From: Sher Sieve...
Some of
the dumbed-down surface...From: Dave
Hollenbeck From: Thomas
EU-style "North American Union" would
kill U.S. national sovereignty
From: Sher Zieve.....
Folks, this is the most dangerous example of the Luciferian Left,
yet. This whole incident has been covered up since it occurred...even by
the cops. This small young 5 year old girl was raped and then urinated
upon by 3 Muslim men who have been released from police custody. This IS
what Obama has brought and is continuing to bring into the USA in order to fully
destroy what's left of us.
IMO, the people in Twin Falls should have grabbed their torches, heated
some hot tar, grabbed some chicken feathers, placed the tar and chicken feathers
on the savages then tied them to a cut down a tree and run them out of
town. We used to have vigilantes where there was no law enforcement.
In all too many areas of what was once our country, there is no longer law
enforcement for any but Muslims and La Raza...and it's spreading.
Time for a return to vigilantism? You must, ultimately,
decide...From: Dave Hollenbeck
What happens when Twin Falls Idaho, a
yogurt company, Obama, Clinton, and a sexual assault
Seven Refugees With Active TB Sent to Idaho
From: Jenny...Video: Reporters Confront Illegal
Immigrants Who Just Crossed Border...Infowars stops
more illegals than Obama ever has
BJ3: Of course. there has yet to be released any valid,
rightly-certified, at birth, sealed and
vaulted, original birth certificate to prove anything about BHO’s birth. And
then there is that “tiny” issue of what is the definition of
Obama Is Not and Never Has Been
Our President
BJ3: Yep...this is for all the marbles...Democratic Party platform calls for prosecuting global warming deniers http://www.thegatewaypundit.
BJ3: This column is from Newsmax, as is another claiming Trump said the wall would not
be high or such. Both caused me concern. We know; we don’t trust NM
either. So yesterday, we watched Trump’s two most recent appearances...a policy
speech (“presidential”) and a rally. We wanted to hear these position
changes right from Trump’s mouth...AND WE DID NOT. HEAR IT. So, “newsmax”,
go stuff it. ZERO cred to you so far.“Trump to Drop 'Muslim' From
Immigration” Ban
BJ3: Couldn’t resist running this. When this moron says this, it just keeps proving us right. What a jerk.
Letterman slams Trump: 'He's despicable' But: 'There's nothing illegal going on'
From: Dave Hollenbeck From: Powdered Wig Society...
BJ3: Here’s another moron only he’s totally biased considering his wife.
Trump Fires Back at Clooney: ‘He’s No Cary Grant’
BJ3: Notice she did this after getting her “paid for” hs
Valedictorian Reveals She’s
‘Undocumented,’ Blames U.S., Blasts Trump in Graduation Speech
From: Ladybird...Open Borders: Our
Plight in 21st Century...In this exclusive
interview with George A. Phelps, retired US Army officer of the 1st Calvary, he
examines the consequences of our open borders policy carried on by your elected
Congressional critters as well as the current president in the White
House....... by Frosty Wooldridge
From: Sher Zieve John Anthony -
Sustainable Freedom Lab
Sacramento Democrats Try to Use Copyright Law to Prevent Public Getting Information
By Stephen Frank on Jun 27, 2016 07:55 pm You pay taxes, the government spends the money and you want to have copies of reports. Under the California “Open Records Act” you are entitled to see them, if you pay a fee for the copying of them. Now the Democrats in the legislature are working overtime to figure out how to keep information from...http://L.A. City Attorney Uses Tax $$ to Try to End Private Property Rights
By Stephen Frank on Jun 27, 2016 07:53 pmIn Los Angeles if you own a home or apartment complex, you pay the taxes, the mortgage, the insurance and all the other costs. But if City Attorney Mike Feuer—your basic Bernie Sanders Democrat—the CITY will control your use of the property—and not take a dime’s worth of risk. You lose in Los Angeles—another reason […] http://CAPoliticalReview.us2.
From: Sher Zieve From: | Dave Hollenbeck |
Nigel Farage 20years ago you laughed at me, you are not
laughing now
Nigel Farage : The
Speech That WON Us Our BREXIT - 24June
From: Jenny...Muslim Asylum Seekers in Germany ‘Having A Bad Day.’
So They Rape A Woman
The men appeared unable to
cope with the fact that Germany is a democracy that offers equal rights to both
From: Sher Zieve From:
John Rolls
France Hatch Plan: EU Superstate -The United States Of Europe +Video | EU
From: "doug walk"
(Comrade merkel is showing her true colors [or
Merkel tells Britain no 'cherry-picking' in Brexit talks -
One America News Network
“Whoever wants to leave this family can’t expect
to do away with all of its responsibilities while keeping the privileges,” added
Merkel, "
From: sherzieve...
Yep! As we know, the ObamaGov started
this gun and ammo grab (for its own departments) shortly after the creature was
'elected'. They're planned to be used against US citizens (spec.
Conservatives, Constitutionalist and all 'people of the book') by both domestic
and foreign armies since the Obama came to power. The implementation draws
closer every day...
From: "Joan Swirsky"...Thanks to David Steinmann for
this...All those so-called
paranoid fears about the 2008 coup d'etat becoming permanent look quite sane
when you read this.
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