Friday, October 9, 2020


 Submitted by: Craig Maus

  • … When Nancy Pelosi said: “We Must pass this ‘Bill’ so we know what’s in it?” 


  • And only yesterday Biden, after being pressed several times regarding the Packing of the Supreme Court said this: 


    “I’ll let you know AFTER I’m elected.” 


    Remember a time NOT that long ago when answers such as these and MORE like them would have been enough to destroy ANY POSSIBILITY for ANYONE running for any office in this country? 

    A NO ANSWER is NOT an answer but to anyone possessing an ounce of GOD’S common sense, it IS an ANSWER


    What has happened to AMERICA in such a short time? 


    Well the answer is simple for any who have been paying attention… particularly over these last 6 decades in which America was being fundamentally changed and altered politically while many slept in their beds & ENJOYING the comfort of their living rooms. 


    Can you imagine a Stalin or a Hitler saying such a thing 90 years ago and what the reaction would have been in their countries & internationally if they had made themselves known before hand




    (Stalin- over 60 million dead in his wake and over 6 million dead in Hitler’s wake and that doesn’t include ALL the DEATHS of our Troops!) 


    America THEN was focused but the American government, inarguably, was a totally different country with most understanding & knowing the difference between ‘someone pissing up their backs and those who were trying to convince them that it was nothing but rain.’ 


    Today, sadly, many wouldn’t know the difference if their lives were dependent on it. 


    That brings me back to Joe, Nancy, Kamala and the ENTIRE CADRE of Marxists that now sit in the American government with many ignoring or pretending they do not exist. 


    So let me ask Y’all Mr. & Mrs. America some very basic American questions that MOST, at an earlier time in our History, understood only too well: 

  1. Do YOU know what the elimination of the Senate Filibuster means and what will come/result from it? 


    It means that ANY BILL, etc. relative to government in general will NO LONGER require the current 60 Senatorial votes to  

    Pass ANYTHING!!! 

    mere 50 will be all that is necessary! 


    What that in turn means is that the fundamental Checks & Balances between the 3 (THREE) branches of government is GONE, AS IN FOREVER! 

    And do YOU know what that will MEAN? 


    LET me explain: 


A)   Any ‘proposal’ regarding any ‘alteration’, etc. to existing LAW, like that within the 1st 10 Amendments of the Constitution in particular, can be OVERRIDEN. 

It is nothing but a sneaky & nefarious way  to circumvent the Constitution altogether. 


It’s called POLITICAL FIAT! 


 And to think it ALL can be achieved if POWER is ceded to a Demonic DEMONrat Senate with but 50 Senators in charge to ‘Vote’ upon & approve ANYTHING! 


B)    And if Biden were to win, Harris as VP would be the 51st VOTE allowing for this political subterfuge and control to move forward  


And if they ‘APPROVE’ DC and Puerto Rico coming in as TWO NEW STATES, that would give them 4 (FOUR ) more Senators that would guarantee & perpetuate their Fiefdom ….. like in FOREVER. (See below regarding this) 



Basically, the Constitution and in particular the first 10 Amendments as noted, are DEAD including the ALL-IMPORTANT 2nd which is our  

LAST DEFENSE against an Authoritarian government! 

(And Yes the Founders told us that such a time was inevitable!) 


C)    This opens the ‘DOORS’ for Court-Packing- particularly the Supreme Court in which ANY NUMBER of Marxist Judges could then be appointed to serve the  

Demonic DEMONrats Party’s will & objectives. 


The FIX will TRANSFER the Judicial Branch of Government into & under the control of the Executive & Legislative Branches which, by that time, will be a Unitarian government which is what the MARXISTS have been planning & prepping for over these last 60 years in particular while Y’all were asleep or sitting comfortably in your living rooms. 


D)   It will become, to use the old German term, a BLITZKRIEG but this one will be a POLITICAL BLITZKRIEG intended on destroying any & all semblance of what once was a Constitutional Republic. 




E)     Say Goodbye to ANYTHING President Trump has accomplished as “Those DEMONrat Demonics” will REPEAL each & every one of his programs that were done on our behalf while Re-Introducing EACH & EVERYONE of Comrade Obama’s former Government Restrictions & Regulations. 


