Thursday, September 10, 2020


Have you seen our Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) testimonials from people who survived Covid-19 as a result of using HCQ? Since the end of August, we’ve filmed and published two testimonial videos, and they are powerful.

Would you consider helping me get the word out about these testimonials, so that more Americans have the chance to hear about a potential treatment that could save their lives? Apparently, the mainstream media would rather let Americans die if it means they can punish Donald Trump.

There are three ways to help spread the word about these testimonials. Please look at the list below and if you can do all three, that is wonderful! If you can only do one or two, that’s great too! We just need you to do everything you can to make it possible for Americans to see these testimonials.
  1. Watch the videos! Watch Matt Rich’s story and Paul Luman’s story.
  2. Help us get these videos in front of more people with paid promotion.
  3. Share the links to the videos on social media, over email, and via text message to everyone you know.
Getting the truth out is up to you and me; we have to do the work to make sure other Americans know about all of the options that might work for them if they come down with coronavirus.

If you are able to help with a gift of $25, $50, or $100, these testimonials can reach far more people than they will otherwise. You can ensure that Americans learn about this option, and are no longer kept in the dark about its potential.

Thank you for helping to break through the mainstream media’s censorship, and for helping your fellow Americans learn about a drug that could save their lives.

In gratitude,

Jenny Beth Martin

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