Friday, March 18, 2022

It’s Not “COVID” – It’s 5G!

 Submitted by: Jackie Juntti

Now why does this not surprise me?  I have read so much about the DAMAGE being done via 5G.  One of my thoughts  has been that this 5G stuff is a part of the CYBER WAR taking place.  More of the preparation for those LEFT BEHIND to accept the *rules* of the Tribulation and the Anti-Christ.  

Jackie Juntti



It’s Not “COVID” – It’s 5G! (Video)










After nearly three years of interviews with a variety of scientists, doctors, weapons experts, nurses, along with reading various works such as Artur Firstenberg’s The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, I’m convinced that the roll out of 5G, which uses millimeter waves and have been used on the battlefield for years, is what has been the cause of people becoming sick.  This then leads to the idea that they need a shot, fraudulently referred to as a vaccine.

In the following video, you’ll hear from Hope and Tivon from Fix the World Project Morocco on how 5G appears to be the real culprit in the alleged pandemic.  It has nothing to do with a virus, but with technology being rolled out right in our midst.

According to them, Mexico has no 5G and therefore no “COVID.” Isn’t that interesting?

As weapons expert Mark Steele said, “It’s a weapon.”  It’s a silent weapon aimed at every part of our bodies and we don’t even know it.


Take a listen, and be sure to protect yourself from 5G, EMF and RF.

Consider that there have been dozens of studies over the concern of effects on human health by 5G.  Here’s one in Spanish that was produced in April 2020.

Correlation between 5g &amp… by Tim Brown


Just like the CONvid-1984 shots, not much research was completed by those seeking to make a profit on the health effects of their dangerous technology.

The Sons of Liberty’s nurse and nutritionist Kate Shemirani also got into big trouble when she hovered over the target at the beginning of the plandemic and spoke about 5G.  Remember this?

More recently, I posted another video that demonstrates just how dangerous this technology is among the people at the moment.


India: 32 Villagers Die In 20 Days – They Cut 5G Power Lines In Response (Video)

The reader can draw their own conclusions, but know this, if you are attempting to get your information from corrupt government agencies, corporations or the Mockingbird media, I ask you, when have they told you the truth?

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