"Fauci is a front man for Big Pharma. He controls academic lies, and has an incentive to support the fearmongering - he did it before with HIV and AIDS. He's a master at it...He's been there during Reagan, the Bushes, Obama; he's close to the Gates and all these other foundations. This guy's a lifer. HE IS DEEP STATE. HE'S DEEP STATE PHARMA" --Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
From: Mairi -- Some are calling Fauci "America's Joseph Mengele", and there may exist good reason for that....
I have found numerous search results that these experiments were carried out, resulting in the deaths of 200 children who were allegedly buried in a mass grave in New York to hide the 'evidence'. What was going on with beagle puppies PALES in comparison with what was going on with these innocent, poor children. I can't even IMAGINE that Fauci believed these experiments were legal, or justified.... Since, the word has come out that Bill and Melinda Gates, through their foundation, bribed the BBC to keep this documentary from the American public. It would appear that Gates and Fauci are in league with each other...
Gateway pundit posted an article about RFK, Jr. exposing this AGAIN. ( )
It has apparently been exposed in the past, but hasn't gained enough traction to make a difference. It should now! How much more will Fauci and Gates get away with....? This is so revolting..... every time I am forced to see Fauci's face, I see pure, unadulterated EVIL.
* GOD Bless *
You can listen to the BBC documentary Here:
The video is available in the second article I have linked here. I don't know how much more Americans are supposed to take before Fauci is indicted.... Bill and Melinda too.
Flashback: Fauci’s NIH funded experiments on AIDS orphans in New York City - by WorldTribune Staff, October 26, 2021
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health (NIH) approved drug trial experiments on hundreds of AIDS orphans in New York City. Over 200 of the orphans died during or after the experiments, according to Liam Scheff, the investigative reporter who broke the story.
The Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC) “began testing drugs on its orphan population in 1992, the same year they became a subsidiary of Columbia University’s Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Unit, under Dr. Anne Gershon,” Scheff noted. “In 2003, I went undercover inside the facility and saw the effects of the drugs on the children myself.”
Scheff broke the story in an article entitled The House that AIDS Built that first ran on
Scheff said his investigation found that the NIH and Columbia Presbyterian Hospital acted unethically.
The Associated Press reported in June 2005: “The government has concluded at least some AIDS drug experiments involving foster children violated federal rules designed to ensure vulnerable youths were protected from the risks of medical research.”
Fauci was the NIH AIDS Coordinator before being appointed as the first Director of the Office of AIDS research when the office was established in 1988. He served in that capacity until 1994. Fauci became director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in 1984 and still holds that position.
Scheff reported several deaths in children at the ICC during the drug trials, adding that “although the mainstream denied that any deaths were due to drug toxicity, they admit that over 200 children died.”
In 2005, the City of New York hired the VERA Institute to produce a final report on the drug trials. VERA was given no access to medical records for any of the children used in trials. Their report was published in 2008.
VERA reported that 25 children died during the drug studies, that an additional 55 children died following the studies (in foster care), and, according to Tim Ross, Director of the Child Welfare program at VERA (as of 2009), 29 percent of the remaining 417 children who were used in drug studies had died (out of a total 532 children that are admitted to have been used).
No payment or compensation was ever paid to any of the children used in the trials, or to their families, Scheff noted.
Many of the drugs (like AZT and its analogues) that were used in the experiments on the AIDS orphans in New York City had previously been approved for use in adults and “evidenced life-threatening and fatal toxicities,” Scheff reported. “So why put a drug with severe recorded toxicities into a population of black and Hispanic orphans?”
Scheff noted: “Incarnation’s orphans live at the bottom of the American class system. Often the children of drug users, they were born into ill health and poverty. Additionally (and like all AIDS patients), these children were, because of their HIV status, written off as a loss by the medical authority, before they even got a chance to live.”
Why wasn’t Fauci’s NIH interested in competitive AIDS research?
“That’s the billion-dollar question,” Scheff noted. “That is, if inexpensive micronutrients and competitive disease and treatment models prove more successful than the current research, it will represent a loss of billions for the AIDS drug and research industry.”
The Nuremberg Code Was put in place so ppl would NOT be FORCED or COERCED into medical treatments ever again
Jesus Walking On Water - Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt?
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