Friday, May 7, 2021

CHUCK KOLB 05/07/2021


Shabbat Shalom Blessings,
~ CK


Ginn Linn reports ...
My recommendation:  turn off the TV, MSM, Alternative News, and much of YouTube.  Sit in quite contemplation every morning, and just THINK!  Regain your mind.  Think about what kind of a person you were BEFORE 911, and BEFORE the Internet and the cell phone, BEFORE  you were turned back into an adolesant which is where "they" want you.
F**king come to your senses, and grow up!  THINK!

Please note: David Zublick (narrator for the "Dark Outpost") might be the finest clickbaiter on the planet. His topics and claimed evidence supporting those topics appear impressive or are they? For example, Z. reports, Hitlary was hung at GB after a five day military tribunal at exactly the stroke of midnight December 31, 2018. While unrepresented by counsel she uttered not a word during her trial for treason, crimes against humanity, et al. She selected scrambled eggs and jalapeno with a strawberry milkshake for her final meal. Still quite, (previously during her 2md week she began to defecate on her cell floor while screaming obscenities throughout her final lockup. After the trial she was led to the gallows shortly before midnight. Obscenities and threats rained forth. She rejected clergy to conduct last rights. She was surrounded around the trap door by five uniformed officers. Each had a red button to press when ordered just prior to midnight. Only one red button would release the door beneath Hitlary's feet insuring anonymity for the officer controlling her death. Want more? Zublick further (lifting up a booklet to prove his point), offers a word by word compilation of the 5 day MT available for subscribers only. .Z also frequently apportions final time of discussion to Dr. James Fetzer, who aside from conclusions over JFK'S assassination, which I reject, (this is the gold study, "Murder from Within") is an intrepid, aggressive, and detailed investigator whose conclusions, for example, dissecting  the Sandy Hook false flag (*no deaths) and other research topics like the LV concert slaughter, (staged) is a legitimate voice for truth. (at great cost, he just lost in court and now faces a several hundred thousand libel judgement) Are US courts cooked? Nah!

That said, start at the 45 minute mark with Dr. M's appearance and discussion of
the African sleeping sickness drug and multi-claims presented. Further info is here.


No trial studies nor scientific conclusions relative to Suramin's efficacy against CV19 vaccine reversal is available here. I shall continue searching. I am currently leaning against shredding claims but have finalized no personal decision on this subject.
Dark Outpost: Vaccine Regret? There's An Antidote! 
One of the world’s most prominent medical doctors with expertise in treating COVID-19 has gone on the record with a scathing rebuke of the U.S. government’s approach to fighting the virus. He says the government’s strategy has resulted in tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths and is now being followed up with thousands more deaths caused by a mass-injection program. Yet many people are still choosing to take this injection.
Some who have taken it are now regretting having done so. If you or someone you love is suffering from vaccine remorse, there is an antidote. We’ll tell you what it is. Dr. James Fetzer discusses why the vaccinated are making healthy people sick. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost! Watch the full show at
Vaccine Regret? There's An Antidote! - Dark Outpost 05-05-2021
vid> (1:08:27) 5/5/21

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