Saturday, November 14, 2020


 Our World

Upside Down
Part 2
Just as the routine murder of unborn innocents cannot be stopped due to the ‘intellects’ that are in control of our nation we are finding it impossible to secure victory on the battlefields where we send our sons and daughters to fight.
Look at Afghanistan and listen to the sympathy given the Taliban.
The ‘intellectuals’ have convinced those that lead our nation that Afghanistan civilians must be given more protection than out sons and daughters. A little known fact is that a new commendation is being considered for soldiers who refrain from fighting! The name of such medal being considered is for, ‘Courageous Restraint.’
Our enemies love it! Instead of being concerned with civilian deaths they actually invite them. Their dastardly acts, such as, embedding themselves amongst locals, usage of schools and hospitals to stage rocket attacks, bombing popular market places are but a few of their known tactics.
As they do often cause unavoidable deaths they are quick to publicize and blame our military and the ‘intellectuals’ are even more quick to denounce our military even though the acts are proven to be demonstrably false.
Ecclesiastes 3: 8 a time to love and a time to hate,  a time for war and a time for peace.
Common sense says that someone trying to kill you and promising to kill your country is the enemy. However the ‘intellectuals’ explain away the responsibility of such as being fact as they lay blame as, ‘Western Ideals’ and over privileged’ as the culprits thereby justifying the acts of terror.
This has resulted in such a ridiculous moral reasoning that the purpose of warfare has been flipped topsy-turvy. So called, ‘humanitarian war,’ tactics are now trumping even the practice of self-defense by our military.
The sad fact is there is no opportunity for victory...ever! The ‘intellectuals’ have placed inexhaustible, unachievable moral obligations that simply are impossible to overcome.
Radical Islam, with its many faces, is using terrorism to advance its foreign policy. That policy is summed up with their thoughts of, kill Jews, kill Christians and the Liberal press lauds their efforts and those of ‘intellectuals’ who support their evil.
Ask yourself questions such as, ‘why is the press willing to overlook the barbaric acts of murder, torture, wholesale genocide and such as they lay blame on Israel for  defending its citizenry from harm and death? Why are they, the press, defending terrorism so vehemently?’
Ask yourself, ‘Why is the press so blind as to defend construction of a Mosque at a site where buildings were subjected to absolute destruction in the name of Islam?
The ‘intellectuals’ lay blame on the Western World’s failure to justify denial of financial successes of admitted terrorists and lay blame on others for the Ft Hood killings, the failed New York bombing attempt.
In the bombing attempt there was a statement made praising terrorism as an ‘intellectual’ was quoted as saying, “We will not tolerate any bias or backlash against Pakistanis or Muslin New Yorkers.”
Yes, our world is being turned upside down and it would appear that the majority is comfortable with sticking their fingers in their ears as they loudly say, “ La La La La La. ”
‘Intellectuals’ are loudly defending the right of illegal aliens to break into our country and bring their poisonous drugs with them. They, the ‘intellectuals’ rise up in full throated indignation against any that dare question their motives!
Revelation 12: 9The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.    
We must truly believe that when God expelled Satan and threw him to earth Satan and his evil demons were given rule over earth. Thus we see the ‘intellectuals’ as Satan’s cohorts!    
Our country has become ensnared in what we have been taught to see as ‘Political Correctness.’ That ‘Political Correctness’ has been used to justify a slew of self-contradicting doctrines. The ‘intellectuals’, when exposed as being untruthful, refuse to change their erroneous ways. Agents of Satan will forever remain true to his wiles.
Isaiah 5: 20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light        and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. 21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.

This particular Scriptural passage is so applicable to what is taking place today so as to truly be seen as prophetic. Had Isaiah been living today even he would have to grimace at the acts of the ‘intellectuals.’
To be able to understand the cause for the problems of today and their coming to fruition at this time is to see the why.
Where we have always thought that our lives were lived in a world dominated by reason we have been waylaid by the allowance and recognition of both primitive religions as well as outright paganism. It is with great sorrow that I learned that the fastest growing religious category in America is witchcraft and paganism.
The factor that is to blame is the ‘intellectuals’ usage of ‘save the earth’ as their front! It is through appealing to the pagan ‘earth worshippers’ thereby increasing the numbers of their followers. Opposition to building, development, foresting, and other fruitful ventures were seen as bad while industries directed to the fulfillment of lustful desires was seen as acceptable.
God, the Father, is being replaced by ‘Mother Earth.’ Look at the hit films. Environmentalism is worshipped and glorified.
Earthworms are being seen as far more valuable than man!
One appointee of the President of the United States , a self professed ‘intellectual’ wrote: “Where Judaism and Christianity show man to be the center of creation, the religion of ecology …aims to knock him off that perch by undoing civilization.”
What we are seeing is an assault on truth as defined in God’s Word, our Bible.  Things the Bible define as evil the ‘intellectuals define as good. Things God explain a certain way, the ‘intellectuals’ seek to teach that anything other than God’s way are possible!
Take the teaching of ‘Evolution.’ Prior to that method of teaching the only teaching was Creationism. Today thy ‘intellectuals’ refuse to allow the teaching of Creation or even that of Intelligent Design.
Genesis 1: 26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, [b] and over all the creatures that move along the ground

God is not an ape and we, as men, hold dominion over everything He gave us regardless of what evil the ‘intellectuals’ are espousing as truth!

(Closing prayer)

Father, Creator of everything, Power of the universe, we come to You with praise and worship. We love You, honor You and see You as our Lord and Master. You have taught us truth and it is our desire to live in accordance with those truths and to throw off the evils of this world.

Lord, we are constantly being subjected to false concepts and teachings and we ask that You, through Your Son, Jesus Christ, put him behind us as well as his demons. Just as You taught he has come disguised as good and righteous when in fact he is evil as are his minions Just as we ask in the prayer taught us, Lord…deliver us from the evil one.

Father, our sons and daughters are in lands far away as the serve our military. Protect them O Lord and send Your angels to watch over them.

Lord we are waiting for Your Word to save us from the evils that are around us. We need help for our children, our economy, our government and those elected to lead us. Father, confuse and confound those who have their own interests in mind and seek positions of power for their ego fulfillment.  Send us men and women of character that bow to You in honest worship.

We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who is One with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever,
Amen, amen and amen.

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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