Saturday, March 16, 2019


The Book of Revelation
Words of Understanding
Part 10
As each of the previous ‘seals’ were opened we must realize that Christ was setting loose the Holy Spirit  to bring understanding to Christians relating to the particular time period He wanted to tell us about. Each “church” set forth a time period just as each “seal” did as well.
The time period of the 7th seal is set as AD 1930 until the Second Coming of Christ.
Revelation 8:1 When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.   And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.
In the heaven, where God’s throne sits, there will never be silence. The sound of rejoicing will be endless. With that said we must consider God’s Word and learn what is being said.
In all there are 3 heavens set forth in God’s Word, our Bible. Genesis 1:7-8 mentions the 1st heaven; the ‘Firmament Heaven.”  God is there as God is everywhere, but this is not the heaven where His throne is.
Then Ecclesiastes 5:2 references God’s heaven wherein His throne exists. This is the Celestial heaven.
The 3rd heaven is set forth in 2 Corinthians 12:2, which may be seen as an Ecclesiastical heaven. You may look upon ‘ecclesiastical heaven’ as the, ‘joyful church,’ gathering of Christians waiting for God’s Word to be spoken.  This is where John heard nothing. Silence prevailed!
The silence John experienced was the silence of not hearing God’s TRUE Word. When there is no truth, there is silence.
When Pastors fail to preach God’s Word, as is written in our Bible then there may as well be silence as nothing is being taught other than false doctrine and men’s imaginings. Man made doctrine as well as man made rituals that actually go against God’s will are not to be preached in the presence of God’s true Christians. This is not what God has directed and it is not in agreement with His will.
In reading Corinthians 6:17 we learn that we are to ‘come out’ of false religious teachings and preaching and go to true Christianity. 2 Corinthians 6:17 says to “come out," and to, “separate,” from things that are not of Him. This is vitally necessary if you want to really be saved and for your prayers to be answered.
Now, you may be attending a ‘fellowship’ meeting that is mischaracterized as ‘going to church.’ If you are a part of the church with Jesus Christ as the head, then in being with another Christian He is with you. To clear this up is to say, a ‘fellowship’ is the church you are within, not the building! A building will forever remain as just that, a building.
However, if you are ‘fellowshipping’ with a group that does not know truth and are being taught false doctrine, you had best rethink your position and remove yourself from that setting. Your very soul is at risk and there exists no sound reason for disobeying God’s Word as is set forth in our Bible.
I set forth God’s Word respecting true teaching in my last sermon and I plead, reread that sermon, look at the Scriptures I set forth and, if you are in doubt, get out your Bible and study it! God has provided the answers.
In the opening of the first six seals there were times that saw true Christianity being taught. Paul, who wrote almost 2/3rds of the New Testament, preached true Christianity. So did Peter and the other Apostles. The RCC came along and under the guise of saying, ‘Christianity here,’ slowly established there ‘man made’ doctrines. Martin Luther came along and began a reformation, but that preached true Christianity, but some succumbed to false teachings after Luther’s death. Slowly a weaker, watered down, form of the RCC emerged.
The Protestant movement followed, preaching true Christianity, but after the deaths of John and Charles Wesley fell back to weak, watered down, teachings. Why? Because, it became unpopular and profitable to be more ‘socially acceptable.’ Instead of preaching truth as God intended they began to teach what the people wanted to hear! Instead of ‘staying the course’ and preaching God’s Word they invented events that did not happen and taught man made doctrines that said they did! 
Re-read my last sermon, (part 9), where I set forth many examples. The importance of these words must be taken to heart. I have no reason to mislead you or to do anything other than to bring you to God’s pure truth.
The false teachings and man made Doctrines were so acceptable to so many that soon there were seminaries and schools of Theology that had to be attended to be ordained.  A Pastor had to attend a school and receive a degree in Christianity in order to be accepted by other Pastors. Many that seek to preach God’s Word to are scorned and cast off upon for not subscribing to their, the false preachers, way of interpreting Christianity. Cite a Bible verse that supports true Christianity and they will deny the truth. It appears that God’s Word is not sufficient for them as ‘man made’ Doctrine after ‘man made’ Doctrine is cited to excuse their interpretations. 
There is a word to describe such ignorance and purposeful twisting of God’s Word. That word is ‘heresy.’ Heresy is defined as an opinion, Doctrine, or practice contrary to truth. Curiously the RCC names ‘heresy’ as teachings contrary to their Doctrines and rituals! How bad can it be when the very meaning of the word is subverted for the benefit of a group?   
I wonder what school did Peter, James, Matthew, Luke, John and Paul attend? What about Martin Luther; John and Charles Wesley? How many true Christians preached God’s truths without the benefit of any degree other than that bestowed upon them by Jesus Christ?
Allow me to explain something. Jesus Christ anointed and appointed me and the Holy Spirit in my Teacher. The Holy Spirit is no ‘papered or degreed’ Person, but He teaches TRUE Christianity; God’s EVERLASTING Word!
In Revelation 11:10 we will learn that some so-called Christian teaching is not Christianity at all. You will learn of “gifts” being given. Those “gifts” are ordinations given to those that adhere to their ‘brand’ of Christianity. Well, to share something allow it to be said, I know Christian Pastors that never attended college, some that did not complete high school, and some with no formal schooling whatever. Each received the ordination and anointing given them by Jesus Christ and each preaches God’s Word as He wrote it!
Jesus Christ appoints His Pastors, teachers and He does it without granting a diploma! He does not seek out those that can be lucrative…just those who can save souls by bringing people to Him! He seeks out those who will obey His teachings and follow His way eagerly.
The silence John experienced in heaven was the lack of Christian teachings as God set forth!  That silence lasted for ½ hour, an indeterminate length of time, but one worthy of mention.
Then we read of 7 angels being given 7 trumpets. Those 7 angels represent the 7 ministers/Pastors/ Preachers that spoke or will speak God’s Word with no impositions of false doctrine and with the clarity of love and compassion worthy of that position Christ bestowed upon them. These men (angels) will speak with the authority given them by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will provide the Words they need in their efforts to lead souls to Christ.
(Closing prayer)
Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and earth, Lord, our hearts long for Your truths and we are grateful for You revealing Your meanings of Your Word to us. We praise You Lord, we worship all that You are and all that You do. You are our God and there is no other.
Father there are those that refuse to listen to the truth You have revealed. It is our desire to bring souls to You and we humbly ask that You water the seed we have sown. Send Your Heavenly Light and illuminate the darkness that surrounds any that we seek to bring the Good News to. This we pray.
Lord, as ever, we ask that You see to the safety of our military, elected officials, judges, police, security personnel and our fellow Christian brothers and sisters. Guide their paths and allow the Word we speak in Your teachings to be heard.
We pray these things in the name of Your son, Jesus Christ who is One with You and the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever,
Amen, amen and amen.        

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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