Saturday, January 2, 2021

WND NEWS BRIEF 01/02/2021


What if Biden concedes on Jan. 6?
Crazy, I know. ... But even crazier is the depth of corruption among our elites. Read more…
Sorry, but I don't believe in the 'new strain' of coronavirus
The 'experts' no longer deserve to be believed. Read more…
The New Year's <em>Revolution!</em>
Trump's out. We the People need to take care of things ourselves. Read more…
Marching orders for the New Year: Walk with God
Enoch lived a godly life in an ungodly time. So how did he do it? Read more…
The rock of England
It's possible to live in the public eye, deal with family problems and still maintain class. This lady does it. Read more…
WND News Services
These reports are produced by another news agency, and the editors of WND believe you'll find it of interest.
My top-5 wishes for 2021
What if there were a definitive, indisputable outcome to the presidential election? Read more…
When smart technology becomes stupid … and invasive
Here's a wise New Year's Resolution: Go LOW tech! Read more…
Biden returning to Obama scheme to take control of police departments
Barack Obama established many precedents while he was in the White House for eight years, including that he had his Department of Justice place more police departments under federal control... Read more…

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