Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Submitted by: P McMillan

Dear Friend,
If we don't take urgent action now, we could lose to the deep state.
The shadow government bureaucracy - the self-proclaimed "Resistance" - will stop at nothing to undermine our republic and crush our Constitution.
The shocking classified leaks, the corrupt lawlessness, and criminal violations of the Espionage Act have created a nightmare scenario.
The only thing standing between politically corrupt lawlessness and the integrity of our constitutional republic is YOU.
We are taking massive action, but we cannot win without you.
At the ACLJ, we've mobilized to aggressively fight back against the Obama-era corruption and deep state bureaucracy that has been willing to violate federal law to undercut the conservative agenda.
We've filed more than half a dozen critical lawsuits - which we are winning - against the lawless deep state bureaucracy. But we urgently need you.
Join us to stop the shadow government and protect our national security.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel

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