Alex Jones Sends a Stark Message To The Globalists…. Video Going Viral! (video)
Here's How Obama Gained Control Of Mainstream Media
The Globalists Have Declared War on the Nationalists- Every Conspiracy Theory Is Admitted to by the Elite
What Is The Government Preparing For?
Physicist Blows Whistle on Microwave Weaponry --- Exposes Assaults on Populations Everywhere
Mexico Is Massacring it's Citizens and Nobody Seems to have Noticed (video)
Texas abortion failure exposes need for a more radical #EndAbortionNow strategy
CONTRIBUTOR: American Vision .
Misguided pro-life activism has once again resulted in a chorus of
liberals cheering victory across the headlines. When will these
overfunded failures going to acknowledge that piecemeal, incremental
compromises with the enemy are futile, godless, and detrimental to the
profession of “pro-life”? Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt is yet
The W3xit4War
Marc Faber "Brexit Sends A Clear Message To Sick Political Elite"
CONTRIBUTOR: Nunez Report.
"We're moving into a global recession that has nothing to do with
Brexit," warns Marc Faber stressing that Britain leaving the EU would
not be disastrous, saying that if Switzerland can operate in a "single"
market and outside of the EU so can Britain. "Brexit is a victory of
Nigel Farage: Putin was More Statesman than Disgraceful Obama in Brexit Campaign (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: NC Renegade. ...
CONTRIBUTOR: Jason Liosatos
6 Terrifying Walmart Facts (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence
Famed Economist Predicts American Economic Collapse After Brexit Vote- (And His Is Proving Correct) (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense
CONTRIBUTOR: AmericanPatriot
CONTRIBUTOR: The Sleuth Journal
Horrific Crash Ablaze in Texas! Two Trains Head-On Collide! Where Were the Safety Nets? (Raw Video) (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense
CONTRIBUTOR: DeathCouldNotHoldHim
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