Friday, February 10, 2023



       LYLE J. RAPACKI, Ph.D.



Thursday –

February the 9th, 2023




By   Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

        Host and Commentator

        February the 9th, 2023



Slowly…steadily and in plain sight the work continues by the Global Elites and their acolytes, to seduce then weaken the masses into a simple, non-thinking compliant herd.  The controlling diabolical thought process follows a very similar pattern that has worked through the ages; namely, tell the people a terrible threat is coming or is already present, and most will surrender their rights and freedoms to be safe.  The last two elections with tremendous fraud, collusion and deceit was among the more obvious dimensions of forcing change.


Mentioned below is a sobering and troubling study of the process to collapse America into the New-World Order, Global Governance that was launched years ago.  Evidence of just how far this diabolical plan has reached is all around.  To stop America’s decline, patriots much similar to those our founders were, will need to stand up, come forward and possibly prepare to make a sacrifice so freedom may still ring.  To stop America’s decline and Make America Great Again, we need to Make America God-fearing Again!


Read the information below.  Decide if you wish to stand and come forward.  Then look around to find others who also have made such a decision and join them to stop America’s decline.  Ask for discernment so you may reveal those who seek public office and talk smoothly out of both sides of their mouth having one foot in seeking popularity and acceptance at great compromise to the values and principles that brought forth our exceptional nation, versus those who stand, speak support and loyalty, but with ample provable evidence, to the values and principles that brought forth our exceptional nation.  There are many who talk the good talk but do not have evidence of walking the good walk our founders would be proud to call, “fellow Servant Leaders.” 


Grab a cup of coffee (Makers Mark might prove to be better) because what follows is detailed, riveting but not a quick gloss over read.  I sincerely pray you do read what is about to follow.  We are in a war to preserve this exceptional nation given to us, if we would but keep it!  Please take the time.  Please distribute this further.  Please go to your knees and ask for direction as to how you may help; with whom may you join? 


Prayerfully consider helping me to keep the lights on and information rolling.  Please go to ZELLE 602-826-7300 and make a donation.  I do not have sponsors but have sought the Lord for contributions from those across America, and in several countries, who were not sure how else they might help.  Thank you!


  Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.




Host and Commentator

Post Office Box 171 

Skull Valley, Arizona 86338







Stop World Control

under attack! Multibillionaire criminals are setting up a New World Order that will impose worldwide tyranny. Sign up and learn how. 

The agenda for world domination by the World Economic Forum

world domination klaus schwab

Since the beginning of time, power hungry madmen have attempted to seize control over the entire world. Egyptian pharaohs, Asian emperors, European warlords, Roman emperors, Russian tsars, and British kings waged relentless wars, trying to gain absolute power over the rest of humanity. One world empire succeeded the other: the Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Roman, Chinese, Spanish, British empires all had one goal: conquer the nations, and if possible… rule the entire world.

julius caesar world domination

The age old desire for world domination is one of the most basic realities in the history of humanity.

Many people in our time, however, have been led to believe that the dark desire to rule the world has somehow miraculously disappeared. Nothing could be further from the truth. This diabolical lust is more alive and dangerous today, than ever before. New technologies and the all-encompassing mind control by the omnipresent news media is creating unprecedented opportunities to enslave the entire human race, without most people even realizing it.

In the past, invading other nations was hard: iron clashed against iron, and every blast was answered with an even louder blast. Today the game has changed. In order to conquer the world, there is no longer a need for swords and spears, or guns and rockets.

All the invaders need to do is tell the world that a terrible danger is threatening them, and most people will immediately surrender all their rights and freedoms in order to be "safe".

After World War II, the psychopath Nazi criminals were prosecuted during the historic Nuremberg trials. Judges were puzzled by the fact that Hitler had been able to get the support from the majority of the German people for his insane and inhumane mass murdering of millions of innocent people. Hitler's right hand, Hermann Goring, explained how they did it: 

"It's easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and... they will follow their leader. This works in every nation."

 Basically Goring said: 
just make the people afraid,
and they will do whatever you want,
in order to feel safe again.

Oh, Thou Great and Mighty
Lord of the News

The tool to make the entire world terrified of some “terrible danger” is the news media. With news media you can control exactly what the public thinks. A synonym for news media is mind control. It's essentially the same.

The news controls the minds of the people.

Most people brainlessly believe anything they hear on the news. Let the news tell the masses that a dangerous virus threatens them, and they will throw themselves at your feet, willing to do anything you demand, to keep them “safe”. Even as far as driving around in their car, all by themselves, wearing a dirty, bacteria-infested cloth over their mouth that keeps pure air out, and toxic air in. They even bring you their babies and beg you to please inject them with an experimental, untested, gene-altering cocktail of various undisclosed toxins. 

