Saturday, September 25, 2021

WARGAMES: Biden Pushes Forward with Plan to Put 30% of U.S. Land Off Limits, Including Private Property

 I sent out an article about this months ago. Now they are not holding back and are pushing forward.

I included my article below.

And we're still pussy-foot'n around not achieving a damn thing.

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WARGAMES: Biden Pushes Forward with Plan to Put 30% of U.S. Land Off Limits, Including Private Property

Killing America. G-d help us.

Biden Pushes Forward with Plan to Put 30% of U.S. Land Off Limits, Including Private Property

The federal government currently controls 13% of all the land in the United States. That’s a big chunk, but Joe ...

30 BY 30 AND 50 BY 50

While we bitch about Fauci the left is planning their next move. While we bitch about election fraud the left is plotting their next strategy. While we bitch about the virus the left is preparing their next maneuver.  We bitch, gripe and complain while the left plans an agenda with substance.

Deception: “…anything that deceives whether by design or illusion.

How many of you have heard the new buzz phrase 30 by 30 or 50 by 50? I would bet that many have not. I have not heard anyone speak of it yet. It’s an agenda that the progressives are working on and have been working on for years. Now the push to act on this agenda is being intensified.

Here are a few names that are involved: Hans Wyss, Sen Tom Udall, Bruce Babbitt, Sally Jewell, Gov. Gavin Newsom and more.

While we play word games with Fauci, election fraud, etc., the left are doing things of “substance” – things that will destroy our country, our freedom and WE THE PEOPLE.

According to a Geological survey “ONLY” 12 percent of America’s land – about 200 million acres, including 111 million acres of Federal wilderness – is in a “natural state”, with 32 percent of ocean in the same “natural” condition.

Now can you guess what the 30 by 30 and 50 by 50 means?

House Resolution 835 – To “establish a national goal of conserving at least 30 percent of the land and ocean of the United States by 2030”. Rep. Debra A. Haaland (D-NM) is the lead sponsor. That’s a jump from 12 percent to 30 percent in the next 9 years. And by 2050, 50 percent will be “natural”. Think about that.

If they want to do 30 by 30 by 2030 guess what they will do by 2050?

I, as well as others know we are being deceived. I have continually expressed my opinion about us fighting the wrong battles. We battle with words and nothing of substance. The left puts actual substance behind their agenda.  We bitch, gripe and complain about Fauci, election fraud, the virus and more and we think we’re making the left mad by doing so. I believe that to be a false assumption. They love how we’re distracted – how we’re pre-occupied with our rants while they screw us and we are unaware we’re being screwed.

Ask yourself “How will they do this by 2030 and 2050?” How are they going to get all that land?

It should already be known that BLM has been after ranch land for many years. BLM has been harassing ranchers and farmers for many years with one goal in mind. BLM is accountable to no one.

There is more to this story than meets the eye. Conservation easement plays a big part in who will acquire the land. In short, if one is rich enough, one can buy a dream property, then immediately flip off a conservation easement (with proper provisions for a lodge, guest cottage, and other improvements) and grab millions in tax breaks. Who stands ready to help? Western Landowners Alliance, of course. This can turn millionaires into billionaires and billionaires into trillionaires almost overnight. How much land does Bill Gates now own? Right here is the reason he has purchased over 200,000 acres of land. Sell it all off to conservative easement and make billions. He is now a trillionaire.

Here’s the cold hard reality – conservation easements are a terrible deal for actual producers stuck with paying their bills – and taxes – by growing food. It’s a win for the rich who purchase the land for conservation.

Footnote: Range Magazine, summer 2021


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