Tuesday, April 5, 2022

"Biden blasted for agenda to give 'terrorist organization' legitimacy"

Submitted by: Robert Bowen via P McMillan

Biden/obama 'endorses' Iranian terrorist organization'


Subject: Biden/obama 'endorses' Iranian terrorist organization'


Actually, the “Mother of all terrorists groups” is the CIA. The CIA gave life to the IRGC. The CIA  installed the evil Shah who slaughtered many Iranians. Carter brought him here when the Iranian people wanted the Shah to stand trial for his crimes. Carter shielded him, and the Iranians stormed our embassy and took Americans hostage for over a year as a result. I’m sure y’all remember that. The Iranians have never forgotten, and they know what the CIA did.    

The CIA has never had anything to do with “intelligence.” It functions as a covert action wing for a President’s foreign advisors, who are appointed. It has been a terrorist organisation since its inception following WWII, wreaking havoc in governments around the world – installing regimes that are brutally responsible for millions of deaths, which again “the people” know it was the CIA who set it up. And the CIA is often led by people with strong connections to banks and investments. They can even finance themselves with the world-wide drug trade they established. 

What truly made it so bad was that it began with many former Nazis, like German General Reinhard Gehlen. Makes sense why it employs the same propaganda techniques as the Gestapo. One example is why we hear terms like “conspiracy theory” and “disinformation.” This is the media and Biden Bolsheviks using CIA terms as weapons to control flow of information. 

The more you intimately know about their clandestine activities around the world, the better you understand why we are called “the great satan.” The activities of the CIA created that moniker. 

Thanks Julia… 



Biden/obama 'endorses' Iranian terrorist organization'

"Biden blasted for agenda to give 'terrorist organization' legitimacy"


"A Harvard-educated scholar who is president of the International American Council on the Middle East is asking whether Joe Biden really wants his legacy to include a campaign to take the terrorists in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran off America's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.

The IRGC, after all, previously was labeled the "Mother of All Terrorist Groups" for its support for terror globally, as it is known for "organizing, supporting, training, arming and financing" militia groups that, in foreign nations, have launched wars, fomented unrest, attacked and invaded cities and assassinated political figures."


(This is clearly not Biden doing this as the mentally deficient biden can only do what his puppetmaster tells him to do and say, WAKE UP, AMERICA) !!!!!

Biden blasted for agenda to give 'terrorist organization' legitimacy (wnd.com)

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