People will literally do anything, no matter how devastating it is to the well-being of themselves, their loved ones, and their fellow citizens, as long as it goes along with the hypnotizing mantra "this will keep you safe". 

Because of this, it has become a piece of cake for criminal rulers to submit the masses to their fingertips. This is especially true since they have full control over all mainstream media. They acquired it for this very reason: to have the ability to invade the mind of mankind and mold it exactly according to their agenda.

What is the supreme level of brainwashing?

brainwashed tv

Although the lust for world domination has been the common theme throughout history, in our day, the mind control has reached such a supreme level that many don’t even believe there is a plan to rule the world.

“Hahaha, that’s a conspiracy theory”, they echo loudly, brainlessly repeating what the "Lord of the News” has told them.

Those who know history are stunned by such a display of stupidity, yet it is the perception of the majority of the public. Try to explain how powerful people with unlimited financial resources are planning to dominate the world, and many will give you a blank stare… as if you just claimed the moon is one giant ball of vanilla ice cream.

The supreme level of brainwashing is when an entire population calls human history a “conspiracy theory”.

Who are the present-day pharaohs, who lust for world domination?

wef world domination

We know that our world has suffered under the cruel oppression of merciless pharaohs and emperors in the past. But who are the present-day tyrants desiring to gain complete control over the world? In other words, who are the "pharaohs" of our time? There are two answers to this question: a simple version, and a more complex one.

The easy answer is that, on the surface, the leading entity aiming at world domination is the World Economic Forum. 

The WEF controls the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and many other globalist organizations. It gathers thousands of billionaires and millionaires under its wings, and uses refined methods of mind control and manipulation to convince them to go along with their agenda. Through sophisticated mechanism of election fraud, they position world leaders in politics, and with their vast financial resources they are able to determine the direction of health care, business, governments, finance, etc.

The World Economic Forum has literally positioned itself as the big bully over all of humanity.

Their official agenda for world domination is called the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Agenda 21, Build Back Better, and so on.  Although no one has elected or even asked for the WEF, they have positioned themselves as the god of this world, ruling over governments worldwide, and telling all of humanity what to do.

The WEF invites the world's most influential people - ranging from kings and presidents, to bankers and CEO's of the largest corporations - to their yearly meetings in Davos. During these conferences they discuss the future of our world, and strategize how they can steer humanity in the desired direction. All outside of any form of democracy. The voice of humanity doesn't count for them.

wef davos

The untouchable rulers
of the world

As I said, the WEF is the easy answer, as they are the visible entity on the worldwide theatre stage for the ignorant public. The World Economic Forum is however not an independent entity. It is in turn controlled by concealed financial entities, whose greatest power is obscurity. By concealing themselves and operating solely from the shadows, they are able to manipulate everything that happens on the visible stage of the world theatre. Their astronomical financial resources allow them to spread their tentacles of influence into every aspect of society. They are also referred to as "the cabal".

The headquarters of these oligarchs are in so called "sovereign states" like the City of London (sovereign area in the heart of Greater London), the District of Columbia (sovereign area in Washington DC), and Vatican City State (sovereign area in Rome).

city of london state

Another example of such a sovereign state is the Bank of International Settlements which oversees more than fifty central banks (central banks control the commercial banks, used by the public). They are one of the most powerful financial entities in the world, pulling many strings of world domination behind the scenes.

To show how criminal these sovereign states are, we will look at the 1987 Headquarters Agreement which was negotiated with the Swiss Federal Council, to formalize the special position of the Bank of International Settlements. These are a few noteworthy articles from this treaty:

✔︎ Full inviolability for all buildings of the BIS, and the land beneath and around them, indifferent to who owns them.

✔︎ Full immunity from criminal and civil prosecution and proceedings for the bank as such.

✔︎ No payment of taxes on transactions and salaries of personnel.

✔︎ No disclosure to governments regarding the activities of the BIS.

✔︎ Not subject to any jurisdiction.

The same inviolability and immunity is granted to the other sovereign states, like the City of London, Vatican City State, and District of Columbia.

These independent "states within a state" are above the laws of the land in which they are situated. They pay no taxes, answer to no government, and are literally untouchable.

The vast majority of humanity - even most political leaders - have no clue that these sovereign states even exist, let alone rule the world. All we know and see are the public personalities - like politicians and businessmen - who are mere puppets of these concealed puppet masters. Their strength is complete obscurity. By remaining hidden from the view of humanity, they are able to operate unchecked, without being held accountable by the people.

The World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Bank, World Health Organization, and all other big globalist entities are set up by these hidden rulers. The public never sees or hears them, yet they determine what happens in the world.

Many in-depth books and web articles have been written about these entities. One great resource you can download for free is shown below.

Top experts from the British Intelligence Service, British Navy, US Marine Corps, World Health Organization, United Nations, the CDC, etc. have testified before 11 lawyers and a judge about the official plan for world domination by financial elites, who operate from within sovereign "states within the state". 


