Saturday, December 26, 2020


 Submitted by: Craig Maus

From: Charles Demastus []
Sent: Friday, December 25, 2020 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: Reply: My two cents .... 


Luongo: End The Great American Myth - Secession, Not Revolution 


Sharing the above w/ALL bcc herein Chuck w/Permission to Forward: 


Folks are only NOW beginning to understand what our Confederate Society has been calling for & declaring for nearly  



Equally, our calls for such were always based upon that which our Society 


and resulting from, as the Author of the Article above has come to understand, the 

Political RECONSTRUCTION of America following Lincoln’s Concocted & Illegal War concluding in 1865. 


It was in FACT, America’s SECOND REVOLUTION. 


The conditions that were arising & building long before 1860 rolled around when our First State legally Seceded, 

were engrained in the Identical Fiber that has now definitively destroyed the American Republic- 

Taxes & Tariffs to pay for the Grandiose Power associated with the Rich & Greedy in order to pursue 

their dais of a perpetual ideological hegemony. 


The only difference between then and now was that a  

Confederate Military stood up in Defense of their Illegal Intentions & subsequent Invasion and said: 



At its conclusion, President Davis said: 

“The CAUSE for which we Fought is One Day Bound to reassert Itself.” 

It Has!!! 


As per Jimmy Ward’s excellent explanation to Ms. Seales herein & below regarding  

Secession vs. Separation, 

IS ALSO WHAT MOST Americans have NEVER been able to understand with respect to, again, 

what our Confederate Society has also been saying over 30 years… 


That our former States of the Confederation REMAIN in a State of Separation

We have already seceded and because of the Laws Imposed upon us Afterwards by  

this National and No longer Government of the Republic, 

Might does NOT make Right nor 

Does it change a Damn thing with respect to that which occurred PRIOR to 1861 

including the language within the U.S. Constitution and Our Original State Constitutions that similarly existed PRIOR. 


We have also noted that Our Government of the Confederation 

was NEVER SURRENDERED afterwards. 

Again, MOST PEOPLE do NOT understand the Significance of this. 


Finally, our Confederate Society also said: 

“Unless we SEPARATE, a Holocaust of major proportion will be forced upon us.” 


The Author herein & above has apparently ‘come to grips’ with our Position & Agrees in Totality. 

He lays it out in this one article as we have been laying it out in DETAIL with Facts for nearly 30 years. 


America has been Sold Out Lock, Stock and Proverbial Barrel. 

America as a result is OWNED by EVERYONE and the 2-Party Duopoly is simply  

Opposite Wings of the Same Bird less a Few here & there and the  

Crooks & Thieves are about to sit in the Highest Offices. 


Again, I would suggest to ALL that they re-read Jimmy’s reply to Ms. Seales. 


America has been brought to its knees thanks to a cavalcade of pretenders masquerading 

as ‘representatives’ who have been ‘enshrining’ themselves at the People’s expense for Decades on end! 

In the process they have slept with every Oligarch the world over while blowing smoke up our backsides. 


It has been a slow & deteriorating death for the Republic & it is now on Life-Support. 


The SOUTH was made to look like the Bad Guy because the  

TRUTH associated with our Purpose was too Damning… 

Thus it was imperative upon the Swamp to castigate us at ALL costs and every bit the same as they did to Trump. 


They had to shut us UP and have used a number of their Special Interest Henchman to do their

Dirty Work for them. 

To this Day, we have YET to have Our Day in Court relative to our former Separation that REMAINS IN EFFECT as noted. 


“Those People” want NO part of ‘Hearing’ our position and have spent the last 60 years,

 in particular, in aggressively demonizing us in order to prevent YOU from ever hearing Our Side! 


I will say again, 

We Must Separate!!! 


This futile talk of ‘wait until the ‘2022’ & ‘2024’ elections’ is equally a FARCE  because, by then, 

ANYTHING & EVERYTHING ever associated with ‘We the People’ 

will have been altered or made Illegal and any attempt to dispense of what “Those People” 

will have done by then, will likewise be an exercise in Futility. 


The Crooks in Charge will move quickly. 

The first thing up will be Our GUNS! 


