You read that headline from WND right. Even though a group of Republicans-In-Name-Only struck a cowardly deal... a dastardly betrayal that suspended the Constitution of the United States and gave Barack Obama a clear path to overcome any token opposition they would pretend to mount on his treaty with the terrorist state of Iran, Team Obama is now signaling that it never had any intentions of abiding by the terms of the Corker Betrayal anyway.
Oh yes, now that it is known that his treaty with Iran would effectively make the United States the premier financier of global terrorism... now that it is known that Obama struck secret side-deals with the mullahs of Iran, Barack Obama had the nerve to double-down and signal that it was always his intention to ignore the terms of the Corker Betrayal and give Iran a pathway to nuclear weapons by Executive Decree anyway.
And now that Barack Obama is betraying the betrayers, what must happen is clear. Congress must scuttle the Corker Betrayal... Congress must declare Obama's "deal" with the terrorist state of Iran to be what it really is, a TREATY... and then, Congress must vote it down and let Barack Obama know, in no uncertain terms, that he WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES, including IMPEACHMENT, if he refuses to obey the law.
It should be a simple solution, but far too many RINOs in the Senate would prefer to keep playing their little token-opposition kabuki charade on the American people, and the only way to make them give up the ghost is an outpouring of calls and faxes to show them that you're on to their little game. We've sent thousands of Blast Faxes to Washington already... but we need to triple that number right here and right now.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every of the United States Senate. That’s 100 Blast Faxes.
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You Won't Believe What John Kerry Just Told Congress...
"Secretary of State John Kerry dropped a quiet bombshell on an unsuspecting Democratic congressman... 'Let's say Congress doesn't take your advice, we override a veto, and the law that's triggered then imposes certain sanctions [on the terrorist state of Iran],' asked U.S. Rep. Brad Sherman, D-Calif. 'Will you follow the law...'"
"Kerry then refused to assure the congressman that President Obama and his administration would follow the law... A seemingly shocked Sherman responded, as though maybe he hadn’t heard correctly, 'So, you're not committed to following the law?'"
It should already be obvious that Barack Obama has no intention of "following the law." As a matter of fact, as a number of media outlets have previously reported, Barack Obama has already violated the terms of the Corker Betrayal.
For those who need a refresher on how the Corker Betrayal came about and what it is, here's a refresher from WND:
"The Constitution specifies that international treaties must be approved by two-thirds of the Senate, but Obama has controlled the semantics of this issue, deliberating defining it [his treaty with the terrorist state of Iran] as a 'deal.'"
"Thus, he [Obama] claimed, the historic nuclear deal did not require congressional approval. To attempt to counter that, Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., sponsored a bill that requires the administration to get congressional approval for the deal. However, if Congress rejects the deal, Obama could simply overrule that objection by vetoing the bill.
"Instead of the deal requiring two-thirds of the Senate to approve the deal, it will now take two-thirds of Congress to stop the deal, in the form of overriding a presidential veto."
That's the Corker Betrayal in a nutshell and it's a purposeful and cowardly betrayal... Republican elites desperately wanted to set up a dynamic that would prohibit them from stopping Barack Obama by nullifying their majority but still permit them to mount token opposition to Barack Obama, and that's exactly what they did.
And we're not going to let them get away with it. Republican elites believe they've pulled the wool over your eyes, but if patriotic Americans like you can generate an avalanche of calls and faxes to convince them that the gig is up, they'll give up the ghost and do what you want.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every of the United States Senate. That’s 100 Blast Faxes.
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As Rush Limbaugh Pointed Out, The Corker Betrayal Is Now Moot. Iran Has Violated It And Barack Obama Has Violated It. Nothing Should Be Stopping The Senate From Jettisoning It And Telling Obama NO?
"I know. You're shouting, 'What about the Corker Bill! The Corker Bill!' Well, folks, you've gotta get the Corker Bill out of your mind because the Corker Bill... is a construct to make Republican voters think that Obama is being opposed... It's just a showpiece. It's just one of these things that's designed, again, to allow the Republicans to give the impression that they're working hard keeping Obama in line and opposing him when necessary..."
And, if you've been following our action alerts, you already know that Barack Obama and Iran have already VIOLATED the terms of the Corker Betrayal...
