Tuesday, July 20, 2021



Joe Biden got one warning from Wall Street that could hammer your bank account

All hell broke loose when this general compared Donald Trump to Hitler

Pastor Makes Shocking Lockdown Discovery

This Trump judge just smacked down the Democrats with this stinging defeat

Donald Trump dropped one bombshell about Ashli Babbitt that has all hell breaking loose

Please read the message below from our sponsor, Divine Origins.

Pastor Makes
Shocking Lockdown Discovery…
They shut down the economy…
They forced our Churches to close…
And they’re restricting our God-given right to praise and worship.
What’s next?
Our right to choose what’s best for our health?
 "Over my dead body," said Andrew Truman, a renegade pastor who’s stirring up a storm in the medical world.
His recent arthritis remedy has gotten him a lot of unwanted attention from Big pharma. And when I asked him about it, he said “it’s your body. God gave it to you to protect. Not the Government! I won’t let the lockdown prevent me from preaching. And I won’t let it prevent me sharing this remedy...”
He showed me his controversial remedy, and frankly, I was skeptical.
It went against everything my doctor told me about pain relief and how the body heals itself.
But pastor Andrew’s shocking Biblical proof made me reconsider everything…
And after hearing the inspiring story about how this remedy “saved his wife’s life”, I understand why pastor Andrew isn’t letting the lockdown, or Big Pharma, block him from sharing it with the world.
“At first the lockdown had me angry, but then I realized it was just a blessing in disguise…”
According to the pastor, the lockdown forced him to look for more creative ways of preaching and sharing his message. And it inspired him to create a video so that he can “reach millions of Americans” instead of his small congregation.
View Pastor Andrew’s Controversial Message.
Inside you’ll discover all the details about the arthritis remedy that has Big Pharma lawyers working to silence him…

Including the 2,000 year old translation error in the Bible that pastor Andrew discovered…

And why the Government (led by Obama) worked to keep it a secret from the public.

Discover This Shocking Biblical Remedy

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