.  PCR is a process to make a whole lot of something out of something.  It doesn’t tell you that you’re sick.”  

In other words, it’s a manufacturing tool, not a diagnostic tool regardless of how many cycles the CDC says to use or don’t use.  All those “millions of cases” here in the U.S. is a big fat lie.  The same applies to death certificates.  

Once again quoting the late Kary Mullins:  “Fauci is a liar.  Guys like Fauci get up there and start talking, you know, he doesn’t know anything really about anything, and I’d say that to his face. Nothing. The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope, and if it’s got a virus in there you’ll know it.”  

“He doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine and he should not be in a position like he’s in. Most of those guys up there on the top are just total administrative people and they don’t know anything about what’s going on in the body.”  

“You know, those guys have got an agenda, which is not what we would like them to have being that we pay for them to take care of our health in some way. They’ve got a personal kind of agenda. They make up their own rules as they go. They change them when they want to, and they smugly — like, Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera.”  

Yes, Fauci most certainly has an agenda but he’s now being thrown under the bus and potentially is looking at criminal charges.  Not just for lying to Congress but for condemning the use of Hydroxychloroquine.  Gregg Jarrett: Dr. Anthony Fauci should be criminally investigated.  Jarrett is a skilled attorney and senior legal analyst for FOX News.  

The shots.  Scientists have tried for over 20 years to create an mRNA vaccine and have failed every single time due to safety issues.  10-15 years is the normal testing for a new vaccine.  Nine months to start shooting people up is criminal.  

Here are just two individuals out of dozens and dozens of top virologists, microbiologists, doctors and other scientists saying the same thing.  Are they all anti-vaxxers?  Are they all incompetent and don’t know what they’re talking about?  

‘We Made a Big Mistake’ — COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Travels From Injection Site, Can Cause Organ Damage, June 4, 2021 – “COVID vaccine researchers had previously assumed mRNA COVID vaccines would behave like traditional vaccines. The vaccine’s spike protein — responsible for infection and its most severe symptoms — would remain mostly in the injection site at the shoulder muscle or local lymph nodes.  

“We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now,” said Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario. “We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So, by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”  

Of course, Dr. Bridle is being viciously attacked by the prostitute media.  As is MIT graduate and nano scientist, Erica Khan.  Erica Khan – How The Vax Will Make Your Immune  

System Attack And Destroy Your Own Body – Listen – Top of the resource page is the link.   She also said the truth:  If this were any other drug, any other year, those shots would have been pulled off the market in the first week.  

Estimates are it takes 4-18 months for the technology to kick in and start its deadly warpath on your body.  Once you get the shot there is no going back.  Then, within a year or two, we will start seeing astronomical numbers of cases where people develop serious problems with their heart, kidneys, lungs, brain and other organs and then premature death.  

If only 10% of the numbers of dead predicted tragically happens, we are looking at a world-wide holocaust.  That is not hyperbole.  I’ve spent thousands of hours watching interviews with microbiologists, virologists and doctors with decades of experience as well as too many to count articles on those experimental shots.  

The censorship of real expert scientists is reprehensible and obscene.  The so-called ‘fact checkers’ on the Internet who couldn’t find their own arse with a roadmap is obscene as is the provable disinformation about how safe those shots are, how they will keep you from getting COVID and all the rest of the propaganda.  Look at the number of people shot up who then test positive again and again.  Of course, when you’re using a test that doesn’t test for viruses, the damn thing is nothing but a con game.  

The attached resource pages is a small sample of credible sources.  I hate click bait headlines and exaggerations regarding those shots.  What I’ve been providing all of you is carefully screened by me taking the time to check bios of these experts, weed out some claims that I can find no sound scientific basis for and good solid investigating.  All We the People want is the truth which we now have and its long past time for you lawmakers to stop the carnage.  

This is a political nightmare which counts for nothing in my book.  What do you think is going to happen when millions more Americans find out the truth and the number of dead piles up?  They’re going to be angry their governors and lawmakers did nothing to stop this nightmare.  Do you understand yet that Hell has been unleashed on the American people and it isn’t COVID-19?  

I don’t want one more person, here or around the world, to die from those shots.  Or become permanently disabled or suffer as so many are after getting the shot.  Serious suffering, senator, not just getting a headache.  

In one establishment where I do business in my city, I’ve built up a casual and respectful friendship with one of the employees.  She and her husband have been reading my columns for years.  The other day she told me she and husband did get one


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