Saturday, November 5, 2022


                                                       Superstitions and Lies

That seek to

Kill Your Soul 

Allah, Buddha, Mohammad, Confucius, Krishna…gods who ARE NOT gods at all, but are superstitions and lies, have become attractive to those who fail to see the glory and greatness of the One true God. They claim to be religious and even use ceremonial rites to justify their very existence. The horror of this is that they are willing to risk their eternal souls to turn their backs on God Himself.


In endorsing the existence of more than One God, the followers of these ‘cults’ are endorsing ‘pluralism’ as a rationale for worshipping other gods. In doing this they are employing ‘multiculturalism’ as their excuse to deny the truth of a single Creator. It has become politically correct to silence the Gospel by any means whatever means possible.  


Consider the events that are happening in our own country today. The Cross, the symbol of Christianity is being barred from most every property, government owned or not. The Nativity scene is outlawed yet the symbols of Islam, Crescent and Star are allowed. This alone is a slander of God Himself for political correctness. Cities in the United States of America are compelled to allow loudspeakers to carry the words of prayers to Allah while the bells of Christian churches are demanded to be silenced.


Followers of Hinduism and Muslims cannot be compelled to remove their turbans for the safety of travelers for fear, by those in power, of harming the feelings of the followers of these misguided beliefs.


Following the disaster of 9/11 there were memorial services conducted at the National Cathedral in WashingtonD.C. that featured Jewish, Muslim, Christian, and leaders of some ‘cult’ religions. One Christian religious leader, Billy Graham, was asked why he participated in this type of ceremony. “I did not participate in the planning of any of the Memorial services,” was his reply.


This was refreshing to learn of. “Why?” you may ask. The reason is that no true Christian or Jewish person would see themselves as ones who endorse a ‘pluralistic worship of gods that are not God at all.’


To any that ‘toy’ with other gods are actually worshipping:


Materialism and humanism

                        Sports and sex

                                    Crystals and commerce

                                                Pleasure and power

Drugs and alcohol

            Science and technology

                        Idolatry and polytheism


 To those that wage their war against Judaism and Christianity they do not realize what they are actually seeking. To them it is ‘doing what they feel as right while denying others any right whatever.’


The truth is that the war is for our souls. They seek to deny us the right to enjoy the eternal life guaranteed us by God Himself, so they can enjoy the things of the earth with no restraints. It is their intent to ‘brainwash’ our children and remove all things that lead them to a life of happiness with God.


Some people assume that the Lord is with them for various reasons:


Because they were good

            Because they were church goers        

                        Because they were raised in a Christian home

Because the were not Muslim or Buddhist

            Because they thought they knew Jesus

                        Because they just ‘felt’ Christian.


If you truly know the Lord, are truly Christian, then you know that you, at one point and time of your life, accepted Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior and were, by that acceptance, born again!


You must open your eyes to what is happening in our world and make a conscious decision to do as the Lord has commanded. You must be willing to believe this in your heart and be even more willing to teach it to others!


Isaiah 43:10-11 “But you are my witnesses, O Israel!” says the Lord. “And you are my servant. You have chosen to know Me, believe in Me, and to understand that I alone am God. There is no other God; there never has been and never will be. I am the Lord, and there is no other Savior.”


Matthew 5: 14-15 You are the light of the world – like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don’t hide your light under a basket! Instead put it on a stand and let it shine for all.


 Acts 1:8 “But when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and will tell people about Me everywhere…to the ends of the earth.”


2 Timothy 2:2 Teach the older men to exercise self control, to be worthy of respect, and to live wisely. They must be strong in faith and be filled with love and patience.


 All these Words are Words given us by God Himself. Read, study and live by these Words and you will not only be seen as a Christian, you will be a TRUE Christian, and one that will not waver in the face of adversities that are being presented us.


The war being waged against us is for our eternal souls, but we will not fall for their untruths and, so called gods, as they are not gods at all, just superstitions unworthy of our respect!


(Closing prayer)


Almighty God, Creator of all there is, please accept our praise and worship. Please know that You are our one and only God and there is no other. There are men around us that make attempts to teach us otherwise for their own gain. We ask that You touch their hearts and allow them to utilize the faith You have given them to see You as the One and only God.


Heavenly Father, You were born to man and walked amongst us. You saw the rigors of life we face in our day to day journey of this life on earth. Strengthen us O Lord and allow us to be bold in the face of adversity with full knowledge that You are with us.


Father, we have asked for Your Divine forgiveness and have been cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ, You Son, our Lord and Savior. We ask that You open our eyes to all around us and with the power and wisdom given us by the Holy Spirit, we be bold in our representation of You.


No matter the pains and utter hatred cast upon us for our belief in You, strengthen us O Lord and see us as Your willing servants worthy of eternal life with You.. Make us eager to teach any that will listen to Your Word and Your willingness to forgive.


Father, we ask that You send Your angels to be with our sons and daughters in the military and protect them from harm. Be with our elected officials and guide their hearts. Be with our security services that seek to shield us from harm, with our judiciary and police forces, keep them safe and allow them to do Your bidding.

Abba, we ask that You intervene in the conflict in Ukraine and end the senseless killing of Your children. Touch the heart of Putin and awaken his heart to do Your bidding.

All these things we ask in the name of Jesus Christ who is One with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever,


Amen, amen and amen.


Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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