Saturday, April 16, 2022

Trouble in Paradise After Kamala Harris Bottoms out in New California Poll

 Submitted by: J Cryots

Trouble in Paradise After Kamala Harris Bottoms out in New California Poll


Successful politicians typically have some "elite" skill. Usually, it's charisma, personal "likeability" and the ability to project empathy, especially for Democrats. Think "Bill Clinton" and "John F. Kennedy" . Other times it could be a superlative ability to communicate. Think "Ronald Reagan" and "Barack Obama". Others show a demonstration of clear leadership and a track-record of accomplishment - something ALL of the Founding Fathers had and most US Presidents possessed to some degree. Still others have stamina - they might NOT be the brightest bulbs and dynamic statesmen, but survive for decades on a "crafted" persona that should keep them on a back-bench but sometimes get accidently propelled into high-office. Think "Joe Biden". There are also a chosen few who are clever and manipulate "the system" for their own benefit and are geniuses at it, such as Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner and Chuck Schumer. These people make sure they are elected and constantly re-elected by judiciously employing the iron fist and velvet glove.

Kamala Harris is NONE of these. She has NO charisma, NO empathy, NO communication skills, NO track record of success, NO leadership skills and NO stamina. She is NOT clever and has, at best, a slightly-better-than-average IQ. Unlike politicians such as Donald Trump, she has NO work-ethic. She is NOT likeable. She was ONLY chosen for the VP slot because of her gender and mixed-race status and brought NOTHING otherwise to the election table, unlike every single VP candidate in the history of the US prior to 2020. Not only doesn't she have the "typical" skills of a politician, but her incompetence scares people.

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