From: Jenny...Only Two Republicans (Sessions & Lee) Admit They Actually Read Secret Obama Trade Deal—Both Unsupportive
Here You Go- Veteran Broadcaster Seeks Info About Article II Natural Born Citizen Requirement
From: Jenny...Americans Not In The Labor Force Rise To Record 93,194,000
From: UnfilteredNews...The Vatican: Climate skeptics tried to urge Pope Francis to reconsider his support for global warming alarmism, but they were shut down during a press conference. [UN officials are trying to get faith leaders, as moral authorities, to persuade their followers to support the global warming agenda.] Breitbart posted May 5 (Cached)
From: UnfilteredNews...Australia: Maurice Newman, the head of Prime Minister Tony
Abbott's Business Advisory Council, said the UN is using false models of global
warming. [The motive is, not concern for the
environment, but the desire to impose authoritarian rule. He said: "it's about a
new world order under the control of the
UN."] Reuters 2015 May 8 (Cached)
From: EBAu From: Drake.....An inconvenient lie…Al Gore Sued By 30,000 Scientists For Global Warming Fraud |
Uh-oh! Bad news for Americans counting on Social Security
Uh-oh! Bad news for Americans counting on Social Security
From: EBAU...Immigration Shutdown Now: Hunger in America...
How will our civilization
survive the raging Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? At the moment, we
charge right into their cross hairs. First, we need a national
discussion-debate. We need to throw “immigration overload” onto the
table. We need to stop mass immigration. We cannot hope for good to
ensue, we must act in order to create a viable civilization. This series
applies to Canada, UK, Europe, Australia and most other countries of the
world....... by Frosty
BJ3: Hysterical. And it is amazing how they know. And check out the ones that follow it.
From: Jenny...Only Two Republicans (Sessions & Lee) Admit They Actually Read Secret Obama Trade Deal—Both Unsupportive
Here You Go- Veteran Broadcaster Seeks Info About Article II Natural Born Citizen Requirement
From: Jenny...Americans Not In The Labor Force Rise To Record 93,194,000
From: UnfilteredNews...The Vatican: Climate skeptics tried to urge Pope Francis to reconsider his support for global warming alarmism, but they were shut down during a press conference. [UN officials are trying to get faith leaders, as moral authorities, to persuade their followers to support the global warming agenda.] Breitbart posted May 5 (Cached)
From: UnfilteredNews...Australia: Maurice Newman, the head of Prime Minister Tony
Abbott's Business Advisory Council, said the UN is using false models of global
warming. [The motive is, not concern for the
environment, but the desire to impose authoritarian rule. He said: "it's about a
new world order under the control of the
UN."] Reuters 2015 May 8 (Cached)
From: EBAu From: Drake.....An inconvenient lie…Al Gore Sued By 30,000 Scientists For Global Warming Fraud |
Uh-oh! Bad news for Americans counting on Social Security
Uh-oh! Bad news for Americans counting on Social Security
From: EBAU...Immigration Shutdown Now: Hunger in America...
How will our civilization
survive the raging Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? At the moment, we
charge right into their cross hairs. First, we need a national
discussion-debate. We need to throw “immigration overload” onto the
table. We need to stop mass immigration. We cannot hope for good to
ensue, we must act in order to create a viable civilization. This series
applies to Canada, UK, Europe, Australia and most other countries of the
world....... by Frosty
From: EBAu...The Slow, Torturous, Silent Repeal of the Bill of Rights
Nevertheless, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can fine a property owner as much as $75,000 PER DAY per violation of alleged (unproven) violations of the Clean Water Act. Anyone who says this isn't an excessive fine, that violates the 8th Amendment, is 10 cards short of a full deck.......
From: Michael Volin
...Monday Night’s Show With Joel
Joel Gilbert we be the guest. Yes we will ask him about his recent interview
with Malik Obama, Obama's Brother?
Date: Monday May 11 2015 Time: 9:00pm - 11:00pm eastern Call in to the studio: 347 989 8853
Listen live and join the chat room:
Date: Monday May 11 2015 Time: 9:00pm - 11:00pm eastern Call in to the studio: 347 989 8853
Listen live and join the chat room:
Johnson ...It's long overdue to abolish the IRS. This
will make you angry seeing what the IRS did to a small business
owner.I just spoke to Lyndon moments
ago. He is one hell of guy who has been ripped off by his own government. Paste
in your browser.
IRS Steals
from small business owner.
ToThePoint News--Half Full REPORT...May 8, 2015
From: Jenny...New trade warning: International 'tribunal' could junk U.S.
laws to help foreign firms
From: Sher From: John Rolls
Combined Disasters Warning! The
Illuminati Know What Is Coming September 22-28, 2015 | Blogging/Citizen
Journalism Sher From: John Rolls
From: Rob E
Report: Police Seize
10 Children from Family Because They Are Off
victorialadyliberty...This is a RELIABLE SOURCE! PLS SHARE! PLS KEEP SCREAMING
Pastor Lee...
Like we
keep saying: "the PEOPLE HAVE ALL THE POWER
From: Conservative Tribune...UNREAL- State Passes Law Banning the Use
of “Redskins” as Sports Team Name
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