As Jimmy Ward noted in an earlier communique, the 2nd Amendment was ALWAYS a 

 Stand Alone Amendment but…  

You can bank on the fact that this will NOT stop these Marxists from circumventing it… 


As a result and every bit the SAME as those poor folks who own restaurants & such 

who have been shut down by their dystopian State Governors who rebelled and 

subsequently re-opened, 

have had their liquor licenses revoked and their establishments 'Violated' by thier

State Health Inspectors … 

this they will do with respect to the ONLY DETERRENT REMAINING that “Those People” FEAR- OUR GUNS and, 

Overnight they  will make of us Law-Abiding People Felons for NOT OBEYING their 

Dystopian Laws giving them license to take them from us while jailing us to boot. 


Look at the McCloskey’s in St. Louis. 

They are the Perfect Example. 

The Rioters & Looters did exactly the Same Thing Lincoln did- 


WAS EVER JAILED… but the McCloskey’s had their Guns seized and now have to spend 

their money to defend themselves because a crooked & political Circuit Court Judge 

Charged them with ‘felonies’! 


Still thinking we Confederates had it Wrong? 

SEPARATION, as we said, is SURVIVAL! 


For GOD, Family and the Republic of the Original CONFEDERATION (Confederate) of 

Sovereign & Independent States, 


Craig Maus, 

President, The Confederate Society of America 




What would YOU call a Country whose Governmental Departments conspired too   

Overthrow a President and, despite overwhelming evidence to support these no-longer alleged charges,  

 decided NOT to prosecute those involved while sending innocent people to jail and then allowing these Same People to Rig an Election... 

lateralling thereafter to Their Courts  

who they knew would do, similarly, NOTHING...  

 leaving us, the People, to 'Hang & Dry' by Ourselves?  


What would YOU call such a Country….  

CAUSE I sure as hell wouldn’t call it a Constitutional Republic…  

would YOU?  





From: Craig Maus
Sent: Friday, December 25, 2020 12:31 PM
To: Mary Seales; Jimmy Ward (
Subject: Reply: My two cents .... 


Permission to Forward: 


The reply herein from Jimmy to Mary deserves EVERYONE'S attention  

because it serves-to-explain MUCH that many are confused about. 


God Bless & Merry Christmas to ALL. 

Craig Maus, 

President, The Confederate Society of America 


Sentry, Confederate Sentry, Sentry blog 

Civil War blog, Confederate Society blog, Revised history 




From: Jimmy Ward <>
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2020 1:59 PM
To: 'Mary Seales' <>; 'Craig Maus' <>
Subject: RE: Re My two cents




I certainly don’t hate you for expressing your frustrations and concerns, as I know your sincerity is genuine. Believe me, I’ve been in these conversations for many years with folks of good will who are equally as frustrated in government and feel that a line is being drawn in the sand. I also know regarding most of the cumulative elements that have brought us to this point in our times, you “get it.” And what makes it all the more interesting is that you are an Arizona lady (If I  understand you correctly you were raised out west) Craig is a northern “Copperhead” from NYC, and I am a Southern boy raised in rural NC. Though we come from different sectors of the country with distinct cultures, we mostly share the same ideological commonality with respect to Biblical and pro-American values. That is exactly what the original Confederation (covenant) of States was, as John Adams so accurately put it.  


Regarding secession – Craig and I have never advocated for secession, but rather instead separation. Some might say that is splitting hairs, yet one is a legal precedent regarding a violated covenant between other principles (States), while the other is a natural right as outlined by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence regarding “People.” The Constitution was derived from the principles contained in the Declaration. It is unable to stand without the Declaration, yet the Declaration can stand without the Constitution. It is the spirit from within the Declaration that Craig and I speak. 


The Confederate States government never surrendered and therefore, technically, the secession of Southern States remains. The Cherokee Confederates in Oklahoma led by Cherokee General Stan Waite never surrendered. They are still under a “cease fire.” Again, this is also why we don’t press secession as that has already occurred. This was mainly due to a (at that time) tyrannical federal government, which quickly morphed into a national government (more apropos) immediately following the war in 1865. I could go deeper in the weeds, however I’m trying to be as brief as possible.   


