Thursday, October 1, 2020


 Submitted by: Craig Maus

  I’m going to take a chance on sending this out to all.


  I realize that the Enemy from Within would seize upon any opportunity to undermine and refute ALL THE MANY TRUTHS & ACCLAIMS THAT WE HAVE MADE OVER THESE YEARS USING THIS ONE ‘EXAMPLE’ TO SUGGEST THAT EVERYTHING WE HAVE SAID & DETAILED HERETOFORE is simply “another example” of RED STATE  delusion.


They are quite good, as you know, of Throwing the Baby out with the Bathwater to avert attention and cover their fannies.


There are MANY types of Dementia.

However, cholinesterase inhibitors & memantime (Namenda) are usually Drugs used in ALL cases for dementia and in various degrees/dosages.


They almost always are used intravenously.


The brain produces what is called Acetycholie- a chemical that acts as a messenger chemical in our brains to offset the potential for dementia.


The pictures below clearly show what seems to appear as an IV under Biden’s left sleeve.

It is unusual in the least but I for one don’t know but would NOT dismiss ANYTHING when it comes to these Marxists because NONE of them can be trusted as far as one could throw the Rocky Mountains.


However and having said that, I did go back and slow speed the debate literally frame by frame and much to by surprise at around the 19 minute & 36 minute mark when Biden raised his left arm, one could see something underneath his sleeve.

He was NOT wearing cuff links but had a simple button down cuff.


I also noticed that he was very careful of NOT raising his left arm throughout the debate and did not see him other than these two times (19 & 36 minute mark) raising his left arm in a rage reaction to the President.


We live in an America whereby EVIL is more than apparent and only yesterday was it CONFIRMED that Hillary Clinton orchestrated the Entire Russian Collusion Hoax and Obama, Biden and Obama’s staff WERE ALL INVOLVED.


So NOTHING WOULD SURPRISE ME any more nor would I discount anything moving forward.

But I will leave it up to y’all to discern for yourselves?


One last thing- Durham, after nearly two years of investigation for those who might be unaware, will NOT release his findings regarding the Coup Attempt until




I’m a country boy and if IN all THINGS LARGE & SMALL….it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and flies like a duck, it usually is a DUCK!


America Folks is living in a Dark time & has its back against the ropes for years.

And above ALL ELSE, The MARXISTS are not only real…. But they are here and living in that District of Criminals known as Washington, DC.




Deo Vindice!

For GOD’S Confederation of Sovereign & Independent States,

Craig Maus,

President, The Confederate Society of America

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