Sunday, June 13, 2021

MPN 06/12/2021


Daily Update #154- Saturday June 12, 2021
Great day Patriot,

Today for Small Business Saturday, you will get to learn about Quantum Growth Hacking from a very successful business owner.

As you may or may not know, your business is a reflection of you as the owner.

The best and fastest way to grow your business is by growing YOU!

Expand your vision of yourself, who you are and what you are capable of.

You will learn from a great example in the video below.


P.S. You will also get to see some other incredible growth hacks from Master Lama Rasaji & Jimmie Schwinn in their newest episode of The Patriot & Lama Show below! 
“Tough times never last, but tough people do.”
Each one of us has more power and more potential than we are realizing.

It is a daily journey for me to continue to grow, expand and see myself in a new and improved way.

Personal and business development is an ongoing process.

That is why you have to enjoy the process!

It’s all a process.

May you have a wonderful, enlightening weekend.

God Bless
Today’s Tip
Tip of the day: Become more selfish. Let me clarify. Become more selfish, without violating the rights of others.

That is one lesson I learned from Mark Evans DM. He has a new book coming out called “The MEconomy” and it talks about creating and focusing on your own economy.

The stock market isn’t looking out for you. The government isn’t looking out for you. You have to take matters into your own hands. This includes your income, your health and your overall way of life.

The misconception is when a person is selfish, they assume that means they steal from others. Nope!

When you are truly selfish, focusing on what’s most important to you, then you can be of greater service to others! That’s the mindset of most good, self made successful entrepreneurs.
Steve Lepkowski led a team of engineers at Texas Instruments and helped them secure patents for 2G, 3G and 4G.

Now he's helping humanity with his knowledge. Learn more here.
Sheriff Richard Mack is continuing his great work to restore Liberty in America, county by county.

If you're in the United States, or even if you're not, watch Sheriff Mack's latest update here.
Master Lama Rasaji is one of only 12 Master Lamas in the entire world. He lived and trained at the original Tai Chi Gung Lamasery in Tibet.

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