Saturday, August 29, 2020


Who Killed Jesus?

For many years I have heard people  of the Jewish faith, Judaism, referred to as, 'Christ Killers,' in a most derogatory manner. So prevalent is this thought that many seek to spew hatred and vile words against our Jewish brothers and sisters. It is my quest, and duty, to God above to tell the truth of this belief once and for all.

I would first like you to know that Judaism is the basic belief of Christians. I say, basic, as these first five (5) Books of our Bible are the Books that comprise the Torah, the Holy Book of Judaism. It is those Books that teach us of the creation of man, the downfall of Adam and Eve, the  death of Abel, Noah's obedience to God, and so many  more facts of God's teachings to man. Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt to wander until God allowed them to enter Canaan and claim that land for themselves.

More of the Christian Bible included in writings, held as Holy by the Jewish people are, Psalms. Christians are forever quoting Psalms yet forget the fact that King David, who was the king of Israel at the time God inspired him to set these words in writings.

To gain as insight as to the importance of the Old Testament is a simple task. Just imagine going to a movie, a movie with an intricate plot. You missed the first half-hour of the movie and cannot  grasp the plot, the story line, and most of what you watch makes no sense at all. In order to get the entire story line down you must sit through the entire movie, from start to finish a send time.In so doing you learn that everything now makes sense and now you can relate that storyline.

Within the Old Testament prophecies respecting  the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are made known . God authored the Holy Book and as He never errs  every prophecy is fulfilled. Each and every one is a foretelling of things to come and each and every one   is fulfilled,

Let's look at some prophetic verses then look at the New Testament fulfillment.

Psalm 22: 1 My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?...

Mark 15:34 "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachtthani? (My God, My God...)

Psalm 22:18 "They divide My clothes among themselves and throw    dice for My garments"

Mark 15:24 They they nailed Him to the cross. They gambled for His clothes throwing dice to decide who would get them.

I tell you of these prophecies so as to let you know that the death of Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament.

Now, if anyone believes that Jesus' was prophesied, then that person must believe that all acts of a person, or persons, were known by God and not to be blamed on any one person or religion.

What is true is that a group of Jewish leaders, Pharisees, called a high council to determine the fate of Jesus. (Mark  11:47-48) as well as Mark 11-51.  
This prophesy that Jesus should die for the entire nation  came from Caiaphas in his position as high priest.   Caiaphas didn't think of himself; he was inspired to say it.

In acting upon an inspiration, one must ask himself, 'inspired by who?'

The answer is clear, 'all inspirations of the Bible are acts God intended.' He foretold of the events of Jesus' death, complete in manner, burial and resurrection. As God does not err, it is by acting in accordance with His Divine purpose that Jesus was sentenced to die with crucifixion as the manner of death.

There were Roman soldiers  who acted on orders from their superiors  to carry out the crucifixion of Jesus. With that being factual, why doesn't anyone blame Italians? After all wasn't Rome the center of the Roman Empire? Because Pontius Pilate 'washed his hands' of rendering judgment of Jesus, does that absolve him of blame?

Does the apostle Peter have a share of the blame for his denial of Jesus three times? Was Peter, in your mind. a Christian or a Jew?

John 12:20 'some Greeks who had come to Jerusalem to attend the Passover paid a visit to Philip... '

This might lay blame on Greeks to be complicit in Jesus' death.

Just as there were Greeks, there must have been inhabitants of many nations in Jerusalem to attend Passover celebrations. Not all were Jewish yet most endorsed the release of Barabbas and the crucifixion of Jesus. Then there was Judas Iscariot, an apostle of Jesus, that betrayed His whereabouts thereby allowing His arrest and ultimate crucifixion. Is he to be the Jew who slew Jesus?

There are men and women who are truly to blame for the crucifixion of Jesus, but they are not the Jewish nation! Likewise neither are the Italians, the Greeks nor any of the nation with citizens present in Jerusalem that day.   

Then who or what bears the responsibility for Jesus having to bear such inhumane treatment? Who caused Him to be flogged, have His flash torn, crowned with thorns. What caused Him to be spat upon, ridiculed, denied the basest of comforts and degradation?

Then who, or what, is to blame for Jesus' death? The answer is painful, painful to even say. Although it tears at my heart to utter the words, utter them I will. 

Every man, every woman, every race, and every belief is to blame! Every person who has sinned, and we all have, must bear the guilt! In short, all of us are responsible for the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior.

Sin is evil and it was sin that brought Jesus to the cross.

There is no blame to be brought to bear on the Jewish nation just as there is no blame to be brought to bear on any nation. It is humankind that is to blame. Humankind and disbelief in Jesus as our Lord and Savior,

The beauty is, and there is a beautiful side to this, Jesus has not only forgiven us our transgressions, but has given us a means to enter heaven as an eternal reward. It is though His death and resurrection that we are saved. It is God's gift of salvation that stands as proof of His forgiveness. We, as true children of God. must set aside all blame of any nation for Jesus' death. This must forever be in our minds and in our hearts! 

(closing prayer)

Abba, Father Almighty, we come to You as Your children. Father, we praise Your Holy Name and ask that You forgive our sins and help us to mend our evil ways.

Father, it is by Your Heavenly gift, the gift of walking among us that we are saved. It is by Your love that we are able to share in all we do with our fellow Christians. For this we express our love.

Abba, we ask that You guide our President, our elected leaders and our military men and women and keep them safe.

Father, we worship You as call upon You in times of need. We thank You for being there for us.

We say this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Whom is One with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever,

Amen,  amen and amen. 

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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