Sunday, December 4, 2022



Biden’s Administration of Perverts

What they demand that they be able to teach out kids in school, during the lockdown, strip clubs were open but churches were closed, forcing the jab on people to keep their jobs, silencing any opposition to what their narrative was, and so many other things have exposed the depth of what satan's helpers has been able to accomplish.

By Pastor Roger Anghis

The Deception of the Sorcerers

Some alarming information has come my way recently, and once again, it’s regarding our young people. According to the Pew Research Center, 57% of “Generation Z” are now taking prescription medication for “serious mental illness.” “Gen Z” includes those born between 1997 and 2012, now ages 10 - 25.

By Rob Pue

White As Snow

Crimson reminds us of how deep and dark our sins are and how they separate us from the true life of God, but they also point us to the crimson blood of Jesus that cleanses them and reconciles us to God.

By Rolaant McKenzie

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