Thursday, February 18, 2021


 W.G.E.N. Submits:

I've noticed a few web sites and a few *talkers* who are having voters
remorse -  or should I say they are not happy with what their votes have
given to them....   BUY-DEM and his DESTROYERS OF AMERICA REGIME.

We could all blame BUY-DEM and those he is putting in place -- or - we
could look in a mirror and for those who voted for ANY DEMOCRAT or RINO 
acknowledge that they are the blame - they are the ones to blame for the
LOSS OF JOBS - for the SIGH ANTS keeping this lockdown going.

REAL Americans would be doing all they can possible do to either RUN for
an office (the local political posts are just as critical as the Oval
Office - (especially those school boards positions). Instead of
grumbling and complaining - spend that time educating others and if you
can't run for an office yourself find someone you can support and work
hard to get them elected.  Get off your Facebook and Twitter and go out
doorbelling for a CONSERVATIVE candidate.  Become a PCO in your
precincts and then work that precinct to educate your neighbors.

Anyone who casts a vote for any Democrat or RINO is not your ally or
your friend.  The Democrats have closed our churches - our schools -
forced us to obey their Covid games of Masks - social distancing -
limited gatherings - UNLESS you are a BLM - ANTIFA - big corporate
stores - Casinos - and other $$$  entity.  They have forced small
business to go under financially while their $$ contributors have open
doors.  No legal action to go after those rioters (BLM/ANTIFA/ETC) but
they will go after the individuals who aren't masked up and the churches
for daring to remain open to worship God.

If you don't do it - who will?   More of the America Destroyers are
already setting up for the 2022 elections.

We are in a spiritual war and don't ignore that fact.  Are you going to
put on the Full Armor of God and fight this battle - or are you going to
become a willing prisoner of Satan and his DEMONS?

We need to return to PAPER BALLOTS.  Voting - with ID - in person. 
Eliminate all Motor Voter registrations and have the voter registration
rolls reviewed every year to eliminate those who have died or moved.

Jackie Juntti


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