God, Guns & Gold-Full Spectrum Attack -Steve Quayle
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense.
Steve Quayle talks about why Gold is plunging in price. Sheila Zilinsky
asks Steve Quayle speaks about why Gold is plunging in price and what
the likely future will entail. This is a must listen for anyone who is
concerned about a currency collapse....
Paul Craig Roberts-Economic House of Cards, Demand for Gold and Silver Very Very High
CONTRIBUTOR: silveristhenew.
Greg Hunter, Published on Jul 28, 2015 Former Assistant Treasury
Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has repeatedly called the global
economy a “house of cards.” Currently, demand for physical gold and
silver is spiking even though prices are falling. What does this mean?
Dr. Roberts says, “Some people clearly understand it,...
No Doubt That the Midland Walmart Is a FEMA Camp Detention Center- New Evidence!
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense.
A few weeks ago, I was professionally and personally attacked by a
would-be-journalist from Big Spring, Texas. In her scathing article, the
world was told that there is nothing to Jade Helm and there is nothing
unusual going on at the Midland, TX. Walmart. The thrust of the...
Monsanto Documentary: This is a shocking video about the company
CONTRIBUTOR: The Tap Blog. Published on 19 May 2013 This video is just shocking. https://www.facebook.com/HealthAndWel …
I can’t believe that people in our government are so greedy that they
would allow this to happen, all in the name of money. All rights of this
video belong to the producers and film makers. Standard YouTube
Revealed; The Men Who Own and Run the U S Government
Discover the truth about the men behind the curtain who own and run the
U.S. Government. These men are totally evil, ruthless, greedy and
vicious individuals who will stop at nothing to gain control of the
world and the enslavement of us all. They are now taking steps...
The Stage Is Set! Third Temple Blueprints Have Arrived As Jews Are Being Evicted From Jerusalem—It’s Begun!
David IckeThe World War 3 & New World Order The Rothschild Zionist Agenda
CURATOR: John Ale.
The term “psycho-terrorism” was coined by Russian writer N. Anisimov of
the Moscow Anti-Psychotronic Center. According to Anisimov,
psychotropic weapons are those that act to “take away a part of the
information which is stored in a man’s brain. It is sent to a computer,
which reworks it to the...
Stan Deyo on Hagmann & Hagmann Report - Timeline For Trouble
What Princess Diana Knew – The Official Resistance
Documentary on top secret antigravity vehicle released
CONTRIBUTOR: The Daily Sheeple
CURATOR: Lisa Haven
CONTRIBUTOR: Off The Grid News
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense
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