Wednesday, October 19, 2022

 Jackie Juntti submits:

Once again the Jackson Press surprises me with an article from the past that fits as if it was just written today.

Please check it out on the Jackson Press page as it is a large article and too big to post in an email.


Jackie Juntti




MK Ultra and Modern Day Mind Control ~ The Battle for America’s Soul

It takes a VILLAGE (of idiots) to raise a child – to ensure they are all controlled by the same voice.  If you haven’t watched the movie, *Harrison Bergeron*, then I encourage you to do so so you can see what government run ‘anything’ does to a civilization.  IF Government runs anything – education, insurance, health CARE, manufacturing, environmental issues, anything at all – you can be assured it isn’t the best for humankind because earthly government is meant to destroy while enriching a few along the way.  Look for the PURE and CLEAN (takes a lot of effort to find now) and support it.

“Do not be fooled by a change in costumes of the actors on stage, or, the addition of a few new actors.  Watch the FOUNDATION they stand upon.”     Jackie Juntti  1-6-11


Matt 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Keep taking those Big Pharma drugs and make sure your kids swallow them too – and eat all that chemical laden food – and breath that Chem Trail Air and drink the polluted water…. You can’t get enough of it according to the pushers of all this crap.


Jackie Juntti

Part I: Battle for Our Minds and Our Bodies

Have you ever wondered why there is such a vicious and never-ending war being waged against non-toxic food, supplements, and alternative forms of healthcare? Have you ever wondered why an equally intense war is directed against those who profess faith in Jesus Christ? Have you ever wondered why believers who attempt to live their lives according to the words of Jesus and His apostles as recorded in the Bible are constantly ridiculed and called intolerant bigots, hate mongers, stupid, gullible, paranoid, arrogant, and extremists – the scourge of society? Have you ever wondered why those same kinds of derogatory words are applied to people who object to mandatory vaccination and those who insist on knowing what is in the food we eat?

Have you ever wondered why those who promote worldwide mandatory vaccination, unlimited use of GMO agriculture, and claim that the U.S. medical care system is the best in the world are always given center stage in any media conversation, while their opponents are made to look like fools?

This series will answer these questions and many more!


SNIP ,,,,  Go to the url above to read it all

Mind Control in America

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