Monday, May 3, 2021


 Submitted by: M Mulukin

Pope Francis hangs blasphemous image of a 'nude Jesus' caressing Judas behind his desk at the Vatican.


In an article titled "Judas and the Scandal of Mercy," L'Osservatore Romano dedicated the first three pages of its edition the day before Good Friday to a makeover of the disciple who betrayed the Son of God at the Passover.

The author of the lead editorial, Andrea Monda, said the paper chose this year to honour the "most tragic and unsettling" figure of the Gospel.

Monda explains that the author of this painting is a French Roman Catholic who became impressed by Francis' words praising the Traitor in his book "When You Pray, Say Our Father."

The artist imagines that after Jesus was crucified, He would have returned to life immediately, gone to the fig tree and taken down Judas' body and ministered to it. Monda also reports that Francis loved this painting so much that he has placed it on the wall behind his desk along with another representing Judas.

The inside pages of the Vatican paper feature a sermon by Primo Mazzolari saying that he believes Judas was forgiven by Our Lord; a brief comment by Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini on Mazzolari's sermon, saying that each of us can have a Judas inside himself; a text by Giovanni Papini arguing that Judas must have had an ulterior motive to betray Christ because 30 silver coins did not have that great a worth; and a text by Giuseppe Berto impersonating Judas who affirms that Jesus owes His glorification to him

London Street Preacher Arrested For Preaching 'Only Two Genders' From Genesis!



Arrested Whatever one’s personal views on homosexuality might be, it is surely pertinent to ask what kind of nation Britain has become that the minister of a Christian church is arrested for upholding in the public square the very truths which Her Majesty the Queen promised to uphold in her Coronation Oath in 1953, with a Bible in her hand?’ Rule Britannia no more?

Presbyterian Church USA and Anti-Israel Actions.


30 April 2021

When 'Presbyterian' becomes synonymous with Jew-hate. ....

The Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) has been gradually moving to the radical left spectrum. Moderates have been leaving the church in droves in recent decades. As of 2019, the PCUSA membership numbered 1.3 million, down from 3.1 million in 1993.


Its radical social justice agenda has come at the expense of traditional values. Chased away by the radicalization of the church, many have found the evangelical (Protestant) churches far more appealing. The issues that the PCUSA officialdom has been involved with go beyond domestic issues, such as taking sides in the Israeli-Arab Palestinian conflict.


The church officialdom has supported Palestinian Muslim terrorists, seeking to undermine the Jewish state by condemning Israel’s efforts to protect its citizenry from Arab-Palestinian killers. The “woke” PCUSA is enamoured with radical Arab Palestinians whom the PCUSA has designated as “victims.”



Gross Immorality.


By Jim Fletcher  - 01 May 2021 Excerpted

We all know how bad things are, but let’s look at just a single example that would shake a vintage evangelist.

The United Methodist Church has been off the rails for a very long time. The mainline denomination has not only winked at homosexual lifestyles, supported political candidates that advocate for abortion, and embraced theological liberalism; anti-Israel fervour has been at fever-pitch for at least 25 yearsThe UMC is now openly supporting full-blown perversion.

From a report at Reformation Charlotte:

“One United Methodist Church in Bloomington, IL has announced that a drag queen–a man who dresses as a woman for perverted sexual pleasure–is a candidate for the pastorate. Isaac Simmons, [pictured above] who is on staff at Hope Church, regularly dresses in his pervert garb on Sunday mornings”.

“This past Sunday, Simmons dressed in his usual garb to celebrate his sexual abnormality as the church gathered virtually to celebrate ‘Drag Sunday.’”

On the church’s website, one is slapped in the face with this blaring message: “On The Move Together: A Drag Queen's Prayer.” Ahead of the January event, Simmons wrote this:

All bodies hold the ability to meditate upon the current reality, the hopeful future, and the unknown distance which dwells between the two. Today, a drag queen, by the name of Ms. Penny Cost, brings a word of hope for such a time as this. As we embark into the beginnings of a new year, a new presidency, and a new age of distanced connection, she reminds us that we are not alone. In times of low energy, in systems meant to tear us apart; the grace and love from the Divine, remains present.”

Get it, Penny Cost?

This blasphemous attitude is right out in front. My goodness, if people sitting at a Billy Graham Crusade in 1958 could have heard this, they no doubt woudn’t even know what a “drag queen” was.

Simmons studies at Illinois Wesleyan University and also hopes to be ordained in the UMC (which will no doubt happen). In the process of telling the world that he is a homosexual, Simmons also become interested in spiritual formation, social equity, and—wait for it—community development. It sounds like Barack Obama’s bio.

Not surprisingly, Hope Church began as an outgrowth of the “LGBTQ” community in Bloomington, Illinois in 2013. The timeline on the church’s website states that the congregation committed to being part of the “resistance movement” within the UMC, three years ago.

Someone should tell them their views have been mainstream in the denomination for decades. In fact, only a handful of theologically conservative congregations could qualify for resistance status, as they futilely cling to the hope the UMC will reform.

Anyway, Hope Church and their perverse community developers also have signalled a disturbing goal: launching a children’s ministry. How tragic and horrific.

Would that the church was biblically faithful and would teach their children and adults about true Pentecost, and not the delusions of devils.

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