Monday, October 18, 2021

The Myth – The War on Terror

 Submitted by: Joseph Grisafi Jr

I sent this article a long time ago. I have since added a postscript. I read an article today and the except from the article is the postscript. It is near the end.

The Myth – The War on Terror – By Joe Grisafi

Postscript added 10/17/2021


After seventeen years and since the Twin Towers fell, how do you think the war on terror is going? Do you think there will be an end to this so-called war on terror? Do you think the loss of life so far has been worth the effort? Should America continue to support this war by throwing more money at it and continue to lose more American lives trying? Have you given it any thought? Have you tried to rationally and logically think about the reasons for this war? Why is it called “The War on Terror”?

Let’s first define what we are talking about – THE WAR ON TERROR. Here’s how Webster’s Third New International Dictionary defines the words - The War on Terror.

Definition of TERROR:  A state of intense fright or apprehension. One that inspires FEAR.

Definition of TERRORISM: The systematic use of TERROR as a means of coercion. An atmosphere of threat or violence.

Definition of TERRORIST: An advocate or practitioner of terror as a means of coercion. One who panics or causes anxiety: Alarmist.

Definition of TERRORIZE: To fill with terror or anxiety. To coerce by threat of violence.

So what this is conveying is that a terrorist, by means of coercion or threat of violence (terrorism), is trying to inspire or instill fear (terror) upon an individual, a group, or a country. A “terrorist” can be an individual, a group of people, mob, a gang armed with a goal or agenda to frighten another individual, group or country. So the idea of using “terrorism” to achieve this goal is a means to an end, a tactic used by the terrorist to bring about fear against those the terrorist hates. This tactic is used to achieve the terrorist’s agenda.

Definition of tactics: The science and art of maneuvering troops ships or aircraft in relation to each other and the enemy and of employing them in combat (strategy wins wars; wins battles. The art or skill of employing available forces with an end in view – power, control.)

Definition of War: A state of open and declared armed hostile conflict between political units (states or nations). War cannot exist between two counties unless each of them has its own government.

So what does it really mean, “The War on Terror”? The terrorist is using a tactic – FEAR - as a means of achieving his agenda. The opposing side is using “war”, open and declared armed hostility, to fight this tactic. So in essence, the opposing side is fighting a “tactic”, not an individual, not a state, not a country. It’s fighting a “tactic”. How does the opposing side fight a “tactic” and expect to win the war? This is a never ending struggle. Is it a "war" or a means to an end - an agenda?

Terrorism can be used by anyone willing to instill fear against another. Examples can be “the son of Sam”, David Berkowitz. Remember him from the 1970’s? Sam was a murderer who preyed on innocent people that parked their car in New York’s Central Park. Others include Charles Manson, Timothy McVey, the Boston Marathon, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, and the Internal Revenue Service. To name a few more would be the NSA, BLM and other letters. The Bureau of Land Management has been terrorizing western land owners for decades. The tactic of using fear can be used by anyone in order to achieve their goal. Doesn’t this sound a lot like what our government is doing to its own citizens?

We are engaged in a never ending war against a “tactic” that is used to instill FEAR - TERROR. Does this sound rational? We are not fighting an entity. We are fighting a nonentity. In other words a plan, a belief, a conviction. Is this "winnable"? 

Postscript: A magazine “Modern Conflict”, War on Terror – June 2021.

The article titled “The Forever War”.

The forward in large print is as follows:

“After almost two decades of fighting, the war in terror has evolved into new areas and new tactics.  Today, in 2021 governments across Europe and the United States are funding new counter-terrorist units and investing in intelligence systems to track and trace terrorist suspects. Since the 9:11 attacks a catalogue or terror incidents have taken place across the world from America to Australia and provided the platform for extremists to vent their hate.

In 2014, coalition combat operations ended in Afghanistan leaving the Afghan National Army to protect and secure the country. A reduced multi-national force remained to train and advise the Afghan army and the Peshmerga in the north in order that they can provide a strong security presence across the country as the Taliban, AlQaeda and Islamic State fight for regional control. In 2020 the Taliban signed a deal in a ‘what was seen as’ a pathway to peace. But there has been no call from Islamic State to negotiate and there is little appetite in the west to consider talking to them or others.”

So why did I add this postscript after writing the original article many years ago? Read the title of this article again and then read the original paragraph that begins, “So what does it really mean?” Is it any wonder why it’s called “The Forever War”? How does one fight “terrorism” and expect to win? Terrorism is not something that can be defeated. Terror, or the act of creating FEAR will never end as long as evil exists.

Yet, funds are being used along with other resources to find intelligent systems to track and trace terrorist suspects. If we find the suspects and kill them does this put an end to terrorism? Will this mean that no one will inspire FEAR any longer?

The thought here is that what we call it is a misnomer. “The War on Terror” is a deceptive title used to appease the citizens because on that day we were all fearful of what is and what could be. So the title was chosen.

Another thought is that our government loves wars. And wars make many people very wealthy. So the people were deceived and the politicians are loving this NEVER ENDING - FOREVER - WAR ON TERROR.

WHAT are we fighting? Yes, the question is WHAT NOT WHO.  

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