Thursday, December 10, 2020


 Submitted by: W.G.E.N.

Came across this posted on The Jackson Press and thought I would send it out today.  Even though I originally wrote in on Dec 26, 2013 I think today is a better day for 2020.  Folks who know me know I stopped *celebrating* holidays quite some time back.  All the commercialization drove me nuts so I just QUIT.   The *Day* meant nothing, it is the MONEY that is what is celebrated now.

As you go about your *shopping* I hope t least one of the gifts you purchase will be a Bible and then that you will read it WITH your family members.  Don't let it become a dust collector as so many are now days.   Let it become the FOCUS of this holiday season.

Jackie Juntti



| December 26, 2013, 7:52 AM

Merry Christmas from Jackie

Editor’s Note:  We hope that you enjoy Jackie remarks as we always do.

This morning, around this world where they celebrate Christmas, one will find piles of wrapping paper, cardboard boxes,  and other assorted wrappings of those *gifts* that were purchased and given to others.

I imagine the faces of those receiving those *gifts* they asked for – all happy and shouting as they open one gift after another – tossing the wrappings to the side – looking at the *gift* for a minute – then on to the next *gift* and repeating the same action over and over until all the *gifts* with their name on the tag have been opened.

I would also imagine that most of the *gifts* this day are of the electronic gadget type –  they may be in need of batteries in order to work…  or to be plugged into the power source (electricity or phone line).  How long before those *gifts* lose their excitement and we begin to hear the cry for the next new gadget the makers of such things bring forth to dazzle the *wants* of more people.

We hear all *season* long that “JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON”.  I always shake my head at that saying as it is the last thing on most peoples minds as they rush and push and shove and charge up debt to buy THINGS that will soon be tossed to the side and or broken.  None of those things made by man last for any length of time – they are not only expensive they are not made to last very long.  That is done so that those who WANT those things will soon have to spend more money to buy the next hot item on the shelves.

I wonder how many of those *Gifts* under those trees were BIBLES.  Those that were, did they get the ooohs  and ahhhs of the electronic gadgets?  I highly doubt it.  Is that BIBLE treasured like the video games are?

I want to take this time to remind folks that God presented the GREATEST GIFT OF ALL to all of us.  All we have to do is ACCEPT IT.  No fancy colorful wrappings with ribbons and bows.  And as for the DEBT –  well you won’t see any charges on your credit cards because Jesus Christ PAID OUR DEBT on the Cross.

God presented us with His only begotten Son to pay the PRICE for our SIN and all we have to do is to ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST as our Lord & Saviour.  He isn’t going to knock our doors down to enter into our hearts – He stands at the door – waiting for us to open that door and invite Him in and to serve Him.

If you haven’t invited Christ into your life then you are missing out on the GREATEST GIFT there is.  If you are more excited over some electronic gadgets or some fancy clothing or jewelry than you are about the GREATEST GIFT (JESUS CHRIST) then you are missing out on the only real happiness one can ever find in life.  The GIFT that God presented to us is one that needs no batteries, no electricity or phone lines – no purchased extended warranty –  – as Jesus is connected to the most powerful POWER SOURCE of all time – GOD ALMIGHTY and there is no power outages with Him.

Jesus isn’t going to need to be revised, in spite of some denominations doing all they can to *revise* who He is and what He is about.  Some denominations like to rewrite the operating manual (Bible) to add things or subtract things from His Word – all in direct violation to God’s Word about doing such.  Those *changes* are the work of Satan and don’t forget that point.  If your denomination teaches anything not in the Bible then you are being led astray.  I challenge those who defend the wrongful teachings to find the scripture source for the practices in your church.  If it isn’t in the Bible then it is wrong.  We are not to pray to anyone other than to the FATHER God, Jesus made that very clear.  Those who are instructed to pray to someone other than God The Father have been duped.  You have been sold a bill of goods, a worthless warranty.

My gift to each of you who read this post is that you will accept Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior.   That those who haven’t done so will do so now and here is a good page with instructions on how to ask Jesus into your life.  The door has to be opened by YOU and YOU must invite Him into your life.  No one can do this for you – YOU must do the asking and the opening of the door.

May this be the greatest GIFT you open this morning.

In His Holy Name,

Jackie Juntti

If you’d like to receive Jesus into your heart and be born-again of the Spirit of God, you need to ask for forgiveness for your sins and ask Him to save you.

Let me be completely clear – just saying a bunch of words will NOT save you.  It is the cry of your heart, through your lips crying out to God that He will hear, not a form prayer that someone else wrote.

The elements of Salvation are simple:

1) You must be sincerely repentant for your sins – ALL of them – and ready to forsake them forever.  Jesus paid the price for your sins, and you must understand that the price He paid for you was not cheap and easy.  Don’t let your sorrow for sin be cheap and easy either.  You must be broken for your sins.  If you think you can run through a prayer and like magic and be instantly converted, you will find that empty words bring empty results.  You must come to the foot of the Cross in a broken-hearted state, crying out for God’s mercy.  Only then will He hear you.

If you are not at that broken-hearted state and not ready to turn from your sin, then pray for God to send you Holy Ghost conviction to bring you to that place where you are ready to give it all up and cast yourself down at the foot of His Cross.  Believe me, He will answer you.

2) You must confess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, that He alone can save you, and that God raised Jesus from the dead by the power of the Holy Ghost.

3) You have to ask.  Ask Jesus to save you and wash you in His Blood.  It is the Blood that is the atonement (payment) for sin, and it is the Blood that broke the back of the power of sin in your life.  There are no works that you can bring to the altar that will pay the price for your sin – only the Blood of Jesus.

4) You have to believe.  God hears the cry of your heart and is more ready than you will ever know to save your soul.  He can hear you, and He promises in His Word that He will hear you and answer you.  He will save you.

5) Thank Him.  It is in the praises and thanks that faith is released and the doors to Heaven open up.  Raise your hands and praise God for your salvation.

The prayer below is only meant as an example for you. If you say this prayer or whatever heartfelt prayer you choose, make sure you say it from the bottom of your heart.  You are not looking for a repetitious adherence to a tradition, but to a supernatural conversion to Life.

Read more:  Sinner’s Prayer Explained

Sinner’s Prayer

My Lord and my God, have mercy upon my soul, a sinner.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God and that He died on the cross and shed His blood for the forgiveness of my sins.

I believe Jesus rose again from the dead by the power of the Holy Ghost and sits on the right hand of God.

Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and wash all my sins away with Your blood.

I invite you into my heart as my personal Savior, and will follow you the rest of my life.

Your Word says you’ll turn no one away, and that includes me.  Therefore, I know you’ve heard me, and I know you’ve answered me, and I know I’m saved.

Thank you, Jesus, for saving my soul.

(Now raise your hands and thank and praise the Lord for saving your soul, open your heart and receive the life-giving Spirit of God. )

You will now need to stand up in the ways of the Lord, and to do that you’ll need to get yourself a good Bible.  We recommend the King James Version.

You will also need to find real Holy Ghost filled Christians that can lead and guide you in your new walk with God.  They can show you how to receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, which  will give you that additional power in God that you need to stay in His Spirit in these last days.

There’s so much to tell you, and so little space to do it in.  Please contact us through this web site and let us know how to contact you so we can help in any way we can.

source for the above —

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