Saturday, January 2, 2021


 Rick, Stop!

Rick Warren 2

By Jim Fletcher   02 January 2021

Not long after claiming—from his perch in Newsom’s CALIFORNIA—that churches aren’t being persecuted by “Covid” restrictions, Rick Warren is showing again his obedience to his State masters.

Now, Pastor Rick claims that American Christians/evangelicals do not care about black people after they’re born, and that we also generally lack discernment. In an interview with the rancidly ‘’Woke’’ Relevant magazine, Warren made these alarming accusations:

What I see is a lot of people only care about Black people if they’re in the wombThey don’t care about Black people once they’re born. I’m going, ‘No, no, no, no. You’ve got to care about that little girl after she’s born.’ That’s a subtle racism and you just need to own up to it”.

Christians today lack biblical discernment. They’re making decisions based on political values rather than biblical values. This is a real problem. The whole election, regardless who you voted for, revealed that most Christians don’t have a biblical worldview. They don’t vote from a biblical worldview. They vote from a political worldview. Their identity comes primarily from politics. It’s partisan.”

I believe we are now seeing the Big Eva, Church Growth Movement titans coming out into the open, brazenly, showing their allegiance to the political Deep State. I really do.

Warren and his ilk carry water for politicians that despise “Flyover Country” and Trump supporters that also populate many of our nation’s churches. Warren has to stoke the grievances of Millennial egotists and minority rabble-rousers that claim to speak for their whole communities. The truth is, most blacks get along just fine with whites and vice versa. We recognize that the nation began the long process of healing from slavery 150 years ago.

(Warren & Friends help stoke race wars by their smarmy affirmations of people like Alexandria Casio-Cortez and BLM leadership. This week comes word that Boston is rejecting a statue of Abraham Lincoln because…he was white!)

Rick Warren 3

Like Andy Stanley—an evangelical puppet for the Obama Administration—Warren placates race-baiters in and outside evangelicalism. His statements featured here ensure that young people begin to actually believe in America’s “systemic racism.”

Here is just a snippet of evidence that Warren and his famous Saddleback Church was bankrolled originally by humanistic sources; this from Paul Smith’s New Evangelicalism:

“The secular Lilly Foundation granted funds to be used at Rick Warren's extension campus of the Golden Gate Seminary, located on the Saddleback Church grounds. The grant funded a computer system to track the worldwide growth of all Purpose Driven protégé church participants.”

So the political forces aligned with spiritual forces to influence evangelical pastors like Rick Warren. More from Smith:

“[Peter] Drucker was Rick Warren's mentor for developing and implementing the Purpose Driven model for the church. It was a major paradigm shift from the Lord's New Testament pattern to a Drucker driven pattern whose presuppositions were steeped in Kierkegaardian, Zen, Confucian, and postmodern thinking. The spiritual deception is overwhelming and sad beyond words!”

This mishmash of worldview has brought us to this point. Evangelical superstar pastors have crafted a new religion, one that has a veneer of Christianity, but is in reality baked into a humanistic cake that is contributing to the rise of the antichrist.

Politically, they despise Trump and his supporters, and religiously, leaders like Warren (and especially Warren) embrace left-wing propaganda.

It is diabolical.

Pope at Angelus: Entrust yourselves to Mary for a united world…..

Francis Mary

02 January 2021

Pope Francis went on to explain that throughout our journey along the paths of time, “the reassuring and consoling gaze of the Blessed Virgin Mary” is one of encouragement as we entrust our anguish and torment to her, “who can do all things”.

Mary looks at us with the same maternal tenderness with which she looked at her son Jesus, and this gaze is “an encouragement”, he said.

This gaze, ensures that this time “given to us by the Lord” can be one that is spent “for our human and spiritual growth”, the Pope continued; a time “to iron out hatred and divisions”; “to feel that we are all more brothers and sisters”; “to build and not to destroy” and “to take care of one another and of creation”.

Concluding his New Year Angelus reflection, Pope Francis prayed that the Virgin Mary “obtain for us from heaven the precious good of peace” and expressed his hope that “peace will reign in people's hearts and families; in places of work and leisure; in communities and nations”.

Finally the Pope wished all the faithful, and everyone throughout the world, “a happy and peaceful 2021: a year filled with confident expectation and hope”.

The Roman Catholic teaching on Mary is something that all Catholics should flee from, as fast as their feet will take them.

Mary does not intercede for us to Jesus, her 'gaze' as far as your eternal soul goes is meaningless and worthless, and she will not 'put in a good word' for you to God based on the ridiculous premise that 'no son can refuse a request from their mother'.

The bible rebukes all such heresy, in both testaments, and you should too, if you believe the bible more than you believe a childless 'father' in a fish hat.

Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to deceitful spirits, and doctrines of demons; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 1 Timothy 4; 1-2

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