Wednesday, July 15, 2020


The BERTRAND REPORT The War For Your Mind and Soul Continues
                               News That Matters
Subject: The 10 Step Rockefeller Plan is Here, Pre-Meditated Medical Fraud, The "Rolling Coup" and What Our Mission Is !!

Forget the Bill Gates Event 201 table-top planning of this Plandemic, but focus on the core of an evil operation planned 10 years ago by the Rockefeller Foundation.

[WE] have told you over and over for years, in-order to implement a New World Order, the world population must demand it, if not by force, but out of fear. WE ARE THERE.....

The hyped-up Covid Cases continue to accumulate, and is the ONLY fear factor THEY have in-order to instill absolute fear from a virus equivalent to a bad influenza season. The number of deaths are NOT all Covid 19 deaths, but a percentage are listed as COVID 19 related as statistics show a major decrease of influenza deaths across America this year. 

Hospitals are under control by the CDC, NIH and (still) the W.H.O. with globalists pushing (in particular) America into a corner.....a premeditated fraud to scare the public into compliance.

This "Rolling Coup" against the United States and a sitting president is going to expand into (what some analysts say).....a far more deadlier event on the horizon and in my opinion, will begin in October and could last through 2021. Mandatory vaccinations will not be so [mandatory] if the ignorant among us readily stick their arm out with a wink and nod by authoritative personnel in white garb.

Others that problem, you just won't be able to enter certain businesses, or other states....similar to what New York nutzoid Cuomo is now implementing as a beta test for what is coming soon elsewhere

Those entering New York from 22 other designated states must register at the border / state line or be fined $2,000 by a governor, now found to be guilty of murdering thousands of nursing home residents by forcing nursing homes to take COVID 19 Positive patients, because "there was no room for them" as he pleaded with Trump to send help.....and as we watched a 1,500 bed Navy Ship docked at New York's harbor, NOT ONE patient ever saw the inside of that ship.

The hypocrisy by the Leftist goons is over the top and it's not about to subside.

Throw in the Communist thugs from BLACK LIES MATTER and ANTIFA now collecting weapons provided by Chinese / Mexican smuggling operations, the plan is for an all out Communist Revolution, regardless if Trump is re-elected or not !!

THEY believe this is their time, their only time to pull-off a Bolshevik style revolution, while at the same time, conditioning the population (with the help of fakestream media), to demand compliance to a pre-selected race of misfits and their Communist / Marxist ideology in-order to destroy America and the Constitution. 

The Bolshevik Communists used the deadly Spanish Flu in-order to conquer Russia in 1917.

THEY ARE PREDICTABLE, THEY ARE DANGEROUS...... what's the solution??

Can Trump save us from ourselves, or do we stand-up and fight to the deadly end??

No matter who becomes president, the powers-at-be on the globalist / Deep State level around the world, will continue to use any means necessary to bring-in their world leader [Anti-Christ] as the so-called [savior] of humanity, but not before millions die from the (new planned) plague and hunger. Some analysts believe the death rate could be in the billions !

Just as the Communist Left in congress pushed for massive carbon reduction, under their' New Green Deal' and because the push-back was overwhelming, isn't ironic of how the carbon reduction issue is now a forced / mandatory issue by wearing masks, while the rolling lockdowns keep vehicle emissions low?? 

"Cows farting are ruining the planet AOC?? No problem....just send fake COVID 19 testing kits to meat plants across the country and force the shutdowns by false positives, like they're doing in Florida drive-up testing with labs reporting 100% positive tests (FoxNews).  

 When [WE] say "COVID 19 is a hoax," we're saying the numbers are FAKE !!

Stupid is as stupid symptoms, but let's grab the kids honey and go sit for 8 hrs in a test line in Florida or Arizona and then wait for 7 to 10 days to get the results, if [stupid] doesn't run out of gas first while waiting in line, while sending dangerous emissions into the air and to those around them with no A/C and their windows down, coughing by the time they make it to the swab test and the worker bypassing the test requirements and marking him or her "positive," is stupidity at it's best. [And Is Happening]

Enter stage LEFT.....those fake [positive] numbers end-up in a news room almost immediately, adding to the accumulated cases since day one.....the fear-mongering show continues as fear compounds nationwide and DEATH RATES decline.

But hell....let's don't stop there, says the CDC / NIH and Emperor Fauci !!

Let's add anywhere from 15 to 30 (unknown) cases to each POSITIVE recorded, because....the law of averages says [A.I. computers] that for every positive case reported, there HAS TO BE at least X number that will be infected, SO.......USE THOSE NUMBERS !!!

The insanity is out-of-control and "it's all Trump's fault," but in's a 'Rolling Coup' under the guise of Medical Tyrannical / New World Order (varied) agendas to an End Game for humanity and the full control / compliance thereof.


The earth is shrouded with an unseen darkness, penetrating those that selfishly believe they are doing Satan's work. It's a death cult using racism and inequality as the basis for destroying everything good and everything Christians have fought for in-order to preserve freedom and liberties....which is the reason churches are being burned and worshipers beaten by Black Lies Matter thugs.

IT's NOT ABOUT BLACK's a lie and cover for Communist Anarchy.

Having Faith in God and knowing the POWER we do have...can and will defeat THEM, plus a shit load of ammo, we can emerge as the victors. For others that hope the 'RAPTURE' comes soon, all I can say, watch-out what beam of light you decide to stand under, because you might have a rude awakening. 

REALITY is now.....the FIGHT is here, get prepared and in position by no later than October 1st.

---Dave Bertrand   

A Rockefeller Foundation paper,

would it surprise you to know, predicted and planned for the exact type of pandemic scenario in which we find ourselves right now with the COVID-19 coronavirus. Unlike Bill Gates’ Event 201 which was 2 months before the official outbreak, this Rockefeller Foundation paper was published 10 years ago in 2010. Entitled Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development, the paper outlines a scenario where a pandemic has hit, and the governments of the world use it to expand their authority and increase their grip on power. Although the authors of the paper try to claim they are just imagining not predicting the future, given the immense role of the Rockefeller family bloodline and Rockefeller Foundation in pushing the New World Order (NWO) Global Government, this is a ruse to cover their active planning for crisis scenarios that they know will happen. It is also a fine example of predictive programming.
From the Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Your Comments Are Welcomed and Can Be Published Unless You Specify Otherwise.

Retired Int'l Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727), Former (State) Law Enforcement, U.S. Customs (UC) Miami Sector, US Army Military Police Veteran, Former Int'l Aircraft Repo Insurance Contractor, Former DHS/HWW Counter-Terrorism Instructor for Commercial Truckers, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University & University of Alaska (Undergraduate), Interests include Border Security, 9/11 Truth, Government Corruption, New World Order, Freedom vs Communism, Secret Space Programs & UFO Encounters, Aviation, and Enjoy Living Off-The-Grid.

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