Bertrand Daily Report The War For Our Mind & Soul Continues
Subject: Your Morning Intelligence Brief (February 22nd, 2018)
Ed Note:
The "Mid-term Elections" will be an extremely crucial election period for justice to prevail. The race to finalize the latest investigations of the FBI, DoJ, and every treasonous conspirator from Obama, Hillary to other high level officials while under Obama could fall apart overnight if Democrats take back control of Congress.
The Mueller investigation will continue to be a dragged-out event thru November for the specific purpose of destroying Trump and to stop all actions by the Trump Administration to effectively indict the top "Deep State" operatives.
We can expect a rapid advancement soon for the indictments for Obama et al to finalize before November.
In the meanwhile, the best diversion the "Deep State" is wagering against the administration and the people is the Florida Shooting (False Flag) that keeps-on giving us tidbits of collusion exceeding the Sandy Hook Shooting. A counter-Co-Intel operation by the "Deep State" are watching closely the YouTube and Google entries and are collectively shutting down accounts, reducing the number of "Likes" and since that's not enough....the counter-intel operation against the Liberty Movement are creating fake reports with a "False Flag" twist mixed with fake data about certain students. The purpose is to take the truth movement down various rabbit holes in-order to create confusion, in-fighting, and diversions from the real truth.
What you have read thus far about David Hogg still stands.....he's a student selected by CNN/CIA well in advance of the shooting to be the mouthpiece of the student movement to ban weapons.
It is (OUR) job, you and me, to research and watch for diversion(s) as they appear and properly report and disseminate the information far and wide in-order to place extreme pressure on those that want to censor the truth. Because....when the system is overwhelmed with truth, it always causes the treasonous bastards to screw-up.
This is (OUR) war from behind the scenes and (our work) is meant to surface when the highest levels of government are ready to act against the "Deep State." The latest ideas (by Trump) for minor changes with background checks, psychotropic drugs and age limits, discussed yesterday with the "students" is a result of the Liberty Movement.
We have a lot of work ahead of us to avoid a Democrat Party take-over of Congress, and if you are doing little to nothing to disseminate information and reports you read online, then you are part of the problem we face.
If the Dems take-back Congress and are lucky enough to impeach President Trump, you can bet there will be no chance in hell for a Conservative President in 2020.
We would then see America right back to the same crap we had with Obama, but far more worse...... and the battle between the "Deep State" and the Liberty Movement could easily become a waste of time while sitting in a "Re-Education Camp" that Hillary boasted about, a plan for Conservatives, let alone gun owners and Constitutionalists, labeled "Domestic Terrorists."
And for the few that wanted to educate me about the 2nd amendment "Shall Not Be Infringed," because I agree the age limit for purchasing an AR-15 or AK-47 should be 21 and that we need to look at expanding the background check and restrict weapons to those with extreme mental problems.......I find it interesting, these same people have "Concealed Carry Permits." have to have one in those states that require a CCW, or suffer a Felony or Misdemeanor reduced charge otherwise, and yes...the convenience of carrying concealed in other cooperating states is nice. However, doesn't it bother you that YOU are the low fruit hanging on the tree if or when a Democrat President & Democrat controlled Congress decide to take YOUR weapons, knowing where to find you?
In many (or all) states, your CCW data is attached to your vehicle tag and registration. For the rogue (Liberal) cop in a police unit with a tag reader, cruising down the highway, you just might have a bad experience with a cop that doesn't want you to have weapons.
Not likely....but possible, a full blown gun confiscation operation would also entail a road block (DUI / Weapons / Vaccinations) checkpoint(s).
Before that possibly happens, and if we are NOT in a full blown Civil War, a time when a CCW, or considerations added to the 2nd amendment to restrict weapons for good reason(s) would be irrelevant, then FEMA Camps will be open for business. Therefore....we had better hope that GITMO is open for business before the November mid-term elections. WHY??
The psychological warfare we are involved with is destroying the "Deep State" while President Trump is destroying the worldwide Illuminati (behind the scenes) and preparing to take-down former presidents and all their corrupt and dedicated officials / agencies,. If the tables are turned, because we failed to keep the Socialist / Communists from taking office in November, we will be MORE of an enemy after the fact and revenge by the Communists will be swift if they win the 2020 presidency under a Democrat controlled Congress.
This is it for turning back now.
---Dave Bertrand
Today's Featured Article / Report
Fake News CNN Pushes False Story About AR-15 Purchase
It’s becoming clear that most mainstream media news is nothing more than globalist propaganda. CNN’s Chris Cuomo proved that when he pushed a story about a lying kid who said he purchased an AR-15 without an ID. But Cuomo was busted, then continued to deflect from the fact that he pushed a fake story.
CNN’s Chris Cuomo retweeted the account of one @usaphotodude quoting a reporter named Cody Davis on Tuesday. The tweet read, “I was able to buy an AR-15 in five minutes. I’m 20 and my ID is expired.” There’s only one problem: that never happened. The article itself states, “After [the sales representative] walked me through the paperwork, all five pages of it, I told him I changed my mind and wanted to think more before I bought an AR-15. He told me it wasn’t a problem and listed the store hours if I wanted to come back. I then said thank you and walked back to my car.”
The tweet actually says that the gut never filled out paperwork, a necessary step to purchasing a gun, which would then be run through the background check system. But Cuomo obviously didn’t read that part or didn’t care. And then deflected the conversation and lied further.
READ MORE....................
Today's Featured Videos
Hannity: C-PAC audience goes wild / Discusses Nunes 2nd phase investigation into Uranium One "Conspirators going to jail"
Tucker Carlson: Discusses the difference between gun confiscation in Australia vs. United States
Destroying the Illusion: Discusses latest YouTube and Google censorship over school shooting/ David Hogg connection to Podesta Group / Antifa Dis-information campaign / New Q-Anon Posts
From The Desk of Capt. Dave Bertrand (Ret.) Int'l Airline Freight Captain (DC-8 & B-727 & First Officer DC-10), Veteran U.S. Army S. Korea (Military Police Comms Chief) Vietnam era Sergeant, State Law Enforcement Background, Int'l Aircraft Repo/Recovery, Bondsman Fugitive Recovery, DHS Trained (Former) Counter-Terrorism Instructor, Political Analyst and Activist to help "Make America Great Again.
My mission is to slice through the propaganda, encourage everyone to write and share important news among our network of patriots, military, law enforcement and selected news media sources (we trust). We are the pulse of America and we will prevail.
My mission is to slice through the propaganda, encourage everyone to write and share important news among our network of patriots, military, law enforcement and selected news media sources (we trust). We are the pulse of America and we will prevail.
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