Friday, February 19, 2021

UP FIRST 02/19/2021


First look:
  • Biden surrenders nuclear bargaining chip to Iran, wants to talk
  • Ted Cruz apologizes for trip to Cancun while Texans freeze
  • Maxwell confirmed Epstein had Trump and Clinton on tape
  • Washington, Lincoln among 41 targeted statues in Chicago

Biden surrenders nuclear bargaining chip on Iran, wants to talk

HeadlineBiden repudiates Trump on Iran, ready for talks on nuke deal

What's Up: President Biden is again moving to undo many of the policies established by the previous administration. On Thursday, Biden's team announced they were moving to pull back sanctions on Iran and open the door to diplomatic negotiations with the Islamic Republic.

Quote: "'The United States would accept an invitation from the European Union High Representative to attend a meeting of the P5+1 and Iran to discuss a diplomatic way forward on Iran’s nuclear program,' he said. The U.S. has not participated in a meeting of those participants since Trump withdrew from the deal and began steadily ramping up sanctions on Iran." —

The First take: The contrast between former President Trump and President Biden could not be any clearer. The guy who gave us the "Art of the Deal" is likely shaking his head while hearing Mr. Biden's idea of negotiating is to hand over all of your advantages and then invite your opponent to sit down. We're hoping someone on the Biden team reminds the president that Iran's leaders wake up each and every day chanting and praying for "Death to America."  

Ted Cruz flies to Mexico, immediately returns home to face angry voters

Headline: ‘Obviously A Mistake’: Sen. Ted Cruz Admits ‘Second Thoughts’ About Cancun Flight After Backlash​

What's Up: The outrage brigade was called to action on Thursday after Texas Senator Ted Cruz and his family escaped the frozen tundra of Texas and flew to Cancun, Mexico. Social and traditional media swarmed and called out the Republican senator, who immediately flew back home and delivered a "mea culpa."

Quote: "Cruz admitted, however, that his doubts about taking a vacation began immediately. 'I have to admit, I started having second thoughts almost the moment I sat down on the plane,' he said. 'Because, on the one hand, all of us who are parents have a responsibility to take care of our kids, take care of our family. That’s something Texans have been doing across the state.'” —

The First take: Optics. So much of politics is about how something looks as opposed to the reality behind the situation. Could a US Senator actually do anything to change the situation in Texas? Not really. Did it look bad for Ted Cruz to be flying to Mexico as the people he represented were still struggling to stay warm? Yes. Kudos to Senator Cruz for addressing the error so quickly. That said, the Democrats are already using it to fundraise against you.  

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Maxwell confirmed Epstein had tapes of Trump, Clintons, new book claims

HeadlineGhislaine Maxwell admitted Jeffrey Epstein DID have tapes of Trump and the Clintons after she was tricked by 60 Minutes producer in 2016 - 'but refused to help locate them because she wanted Hillary to win'​

What's Up: A new book from "60 Minutes" producer Ira Rosen claims Jeffrey Epstein's confidante Ghislaine Maxwell confirmed the existence of possibly damning videos of Trump and the Clintons back in 2016. However, the existence of the tapes as well as this story were suppressed until now.

Quote: "'She gave me a stern look and pointed a finger in my face. She said: 'I am the daughter of a press baron. I know the way you people think. If you do one side, you must do the other. If you get the tapes on Trump you have to do Clinton.''" — Via

The First take: We're surprised and not surprised. A producer from "60 Minutes" claims to have had confirmation about a massive scandal involving underage girls, a former president, and a presidential candidate back in 2016 -- and he sat on it for year, until he could cash in out it. Disgusting.

Washington and Lincoln among 41 statues targeted in Chicago

HeadlineStatues of four U.S. presidents among 41 under the microscope by Chicago committee

What's Up: Chicago Mayor Lightfoot announced four US presidents' statues were among the 41 monuments and plaques under review for possible removal and replacement by the "cancel culture." 

Quote: "'Given the past year and in particular the past summer that made clear history isn’t past, it is essential that residents are a part of this conversation. This project is about more than a single statue or mural, it’s about channeling our city’s dynamic civic energy to permanently memorialize our shared values, history and heritage as Chicagoans in an open and democratic way,' the mayor was quoted as saying in a press release." —

The First take: We suppose Chicago has solved every important problem it faced over the past year and is now moving on to erasing history. We don't get it. The Windy City has an ongoing problem with gun violence and murder and the priority is the removal and replacement of Washington, Lincoln, McKinley, and Grant? We're thankful Mount Rushmore is not in Chicago.

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Coming up:

The best part about Friday? You get the best lineup in prime time, plus a weekend full of special programming! Tune in at 9p ET for Jesse Kelly's expose on American Communism.

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