These expert testimonies are summarized in the Grand Jury Evidence, which you can download for free.

Grand Jury Evidence 1


Sustainability goals
for a "better world"

Sustainable Development Goals

The World Economic Forum cloaks itself with the white garments of shining statements like “improving the state of the world" and "global goals for sustainable development”. Making the world a better place is of course praiseworthy... what is less applaudable is the fact that the WEF was clearly involved in planning and orchestrating the pandemic, in order to manipulate humanity into accepting their Great Reset (see the documentary THE PLAN).

THE PLAN shows how the World Economic Forum and other globalist entities have planned multiple pandemics, with the purpose of implementing worldwide tyranny. 


Their intentions for our world might not be as admirable as they appear on first sight. Let's have a closer look at some of their "Global Goals For Sustainable Development" - for example, the goals "Global Governance" and "Internet Governance". These speak for themselves: the WEF wants to establish full control over the entire world. And they wish to be the ones who determine what information is allowed online.

Below is the WEF wheel, which shows how the COVID-19 pandemic is being used to transform every aspect of human life on earth. Their goal is to gain full control over business, health, information, etc. 

World Economic Forum wheel

The WEF goals for making a better world include installing a system of total control. And they wish to be the ones who determine what information is allowed online.

Zero poverty, or global welfare

Other sustainability goals sound like a dream: “No Poverty”, for example. Interestingly, however, the owners and members of the WEF all have one thing in common:

They are astronomically rich, mainly because they have been robbing humanity for decades.

As an example, they go into different nations of the world and steal all their natural resources through destructive mining. They keep all the profits for themselves, while the native populations are forced into slave labor, mining the treasures of their own land for the enrichment of these foreign intruders.

Similarly, they acquire every industry in the world, transferring all wealth to a handful of their own mega corporations, while destroying millions of people whose small businesses cannot compete with these monstrous giants.

And what about the financial system, that is designed to keep the people in perpetual financial crisis? Billions of people are forced to pay taxes, that supposedly serve to support their nation. In reality the vast majority of tax money disappears in the pockets of financial entities, who themselves don't pay one dime of tax.

It's by abusing humanity for their own enrichment, that they have gathered their astronomical wealth in the first place. And now they claim to have the noble goal of ending poverty?

Their true objective becomes clear when we look at how they plan to end poverty: install a universal income for all of humanity. The practical result of this will be, that every person on earth will become entirely dependent on these overlords. 

We see this in full swing in The Netherlands, where basically overnight the tyrants have raised the energy prices 5-fold to 20-fold! 

As a result millions will be plunged into poverty, no longer able to pay their outrageous energy bills. Suddenly the government comes with a solution: we will take care of you, just rely entirely on us. 

This is always their strategy:

1) first create a problem,
2) then offer a solution, which means tyranny

The World Economic Forum has been informing the world about their ultimate goal: the population will own nothing: no voice, no privacy, no freedom and no possessions... and they will be "happy".

This situation is promoted as a wonderful "utopia" in an article written by the WEF for

The article describes how a citizen of the New World Order of the WEF expresses her happiness about this new way of living. She exclaims how wonderful it is to own nothing, and what a dream the world has become, as everybody is locked up in Smart Cities. 


Smart City network


"A smart city is a technologically modern urban area that uses different types of electronic methods and sensors to collect specific data.  

This includes data collected from citizens, devices, buildings and assets that is processed and analyzed to monitor and manage traffic and transportation systems, power plants, utilities, water supply networks, waste, criminal investigations, information systems, schools, libraries, hospitals, and other community services."

A Smart City is a high tech environment where citizens are surveilled 24/7, by omnipresent data harvesting technologies, that will record every aspect of their life. Every conversation,  purchase, physical activity, location, emotion, and even every dream will be recorded. 

The author of the aforementioned article written by the World Economic Forum, describes life in a Smart City it as follows:

"Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me. All in all, it is a good life."


The WEF wants to move the majority of the world population into Smart Cities, where every breath, heartbeat, hormonal activity, human interaction (think sexuality), feeling, thought and even the most intimate, personal of all: our dreams, will be recorded.

Participation in society will depend on your vaccination status: only those people who are up to date with their umpteenth booster injection, will have access to banking services, shopping, gathering, social activities, transportation, health care, etc. Vaccine status will be connected to the digital ID, and social credit score. Surveillance technologies will be able to detect from a distance who has received the latest injection. 

5G will insert thoughts and emotions

The president of Chile explained that 5G will be used to not only monitor our thoughts and feelings, but it will also inject thought and feelings into everyone. Listen to this president in the following video:

Forcing you to eat fake food

Another "sustainability goal" of the WEF is "Zero Hunger". While it sounds beautiful, in reality it means destroying the grass-fed beef industry and replacing wholesome natural meat with genetically modified (= unhealthy) plant protein and lab grown "meat" created by the elites. 

