ACLU asks schools to excuse students involved in riots
A coalition of youth and juvenile justice advocates called on the city school system Thursday to refrain from suspending or expelling teenagers
arrested in last week's rioting in Baltimore.
Thousands Attend Funeral of Slain New York Policeman
Thousands of police officers from around the United States attended the funeral Friday of a New York City police officer who was killed on patrol,
making him the third officer killed in the city since December.
Today's Edition Sponsored By:
Lynch Follows Liberal Formula in Baltimore
It was no surprise that new Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced
theDepartment of Justice will launch a civil rights investigation of
Police Department.
Threat level increased at U.S. military bases
Security at military bases in North America was increased Friday out of concern about potential terrorist threats.
Mother's Day cards aren't what they used to be
After generations of sameness, Mother's Day cards are getting a decidedly un-June Cleaver update.
Concern about Jade Helm 15 training reflects citizen distrust of government
Defense Secretary Ash Carter flatly denied Thursday the frenzied Internet speculation that a U.S. military exercise in Texas is part of a hostile
takeover or other nefarious Pentagon mission.
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