Monday, October 3, 2022



GOP’s Commitment to America: Another Gingrich PR Stunt?

Now it’s poltroon hot shot Kevin McCarthy leading the faithful with more “well thought out” words and the same old recycled plan that has done nothing. A Nation’s that safe. That is what the military and constitutional militia (Second Amendment) are all about. Congress does NOT have any authority to run rough shod over city police departments.

By Devvy

Now that we’ve tried the GREATER EVIL (again)

The whole world knows that Biden and Harris were chosen by the global communist cabal simply because they are both expendable useful idiots easily controlled by their puppet masters, and easily disposed of when they are no longer useful. Both are total simpletons who made their way to the top lying, cheating, sleeping, and stealing their way there.

By Lex Greene

Autumn Gold Backpack Adventure into Mt. Holy Cross

In late September, changes arrive in the High Country of the Rocky Mountains. A whisper of cool winds rustles through the trees. The mountain creeks run low over their rocky beds as the snowfields diminish from their summer melt. Forever green pines cover the mountains like a silent blanket.

By Frosty Wooldridge

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