Andrew McCarthy, writing for National Review explains what is really going on: "Congress and the public were led to believe that the administration was negotiating to deprive Iran of nuclear capabilities. The president, in stark contrast, has struck an agreement that obliges the United States and other nations to build up Iran's nuclear capabilities. That is not just outside the scope of what Obama led Congress to believe he was doing; it is the opposite of what he said he was doing – and patently unacceptable."
McCarthy goes on to explain: "If you scrutinize President Obama's Iran nuclear deal, you find that [Obama] ignores the existence of the Corker process. So should Congress... The Congress, particularly the Senate, has not only a clear justification but a constitutional duty to scrap the legally defective and, now, factually nigh-irrelevant Corker review process, codified as the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015."
Your eyes aren’t deceiving you... Obama has already violated the terms of the Corker Betrayal... and that means that the Corker Betrayal is now moot and every Member of Congress knows it... even though many of them are still hoping that you won't catch on to this little game of bait-and-switch.
And now that Barack Obama and Iran have violated the terms of the Corker Betrayal, Congress has a duty to jettison it and tell Barack Obama to go pound sand.
As previously stated, what must happen now is clear. Congress must scuttle the Corker Betrayal... Congress must declare Obama's "deal" with the terrorist state of Iran to be what it really is, a TREATY... And then, Congress must vote it down and let Barack Obama know, in no uncertain terms, that he WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES, including IMPEACHMENT, if he refuses to obey the law.
It's that simple, but only you can make it happen.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every of the United States Senate. That’s 100 Blast Faxes.
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We're The United States Of America. We're The Most Powerful Nation On Earth And It's Time To Stand Up To The Mullahs Of Iran And Tell Them: 'If That's What You've Gotta Do, Then That's What You've Gotta Do.'
According to "Iran has warned the U.N. Security Council it may reconsider its commitment to a landmark nuclear deal with key powers if the United States or any other state reimposes nuclear-related sanctions on Tehran under the pretext of countering other Iranian activities."
"In a statement transmitted to the 15-member body, Iran's U.N. envoy, Gholamali Khoshroo, said Tehran 'may reconsider its commitments' under the nuclear pact if U.S., European, and U.N. sanctions lifted under the deal are 'impaired by continued application or the imposition of new sanctions with a nature and scope identical or similar to those that were in place prior to the implementation date, irrespective of whether such new sanctions are introduced on nuclear related or other grounds, unless the issues are remedied within a reasonably short time.'"
Yes... please... let the mullahs of Iran back out of the deal. We can live with that because no deal is certainly better than a raw deal. As far as we're concerned our foreign policy response to the terrorist state of Iran should be: "If that's what you've gotta do, then that's what you've gotta do."
Seriously, while liberals attempt to call such posturing cowboy diplomacy, it should be obvious by now that Iran is going to attempt to build a nuclear arsenal whether we have a deal on the table or not, so we certainly don't need to tie our hands by abiding by a deal that Iran has no intention of honoring... that's suicide.
And contrary to what Barack Obama is saying, the alternative to a deal is not war. Former Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, supplies us with a recent lesson in history:
"[T]here will be no general Middle East war, despite fears to the contrary. We know this because no general war broke out when Israel attacked Saddam Hussein's Osirak reactor in 1981, or when it attacked the North Korean-built Syrian reactor in 2007. Neither Saudi Arabia nor other oil-producing monarchies wanted those regimes to have nuclear weapons, and they certainly do not want Iran to have them today."
It's that simple folks. Iran does NOT want a war with the United States if the United States is committed to winning any fight. As Ronald Reagan used to say, peace is assured through strength. The proper response to Iran is to deny them the $150 billion dollars that they will use to finance acts of global terrorism and tell them, in no uncertain terms, that we will not allow them to obtain nuclear weapons, even if we have to bomb their reactors... period.
We're not going to avoid war through capitulation. A Neville Chamberlain style deal practically ensures war. If history is any guide and we capitulate, WE ASSURE eventual military action with a nation that declares"Death to America" will be necessary and we assure that your children and grandchildren will die while engaged in military action that could have been avoided.
Barack Obama knows it and our elected officials know it too. It's time to remind them that you know it.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate. Or alternatively, send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every of the United States Senate. That’s 100 Blast Faxes.
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