Friday, October 23, 2020


 The BERTRAND REPORT The War For Your Mind and Soul Continues

                               News That Matters

Subject: Trump Derangement Syndrome: Children riding the back of Coyote' dogs across the border, ignorance by the Left...over-the-top !

Of course the former V.P. Joe Biden says otherwise......and accuses President Trump of "tearing children out of the arms of their parents and putting the children in cages,"......the ongoing theme of an outright lie that social media propaganda artists continue to spew while censoring truth on-top-of-truth.

"Trump's remarks had social media wondering if the president was saying that children were being brought into the country by actual coyotes—as in the raggedy-looking, predatory canines."

Incredibly enough, the truth of the matter is very clear....those that believe a Coyote' [animal] is what Trump was referring to, instead of a human smuggler a.k.a. [Coyote']... have absolutely no business or reason to vote, because ignorance is preyed upon by the Democrat Communists and [they] depend on stupidity in-order to get away with their constant lies of corruption and deceit.

Fact of the matter is......

DNA is checked against the child and the adult after illegally entering.....

At this point in time, without knowing each case of the 500 plus children, occupying USBP contract motels along the border [NOT CAGES] of which Obama and Biden used to cage children...the DNA did not match the accompanying adult illegal alien [UDA].

The facts are out there for Liberal Democrats to see for themselves, but instead rely of the Communist News Network [CNN] and biased uncensored social media for what they perceive to be the truth, but only what the Democrats want THEM to know. 

Informed voters know the truth and YOU can be assured....those in your circle that vote for Biden (actually Harris) are very stupid and uniformed.

I've been involved with Border issues since 2006 and can conservatively say that I am responsible for the direct and indirect apprehension of over 1,600 UDA's along the Arizona / Mexican border. I've seen it all....including children being used as pawns by non-parents to circumvent immediate deportation rules.

Coyote's [human smugglers] pay top dollar to parents, basically to rent their child for a period of time to bamboozle customs agents if caught. The parents are also told by the Coyote (and open border American identities) that "your child will fall under the DACA / DREAM ACT and you will be allowed to enter if Biden is elected."

Case in point reported October 15th, 2020

 "Two of the smuggled individuals, a married couple from Honduras, reported that they had been separated from their minor son by the smugglers.  They provided a detailed description of the child to the agents. 

About two hours later, a minivan approached the I-35 primary inspection lane.  The astute agent in primary recognized that one of the passengers matched the description given of the child in the earlier case.  The driver of the minivan claimed the child was hers, but her claim was refuted by the child’s actual parents who provided documented proof.  The child, who was also in the country illegally from Honduras, was reunited with his parents." 

"Trump is tearing the children from the arms of their parents."

The lie continues, but ignorance is worse than being a "Trump deplorable." 

The compassion by the Trump administration and U.S. Border Patrol is far more involved than anyone can fathom, especially due to massive censorship of the truth.

"The mother had attempted to illegally enter the United States on multiple occasions prior to this encounter. On one of those occasions, she crossed the Rio Grande River near Eagle Pass, Texas, with her six-year-old daughter and left her alone along the river inside the U.S.  The mother then returned to Mexico by swimming back across. Eagle Pass agents did indeed find the little girl, an unaccompanied minor at that time, and worked to place her with relatives in California. Despite multiple previous attempts to cross illegally, Border Patrol agents worked tirelessly to ensure the health and safety of both mother and child while enforcing Congressionally-enacted immigration laws."

“Earlier this week a misleading story was published by the Los Angeles Times that, from our perspective, sought to villainize Border Patrol agents by alleging that they intentionally separated an illegal alien mother from her newly born child.  This allegation is false.  We are sick and tired of our agents being villainized for placing their own personal safety and security behind that of others, and for enforcing the Congressionally-enacted laws of the United States.  We believe any rational person that reviews this entire illegal entry and the subsequent actions taken by the agents involved will come to the same conclusion that we did; these agents did everything in their power to ensure the safety of the baby, as well as the mother, who chose to illegally enter the United States, at night, in a relatively remote area, while in labor and ultimately giving birth in a field just north of the Rio Grande River.  These agents also did everything in their control to keep them together despite the difficult circumstances and health restrictions related to the pandemic. We challenge any allegations to the contrary.”