Bill Gates works closely with the WEF, and he is buying up all farmland in America, while constructing factories where synthetic meat will be grown.

Meanwhile, more than a hundred of the largest food production and distribution plants in America have all burned to the ground in the past few years. In 2022, more than fifteen of the leading food companies saw their headquarters go up in flames - all during the same week!

We can of course tell ourselves that this is a meaningless coincidence. Well... all major food plants in the USA burn down, right when the WEF talks about ending the current food supply and making all of humanity dependent on their new synthetic foods. Indeed - nothing to see here, folks. 

Just like when they launch a bioweapon on humanity, suppress all the cures for the "pandemic" disease, and then "save the world" by injecting everybody with toxic, experimental, DNA-altering substances, with undisclosed ingredients. 

In The Netherlands, the government is demanding all farmers to kill much of their livestock. The government threatens to seize the land of farmers that refuse to destroy their animals.

Why would any government demand such outrageous insanity? As traditional farming is strategically eliminated, the population becomes totally dependent on the artificial foods created by the financial elites.

New "food factories" are being built to replace traditional farming. Instead of growing crops in natural soil, where the produce becomes rich in nutrients thanks to the sun, they want to grow it in factories without a trace of sunlight. Everything must become totally artificial.

In Australia, growing your own food is being demonized, supposedly for "biosecurity" reasons, and in the UK, the government is claiming that gardening increases heart disease. People are even told they should wear a face mask while working in their garden. 

"Zero hunger" is all about making the entire world population dependent on artificial, GMO food provided by the rulers.

WEF is similar to ancient rulers

world domination klaus schwab

In short, the WEF is the pinnacle of hypocrisy, hiding the most nefarious agenda that has ever threatened humanity under the white coating of magic-trick words like "sustainability". They establish world dominance, and enslave humanity, while claiming to "improve the state of the world". That's exactly what the Roman Empire claimed: 

"We share our higher civilization with you, by forcing all of you to submit to us. We steal all your rights, freedoms, and possessions, and make you slaves that pay high taxes to us. This is the best thing that ever happened to humanity!"

The WEF is in no way different than the ancient rulers. They may use different words, but the plan is the same.

The insane plans
of the World Economic Forum

klaus schwab madman

Just how dangerous are the plans of the World Economic Forum that is aiming to establish world dominance? Here is a short list of some of their goals, that are openly discussed on their own official websites, and in their videos, books and conferences. Any online research will reveal countless sources for all of this.

Make ongoing vaccinations the condition for partaking in society, with vaccine passports and digital ID’s. Banking, internet, working, shopping, gathering, etc., will only be available to people who are up to date with the latest booster injection.

Base society on a social credit score: citizens who behave perfectly are rewarded. Those that step out of line are punished. Practical example: posting something on social media that criticizes the government will lower your score.

Make masks, screens, and social distancing permanent. Populations must remain in a perpetual state of fear to justify a vaccination-based world.

Please note that every existing virus is patented, meaning that all these diseases are man-made.

Redefine free speech as ”hate speech”. Train humanity to despise everyone diverting from the prescribed narrative. Label all information that is not in line with the official storyline as “disinformation”.

Govern the internet, so only the prescribed narrative will be available to the world. Delete all the millions of posts and websites that criticize, question, and disprove the official stories.

Limit human interaction by telling everyone to work, shop and school from behind their screens. Isolate humanity behind their devices where they are bombarded 24/7 by the propaganda of the rulers.

Install a universal income and don’t allow anyone to gather wealth. Being rich is a privilege for the elites. The peasants must be kept poor and dependent on the ruling class.

Use weather warfare technology to cause droughts, floods, earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes, etc. Blame it on climate change, which is then used as the excuse to further lock down, rob, and control the population.

Seize all private property from all the citizens of the world. Everything must be rented from the elites: homes, cars, equipment, tools, even clothes. Nobody may own anything. The goal is total dependency on the rulers.

Make everyone dependent on controllable - and trackable - electric cars. Electric cars are perfect for enforcing lockdowns. Broadcast a signal that disables all vehicles, and the world will not be going anywhere.

People using vehicles with combustion engines will be limited in their movements, as they will have a maximum allowed CO2 "footprint".

The WEF is preparing to launch a raft the size of Brazil into the sky, to block the sun from illuminating the earth. Casting a perpetual shadow over the earth is needed, they say, to combat "climate change". 

Decrease the number of small businesses through pandemic and climate lockdowns, and transfer all wealth to mega corporations, which are not required to cease operations.

Remove all personal rights and freedoms from humanity under the guise of “we are in this together” and “the greater good”. Create hostility towards people standing up for rights and freedoms, by labeling them “selfish”.


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