Saturday, May 16, 2020


Submitted by: J Cryots

This lays out the breath and depth and length of the spine that Obama administration ordered by Obama (over the course of eight years to spy on his political enemies) saw the general Flynn was the only one who had the breath and depth of knowledge of the abilities of the Intel community to spy on every phone call, email and text message that the Obama administration used against their political enemies. They saw that Flynn know how to take them down which is why they were desperate to get him out.

This folks is only the beginning Of the exposure of the sedition, racketeering, miss use of government intelligence apparatus, and eventually treason leading now directly into the White House as exposed by the January 5, 2017 meeting between Obama, Shelly Yates, Susan Rice, John Brennan, James clapper, Joe Biden and Obama himself discussing how they were going to protect themselves By the realization that the only way that they could avoid exposure was to shut up in a fake trap a line charge against General Michael Flynn. Otherwise, they knew that he would expose them and the full story is below.

If you consider yourself a true patriot please read this and then consider passing it on to everyone it is thatCritical for Americans to know because the deep state controlled main stream media will never have any of this, anywhere.

Dr. Tom

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