Just this past week, I intercepted two radio communications dispatch for UDA women giving birth after crossing the Arizona / Mexican border. BOTH received immediate response by Tohono O'odham Native EMS and were airlifted to the hospital ER.

In a large 'layup area' on the east side of the indian reservation, where illegals gather and sleep for the day, often leave garbage, and medications for various issues, but one that is common is an over-the-counter pharmaceutical that induces labor. Women 8 and 9 months pregnant, walk through the desert for days and at a certain point and location, they self induce labor. I saw the medication back in 2008 when conducting media tours of layup areas. 

What would happen to an American citizen that dragged their child through the desert for days, or decided to self induce labor of her child in the desert? Boom ! You lose your child and you go to jail....

The Tohono O'odham Reservation is NOW the gateway into Arizona due to a major gap between the "WALL" being built and a fence that extends less than a mile west of Sasabe, AZ. 

Most everyday and night I monitor UDA "Thermal" [dehydration] calls on the reservation. They keep coming and Biden / Harris offer hope and your tax dollars to support them and many thousands that will flood the border if Harris is president. (The Dems have plans for Biden, even if he is unaware).

"Smugglers continue to place migrants in harm’s way, loading large numbers of migrants into perilously hot, crowded trailers designed for cargo and animal transport, with no ventilation, no food or water, and typically no means of escape. Additionally, overcrowded, unsanitary stash houses continue to be breeding grounds for COVID-19 and put migrants at risk of dangerous sex and drug trafficking trades.

In FY20, nearly 400 stash house cases were disrupted with almost 3,680 illegal aliens apprehended along the border. CBP also disrupted more than 300 tractor-trailer cases with more than 4,800 illegal aliens apprehended."

Besides the various reasons why illegal aliens [UDA's] make it past Border Patrol, I am also monitoring a weekly amount of COVID-19 related EMS dispatches on the Tohono O'odham Reservation of UDA's that ultimately infect Native Americans that give aid and comfort to those they encounter.

Here's the kicker......

Myself or other U.S. Citizens needing emergency services with a hospital ER only 50 miles away, CANNOT and WILL NOT be provided that service and must be transported to Phoenix or Tucson ! However.....if you are from Honduras, or Mexico and you illegally enter the U.S., you get the full benefits of a federally financed Native / American hospital on the reservation. 

How about this one !!

Either it is a cross-border agreement between the U.S. and Mexico, or it's done under the table, a Mexican (or other) in medical distress on the Mexican side, will be afforded an EMS airlift to Tucson Medical Center or Sells Native Hospital. The individual is transported to the border by Mexican EMS, or physically shows-up at the Port-of-Entry and is provided medical help. OK !! That's fine, but why are non-native Americans deprived of a Native Hospital that WE PAY FOR as tax payers?

Now imagine this......

If Biden / Harris and the Democrat Communists take-back control of America, the deprivation of rights for many Americans will be overshadowed by those that enter illegally into the U.S. 

And YES.....Socialized Medical Standards will be necessary in-order to accommodate the influx from around the world. Americans will be lucky to see a doctor in less than 6 months if that happens.

"Elections have consequences," as Obama stated.....and this is our time to keep America from Communist influence, if not outright control via China and the United Nations.

Those that vote for Biden (or Harris) will (themselves) pay the consequences for their own actions if Biden succeeds. 

We DO NOT have much time left before all hell breaks loose, therefore.....get your act together, stock-up on everything, because the Democrat Communists are prepping themselves for WAR !

---Dave Bertrand 

From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify Otherwise.

Retired Int'l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Miami Sector, US Army Military Police Veteran, Former Int'l Aircraft Repo Insurance Contractor, Former DHS/HWW Counter-Terrorism Instructor for Commercial Truckers, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Truth, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid.

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