Getting back to modern-day – natural separation has been occurring for the last several decades, and is currently happening as you have mentioned. The difference is, the tentacles of the Politburo on the Potomac leviathan has elongated with hyper-drive speed at the State and local levels through various Marxist schemes, like Alinsky’s “rules of radicals.” As you well know, academia and the media along with powerful corporations are also assimilated as this heinous heist has been gearing up since the turn of the 20th century. Many of us saw this years ago and sounded the clarion call because the Gestapo graffiti was all over the wall. Americana is being ravaged and decimated to make room for full-blown Communism. This makes secession untenable because State and local government is CONTAMINATED and conditioned to believe that secession is a “lost Cause”, slavery, Jim Crow, racism “thing.” 


Every institution is contaminated with these Marxist ideals, including most religious institutions. Nothing is sacred anymore. Elected leaders are either bought-off or threatened to violate their oath. Like-minded people for SEPARATION are not ceding ground… but rather organizing, regrouping and reinforcing with like-minded communities to shut-down, not give away, to the Amalekites hell-bent on amoeba-like destruction. The “People” are applying the natural laws contained in Jefferson’s text, which are timeless:         


When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. 

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. 


Local, State, and the National government are three heads of the same dragon. They lie, steal, cheat, BETRAY, INSULT, and TORMENT the People incessantly. All politics are no longer “local” with millions pumped in from the outside to maintain and grow Communist strongholds. They represent special interests and foreign handlers with shameless obedience while trampling over the liberties of the people. They are the ones who have ceded ground to the enemy. SEPARATION is truly the last line of defense, other than the Will of The Father. 


Our Revolutionary heroes pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. My Confederate ancestors gave (mostly, I’m here today because two G-G-Grand fathers survived) their lives, fortunes, and scared honor. And now, in our era, we have similar challenges. Like them, we are being FORCED. 


I pray I have sufficiently conveyed our stance regarding “separation.” And I didn’t even get into the spiritual aspects of being “set-apart” as is heavily patterned in the Scripture. That in and of itself is a long talk show. 


Be blessed Mary. 


Confederately and Shalom, 







From: Mary Seales []
Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2020 8:39 AM
To: Craig Maus; Jimmy Ward
Subject: Re My two cents 


Guys I want to say something about this breaking off part of the country to get away from the bullshit 

that is going on.  Don't hate me for this.  We all need each other.  Please just read this and ponder it. 


I am very angry too.  I've been angry for years.  There have been times when I wished the south 

would rise again.  Right now, nothing but a lot of dead lefty bodies would satisfy me.  There is a 

a good chance it is coming.   Secession is a concession in a way.  You want to pull up stakes and 

denounce the rest of the country.   I see that as giving up.  People have fought and died for 

all of the united states, not just some of the states.   The demographics in the south have 

changed.  There is no guarantee of anything.    People move from state to state to get away 

from their bullshit and then create bullshit in the new place they adopt as their home.  This 

has happened in Florida, the south, California.  Geography does not stop the poison. 


I see this as giving them "their" part of the country to continue to do their commie thing and 

that is not going to stop them from spreading their poison.  And then we are right back in 

the scuffle, fighting their lies and propaganda and their illegal laws and all the crap they 

do.   (But i know there are more of us than of them and most of them are pissants) 


This might well come to a civil war, and I am on board with that and will do whatever 

I can.  There is nothing to  lose.  It is fight or be a slave to a bunch of perverted scumbags. 

I've thought about this for years and have said, whatever, try to take my guns.  I'll fight 

you back one bullet at a time.  You'll have to burn me out of my house.  Millions feel the same way. 


You all see seceding as holding on to your own, but it also entails giving the rest away 

to the traitors. 



Hope you will see the point I'm trying to make and don't take offense.  We are all 

patriots   I feel strongly we still have God's protection and all that is happening is for 

the sheeple to wake up their stupid asses and see the reality.  My hope is that 

Trump will invoke the insurrection act and go after the criminals with major 

prison sentences looming.    Then the rats will start turning on each other. 


Have a blessed Christmas. 



 Mary Seales
Natural Born Citizen

"Those who are afraid to fight will be eaten by those who are not afraid. 





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