Tuesday, August 9, 2016


The Nuremberg Syndrome;.........................

The Nuremberg trials  were a series of military tribunals, held by the Allies  after World War II, which were most notable for the prosecution of prominent members of the political, military, judicial and economic leadership of Nazi Germany who planned, carried out, or otherwise participated in The Holocaust and other war crimes. The trials were held in the city of Nuremberg, Germany.
   The effects of these trials and the transcripts of "Defense" left a residual effect (in many country's), that allows those in Power to lose perspective of who they are there to serve!
                                                                             THE NUREMBERG SYNDROME;
   ......."these misdeeds did not happen according to my wishes.   . Once again I would stress that I am guilty of having been obedient, having subordinated myself to my official duties . . . .  That is what the government did".................Words of Adolf Eichmann  a  Nazis trying to defend his World War-2 atrocities at his trial (held in Israel in 1961)................
   These are the words of a Political criminal who felt his Obedience to One man was needed and required because the "Needs of the many" or the Country, became less important, then the selfish "needs of the Few or (in this case), the "One". This Blind,  robotic, worshipping of one Mans' dream is what destroyed a most powerful , but dangerous country. A country that became divided into (2) separate Nations for many decades, and is still feeling the effects of one man's Evil dream.
  This Man-made attitude continues to exist today and has infected a Country that had Great potential as a standard-bearer of real and responsible exercises of Freedoms and Liberties. The (once) United States of America. These last 7-1/2 years has shown an Administration defying the "rule-of-law", ignoring the Constitution, and conducting the business of the people as  "Ruler", and Not as a Leader. He has been able to do this simply because others in Government refused to speak-up, refused to resist, refused to Honor the Laws of the land and hold him accountable. They stood in either a passive or active "Obedience to the One", thus making our Constitution, inactive, and eventually Obsolete.
    History offers us much education to absorb, if we only would choose to learn. I suspect that in far too many cases the Human thinks he can make the same mistake, but do it better each time around.
   I am compelled to consider the Fate and Future of America, a country I felt was worth placing my life-on-the-line for, so as to protect the Freedoms and Liberty's I thought we would embrace in a responsible fashion. Reflecting on the damage that the Nuremberg Syndrome can create, we must consider how many Federal employees working in the "Sodom / Gomorrah" district called Washington D.C. are dedicated to the "One" called "President", with little or no allegiance to the Country they are (all) obligated to serve? How many have the answers, know the Truth, have possession of the evidence, the "Smoking Gun" if you will, but simply refuse to Save America, because they feel they have to serve the "One"....... the "Man" and not the Country?.........Why does the needs of the few or the One, take priority over the needs of the many, and how long can we imagine we can further exist under such a destructive self-serving process? Obeying without question the "needs of the one", while consciously denying the "needs of the Many" is the Nuremberg Syndrome. Declarations of "I was only following orders", should not be considered in such a delusional "Defense".
    Will history eventually reveal that America was destroyed from within, simply because we (as a people) were to unappreciative and far to weak to control and exercise the Freedoms and Rights we bestowed upon ourselves?
   Will this expose a reality that "Man" is not as civilized or intellectually progressive (as he imagines)so as to embrace such Freedoms with Respect and Honor, thus exposing that we may have not yet stepped too far away from the "Caveman" mentality?
   Has the "Nuremberg Syndrome" made those in Government disregard the needs of America in this present Administration? Serving one who wishes to Rule instead of to Govern has allowed numerous scandals of Treacherous proportions to go unanswered. Federal employees all sworn to serve America have been diminished to serving the "Needs of the One".
   Scandals such as  **"Fast and Furious", "Wide Receiver", Internal Revenue Service, acting as "private investigative force"  for the "One", The Murders of Benghazi, Federal Administrative Bureaus, such as Bureau of Land Management, and Environmental Agencies are armed to the Teeth, (Like Gestapo's secret Police), with weaponry comparable to our Military? Weaponry and Armament they are not even supposed to possess. This "Ruler" has added over 600 (New) regulations to Administrative Agencies such as these, granting them "Powers" unwarranted.....WHY........??? Is this Lawlessness and Ruling-by-Force, the new decree of America?? Is this not comparable to the early Days-of- Hitler?
 ** Fast / Furious-Footnotes; One of the guns used in the November 13, 2015 Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, Arizona where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy thousands of weapons illegally in a deadly and futile “gun-walking” operation known as “Fast and Furious.”
..........  A 50-caliber rifle found at Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzmans hideout in Mexico was funneled through the gun-smuggling investigation known as Fast and Furious.

