Wednesday, November 30, 2022


           Prescott, Arizona 86301





Wednesday –

November the 30th, 2022

Hebraic Year 5783



“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me” (Ezekiel 3:17).

The role of a watchman is to warn and teach.



I wrote the attached lesson on the 23rd Psalm as I walked thru my own Valley of the Shadows experience not all that long ago (I left the date on the lesson).  The Lord stripped me of almost everything along with deliberately closing every door so I was led to come to a full stop and wait.  Not easy.  Not fun a bit.  But His “working” in my life even removing virtually everything in my life steadily became an experience to which I cannot thank Him sufficiently – not that I petition the Lord to do it all over again! 


Several weeks ago, I began a home Friday night Shabbat meeting.  Shabbat in Hebrew mean Sabbath, a day of rest and worship giving thanks to our Lord for everything, and our lives in Him if we have so made that choice.  I attend a Messianic congregation comprised of Jews who have accepted and embraced Jesus the Messiah or Yeshua Ha’ Messiach in Hebrew, along with Gentiles (like me) who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and chose to fellowship in a Messianic congregation.  Not legalistic like we read in the Bible with the Pharisees and Sadducees with whom Jesus had strong words for and against, but a congregation of Believers choosing to study their roots in Christ, and enjoying learning and growing closer to His teaching along with smiles and praising the risen Lord of lords and King of kings.  My attached commentary was intended to be given to those attending our Friday night gathering so we could look at this critical psalm in a new light, especially as we face some great trials as a nation.


Rabbi Matt is leading a teaching on Friday nights preparing for the struggles we face and still coming, all the while, drawing closer to the Lord.  Walking thru a Valley of the Shadows is a humbling experience, and I firmly believe our nation is beginning this walk with darker steps ahead.  A preponderant amount of people in the church do not wish to hear anything about such struggles or Valley of the Shadows.  They simply are content with church and their lives neatly fixed in a box where everything makes sense, and the struggles and turmoil are on the outside.  Rabbi Matt is truly gifted in getting our attendees to look at what our Lord is already causing to unfold across this nation and the world.  Not out of fear or theatrics but presenting the truth in a form that even the original disciples would have sat and listen to, and then nodded their understanding and acceptance.  My commentary on the 23rd Psalm is but a small dimension in allowing our attendees to safely look at their lives, their walks with Christ, their struggles in a safe and non-judging environment.


I pray they enjoy looking at this favorite psalm from a unique perspective, but sending this to you will allow you to do likewise.  May you come to see Yeshua (Jesus) in a more personal manner as David learned.  May you come to know Yeshua as the True Shepherd and friend you may not have thought possible. 


A fellow Bondservant to the Lord,

              Dr. Lyle –



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