Sunday, June 13, 2021

ARIZONA TODAY 06/13/2021


I am most privileged to reintroduce a gentleman with whom I have had the great pleasure of knowing and working with since November 2020, Col. Phil Waldron.  Col. Waldron has graciously accepted several invitations to appear on ARIZONA TODAY, and our conversations are never a let-down to the program viewer.  Your letters support and cheer him on, and your prayers for his safety and continued gathering of critical information are remarkable. 

On his behalf, thank you America for your truly touching support and prayers.  The links below will take you to the latest program and conversation, and we do provide you with new and credible information as I promised we would.  Col. Phil Waldron is a true American Patriot, an incredibly gifted professional, and a most sincere and unpretentious gentleman.  I am sincerely privileged to know Phil. 

       Please continue to pray for the deliverance of our Nation from a most diabolical attack.  Please pray seeking whether you are led to continue supporting ARIZONA TODAY so I may continue bringing you very gifted and dedicated individuals who are fighting the good fight to save our country from the Marxist influence sweeping our Land.  Please consider making your checks or sending cash as you have, to:  Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. C/O Prescott eNews, P.O. Box 2825, Prescott, Arizona 86338.  Know I tithe off of each contribution.  Thank you, America…thank you! 


Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.




Host and Commentator


Anita Cohen
Editor, Prescott eNews

P.O. Box 2825, Prescott, AZ 86302


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