    What about the Illegal insertion of Obama-Care into our Lifestyle, when (Sen.) Harry Reid took a House Bill (Military Housing- HR3590 ) , (already passed by the House), gutted the language and inserted Obama-Care into the Bill, never seeking House review or authority, as he shamelessly avoided Due Process, in the Senate. This Illegal performance was done because Nancy Pelosi couldn't get the House version of Obama-care passed. Where was the Outrage?  Where was the Impeachment of Harry Reid !! This goes to the very basic foundation of our Country's original protest and Revolution....."Taxation without Representation" !! Was the Silence of our Congress compelled by those who were "Following Orders"?.........Be it Democrats or Republicans their silence and consent to Crime-in-Congress, leaves little to be proud of. When Due Process is ignored and violated, so as to serve the needs of the "One", then is not the doom of the Country inevitable? When Obedience to the "One" has denied the Rights of the Many!!.................The Nuremberg Syndrome Reigns and the United States Dies.
    What of the Executive branch, where the "ONE" Rules, with arrogance, and defiance of our due processes? His Immigration policies have been ruled Unconstitutional, yet he allows his rule to override Court decrees with weak, little, or no resistance from a Congress of Cowardly Americans.  They have (all), forgotten the sacrifices made by others, designed so as to preserve a Government of, for and by the people. They have Spit on the Graves of our War Veterans........ Congress has performed as well as any Treacherous or Treasonous "Den-of-Thieves" would perform who feel it is better and easier to serve the One, then to perform as Americans and serve the needs of the Many.
   What of the Judiciary, when they said you can Tax Citizens for freely choosing Not making a purchase of the (Obama-care), product. A "Supreme Court" that designed and wrote it's own argument to support the "One's" selfish purpose against the wishes and the Will of the People. Forcing people to "Buy their Insurance" or Pay a Tax Penalty? This is in our Constitution????........maybe some Communist or Facist Constitution but not in America!!  Such a ruling by the (Obedient) (Non)-Supreme Court is one that violates the very Language, the very Intent and the very Spirit of our Constitution. This revelation of an anti-America Supreme Court was reflected in the statement by Justice Ginsburg, when she stated that our Constitution was; "NOT a Constitution that others should use/model the making of their own country's constitution." Could a statement such as this, make you believe that she would follow the "Rule-of-Law" and serve America......or Betray America, and follow the orders of the "One" she rather serve?
   Congressional investigations on some of these matters have been thwarted, delayed, and ignored by those "serving the One". Evidence delayed for years, Subpoena's ignored, interviews refused, perjury from "heads of agencies", witnesses disappearing, evidence destroyed, Court orders ignored, U.S. Attorney General being held in Criminal contempt by Congress as impeachment proceedings moved forward.
   The Department of Justice's (acting like "Schutzstaffel", SS Bodyguards), refusal to turn over documents related to Operation Fast and Furious, their refusal to uphold certain laws namely the Defense of Marriage Act, the Controlled Substances Act and the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1986  and a refusal to prosecute IRS officials who accessed tax records of political donors and candidates without authorization.
   * The articles of impeachment also charged that Holder provided false testimony to Congress  a "clear violation" of law,..........but still,....... all that (and more) done with impunity from actual penalty or punishment, All these obstructions of Justice  done in concert and collusion to "Serve the One". 

   With these actual, and  factual occurrences written into our recent history,..... Could you actually state that America is "Doing Fine, and is Strong" such as the Illusions that the DNC promoted during their Convention ?? 

   Possibly years after our Country's demise, should anyone (formerly residing in the modern Sodom / Gomorrah-D.C.), ever find it in their Heart to recall their participation as to why this Country has fallen from within, I feel they will simply state that they "were only following orders".
    Even our present-day so-called "Main-Stream Media" has participated in "Serving the One". Limited, under-reporting or No reporting on issues already mentioned above. Issues that America had and has a "Right-to-Know", were denied all or most of the pertinent Facts. Reporters / Journalists / Editors / Managers, all confusing their personal perspectives, with their duties and obligations as "Guardians of Reporting the Truth"!!. Even more Horrendous is ignoring their Obligations, Duty, and Honor as Americans, so as to serve the "Needs of the One", because they embrace / idolize the "ONE" in power. Example; The above mentioned "Fast and Furious" debacle where (over 1400)  weapons lost by this Administration have been given to Criminals and Terrorist at the Global level, so Murder and Mayhem can run rampant!!.... Did you hear this "Breaking News" from the Main-Stream Media, as they suffer from their own "Nuremberg Syndrome"? I don't think so!!! They also have disrespected their fellow-Americans, (War Veterans), who gave their very lives, so as to preserve the concept of "Free Speech"
   Ignoring Ethics, ignoring Duty, and most of all ignoring Loyalty to Country, so their petty personal views can coincide with serving the Needs of the One!!.....This is known as Treason!! Censorship, by Mass approval from within their own ranks, cannot conceal the Truth that may eventually destroy the concept of Free speech at all levels of existence.
    What lies ahead for a country spiraling out of existence as a Landmark, and Model for the Freedoms and Liberties we (Will), only Hunger for when they have been stripped from our Souls. Will this "Shadow Government" , Ruled by One, dominate, or will our basic / instinctive desires to be Free, come to the forefront once again?
  Will America become a divided Nation, not only in beliefs and traditions, but also in Physical territories? Especially, should this Syndrome prevail and continue after the results of this next Presidential Election? Will Secession be the common word of the year 2017? We know it has happened before in Nations that abused their Authority, Betrayers became subservient, and "fell-on-bended-knee" to serve a "Master" instead of serving a Country. Americans have a much more serious consideration during this Election, and it revolves solely around what they want for their Children, and their Children's-children. A future of stripped-down "Freedoms", eventually resulting in none at all, or a reviving of an America that had the potential to become a Blueprint of what (all), Humans can do, in spite of their basic frailties, as they seek the evolutionary capabilities to embrace Freedoms, and use them responsibly.
   Is it wishful thinking or true "Fear"?  Are we as Human's too "young" to understand the responsibilities of being Free, or do (far too) many wish to be controlled by a "Despicable" few. Who amongst us wishes to continue the Dream, or submit to the enveloping Nightmare??

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