Saturday, October 30, 2021


 Submitted by: Jackie Juntti

A decade or so ago I wrote a commentary about the entry of ILLEGALS coming across our Southern border.  My solution was heavily attacked by the SPLC.  Type in my name - SPLC in a search engine and you can find it - including the lies the SPLC likes to use to support its' lies.


I will rephrase my initial 'solution' to ending the invasion here and see if the SPLC tries another attack on me.  I will hold up my reputation over the SPLC any day of the week.  TRUTH is an unknown character trait of all at the SPLC.


With the news filled with information related to the MASSIVE caravans of foreign INVADERS who have already entered and many more on the way - coming from all over the world.  How this FAUX administration has, and continues to do everything short of flying them in from the nation they come from has set out the WELCOME MAT to every ILLEGAL that they can reach.... all with the help of the LAME STREAM MEDIA 


Not only have they set out the WELCOME MAT but they have then loaded them on planes, trains, busses and relocated them nationwide - making EVERY STATE a Border State.


This ENEMY IN OFFICE has mandated poisons for the American people but no such things for the ILLEGALS they are welcoming in.  Talk about SUPER SPREADERS.  Not even testing them to see what diseases they are bringing in to infect Americans.


My solution a decade or so ago was to line the border with ARMED people to make sure that no language barrier would preclude a clear understanding that they were not to enter.  A border WALL helps but an ARMED and active trigger finger on those on our side - pointed South - solidifies the already understood fact that the border is their stopping point.   Bullets flying at someone sends a STRONG MESSAGE to all people.  CLEAR and WELL UNDERSTOOD - no need for a special language.


Reports have already come forth of the Cartels shooting at Americans on our side of the border.  So -  let's return the fire.


The Biden Servants of Satan have now come up with an even BIGGER invitation to the ILLEGALS.  Money  -  LOTS OF MONEY - $475,000.- for EACH FAMILY MEMBER.   Since The BUYDEM financial mind (??) fails to understand finances - the reality of such - this is just some numbers they love to spend.  Since they love to use TRILLION I am surprised they didn't use that in this instance.


I have made up my mind that this bunch of SERVANTS OF SATAN is in office to destroy this nation from the inside.


What would have happened in WW1 or WW11 if our soldiers had stood up out of the trenches and threw money at the enemy that was firing live ammo at them?  That is what this bunch occupying our political offices in America is doing.  That is why I contend that this bunch is really THE ENEMY WITHIN -  doing everything they can to totally destroy America and all who are trying hard to protect it.     Dementia BUYDEM is the infamous TROJAN HORSE.

The Trojan Horse  is one of history's most famous tricks. The Greeks were laying siege to the city of Troy, and the  horse, which they left outside the city. The Trojans believed the horse was a peace offering and dragged it inside their city.    I think this is also why the huge push to defund and reduce the police forces nationwide.  


Forcing this recent fraudulent election to be decertified and a new election to be held NOW with a full cleansing of the voter roles to cleanse it of the faux registrants.  NO MORE MAIL IN BALLOTS and only paper ballots to be used....  no more computerized ballots.  I have long advocated for a total purging of the registered voter roles every 4 or 6 years - forcing all to re-register in order to vote in the next election.  That would clean out the dead - the moved and the ghost voters.  Only those who REALLY cared would go to vote on election day and that is how it should be.

I have not found or heard of any mention of America in The Last Days which indicates to me that America will not be a player like those who are mentioned in the Bible.  BUYDEM and his financial supporters (Soros - Gates - Suck A Booger -  etc) are some of Satans most faithful servants, JUDASES.  Their destruction of Gods' creation with their DNA altering JABS - their financial destruction of this nation is moving ahead at warp speed.  The DARK MONEY has bought politicians and many judges.


As long as our borders are open - with the Payments luring more ILLEGALS and with a SWAMP filled with Servants of Satan - I have to repeat my constant plea to all of you who haven't CONFESSED, Acknowledge Christ as the Risen Son of God and ask Christ into your heart - becoming a BORN AGAIN Believer.  Failing to do so or thinking you can DELAY doing it will assure your spending eternity in the Lake of Fire rather than in the New Jerusalem with Christ.


Treat those Invaders as you would treat someone breaking into your home to destroy all you have - including your family members.  You won't do it with hands full of $$$$ -  only a well armed home owner can prevent the destruction.


Jackie Juntti

It isn't who you are -  It is WHOSE you are ! ! ! !

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