F)     The Demonic DEMONrat Party will UNLEASH Tax after Tax upon us that will DESTROY OUR WEALTH, SAVINGS, RETIREMENT MONIES, 401’s while Re-Distributing our Life Savings to the Illegals who in turn will ‘Vote’ for these authoritarian zealots thus insuring the Dogma of Their Stranglehold over Each & Every one of us. 




G)   The Marxists in turn will Move steadfastly and create the ‘Public Option’ which is NOTHING MORE THAN THE GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF THE HEALTH SYSTEM that currently represent 1/5 of America’s total GDP. 


H)   What follows is FREE college, FREE healthcare FOR illegals, FUNDED ABORTION, the abolishment of ICE, OPEN BORDERS, the Elimination of the Right to Work privilege in many of Our States, the Elimination of ALL fossil Fuels making America ONCE AGAIN dependent on Foreign Oil allowing the Marxist Demonics the ability to create WARS that serve THEIR POLICIAL INTERESTS. 




You SHOULD google & READ the BIDEN-SANDERS TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION AND SEE WHAT Those Demonrat Demonic Marxists have in plan for YOU Mr. & Mrs. America! 


I)       Again, Biden and Harris will NOT tell us what their intentions are regarding the packing of the Supreme Court UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION. 

Perhaps NOW YOU can ‘Connect those Dots’ that we Confederates have been imploring Y’all to Connect with for more years than I can remember? 

The Supreme Court and the number of Justices has NOT BEEN ALTERED IN OVER 155 YEARS155 YEARS! 


At times, the ‘Pig’ simply requires a longer ‘Roasting Time’ before it can be carved up if in Y’all catch my drift? 


J)      Say goodbye to the ELECTORAL COLLEGE and expect the MARXISTS to introduce Legislation to make the District of Criminals in Washington a State as well as Puerto Rico. 

That would give the Marxists 4 more Senators, create many new Districts that would turn the House of Representatives over to them as well. 





K)                      Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, thanks to the RELEASE of hand written documents by John Radcliffe, the Director of the National Intelligence Agency, 

 NOW CONFIRMS that she not only orchestrated and paid for the Russian Hoax, but did so in an attempt to divert attention from her criminal behavior regarding those TELLING 35,000 + e-mails that she & her accomplices deleted and bashed- but Obama, BIDEN AND THE VARIOUS HEADS OF THE ‘ABC DEPT’S’, CIA, FBI, Justice & State …. Were all in on it!! 




And to think that the ONLY THINGS standing between a Total MARXIST STATE AND THE AMERICA YOU ONCE KNEW IS…… 




Y’all have been played like a cheap game of 3-Card Monty and you NEVER HAD A CHANCE OF FINDING THE ‘PILL’ under the NUT BECAUSE the ‘GAME’ has been rigged from the START! 


As we Confederates have been saying:  

America has been Living a Colossal LIE for Decades and Now ALL THE ROT that was planted long ago has finally taken root. 

Its FOUL STENCH & lies, corruption & theft are ALL characteristics associated with this MARXIST MOB whose pernicious, scurrilous, odious and dystopian oligarchy is NOW KNOCKING at YOUR Front Doors & just as we told you it one day would. 


Make NO Mistake, It Is ALL REAL and now YOU are the Last Line of Defense


If the MARXISTS take Power, we will have NO other CHOICE than to Fight. 

Perhaps then YOU will see what we SAW COMING LONG BEFORE 1860 EVER CAME ABOUT! 


For GOD, Family and the Republic of the Original CONFEDERATION (Confederate) of Sovereign & Independent States, 

Craig Maus, 

President, The Confederate Society of America 


PS- We were NEVER REBELS but PATRIOTS who, like most of YOU TODAY, simply wanted to be left alone as per the ‘Contract’ we  

ALL ONCE SIGNED & AGREED to guaranteeing us ALL a LIMITED CENTRAL GOVERNMENT that We were to Control… 

See what happens when LIMITED becomes UNLIMITED ?

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