Monday, May 3, 2021

Chi-COMS have infiltrated US, UK, Australia, Big Pharma and others...

 Submitted by: Ruth Hammons

Multiple international news outlet today have confirmed the existence of a list of nearly 2 million Chinese Communist Party members that contains many hundreds of thousands of names of individuals who live and work in the West, including at top defense contractors, medical research and supply companies, financial institutions, and other critical roles throughout the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia.

In the United Kingdom, and potentially the United States, The Daily Mail confirmed that Rolls Royce, HSBC, Jaguar Land Rover, Boeing, Airbus, French defense contractor Thales, HSBC, Standard Chartere, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline all employ members of the CCP.

Meanwhile, The Australian confirmed that the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ), the second largest bank in Australia, has at least 23 CCP employees.

Interestingly, ANZ told The Australian that it does not prohibit its employees from joining political parties or groups, despite the CCP requiring its members to swear loyalty to the Communist Party and its leadership and be willing to give their life for the Party.

The list was “extracted from a Shanghai server by Chinese dissidents” and whistleblowers in April of 2016, and was then “leaked in mid-September to the newly-formed international bi-partisan group, the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China” who then provided it to The Australian, The Daily Mail in the United Kingdom, Der Standaard in Belgium, and a yet unnamed publication in Sweden.đź””THE LIBERTY DAILY

The Conservative Alternative to the Drudge Report  |  December 13, 2020

Abridged quote: But the evidence is hiding in plain sight, and the facts won’t vanish just because we ignore them.
~~Robert J. Samuelson, Newsweek, September 05, 2007 

The American people are asleep at the wheel. The blame is not totally their’s, but they do bare the brunt of 
the blame. The mainstream media does not report what is happening within our economy or the geopolitical 
arena, unless they can spew on and on about the endless rainbows, unicorns and how “America is the greatest 
and Putin is the devil.” No depth of coverage, nothing of real value reported, so the American people are left 
ignorant  andwanting for truth. When you work 2 or more part time jobs, are struggling with keeping a roof over 
your head and the kids need new shoes, it becomes a challenge to seek the truth even though you know the 
“report” Brian Williams just delivered is a fabricated piece of fantasy. There is almost no truth to be found in the
American mainstream media.   
  ~~Paul Craig Roberts Warns "Everything Is Disintegrating,"  December 2o, 2015       

Opus 2021  1 Pax Pacifica Redux  2:58
April 11, 2021

We have had a government very much like China has.  One of my daughters has a friend whose father is a big shot in the Chinese government.  
She grew up in wealth and got the best education in China.  She hates Communism and that's why she lives in the U.S.!  She makes very good 
money with the education she got in China.  She told my daughter that there are very rich Chinese in the Government and in business in that 
country.  We have the same thing here.  Capitalism for the Elite and Communism for the serfs.  We are being ruled by a corporation and we 
don’t have a Republic anymore.  We all knew there was something very wrong. Some of us knew more than others but we all knew something 
was not right. That's why we elected Trump and he was the one who was going to bring down the Corporation Swamp.  The Swamp fought 
Trump for 4 years and the only way they could win was by a coup that they carried out by bringing a pandemic from their friend the 
Chinese Communist Party and by a coup d' etat by cheating at the polls.  The cat is out of the bag and all the suppression they exert will not 
stop us from knowing what these tyrannical thugs are doing to us and our country.

April 21, 2021

The China - United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) was founded by the Vice - Chairman of the “highest-ranking entity overseeing” Chinese Communist Party’s United Front Department, an effort which aims to “co - opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority” of the Chinese government. “The United Front strategy uses a range of methods to influence overseas Chinese communities, foreign governments, and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies,” the U.S. government report continues.


Private Dinners.

In addition to CUSEF - sponsored travel, outlets also met with CUSEF officials and the BLJ CEO in various U.S. cities including New York, Washington, D.C., and Chicago. Often times, the meetings were described as “private dinners” in FARA filings.


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