Mother Makes Ultimate Sacrifice for Her Unborn Baby, Refusing Cancer Treatment While Pregnant

A 24-year old mother, Ashley Bridges, made the ultimate sacrifice for her unborn baby when she denied life-saving chemotherapy treatment for bone cancer. Bone cancer accounts for less than 1% of all cancers, and cancer in young adults is extremely rare. In the United States, 2,300 new cases of bone cancer are diagnosed each year. Click to Read at
Cosmo Attacks Jessa Duggar’s “Radical,” “Deranged,” “Extreme” Pro-Life Views

The reality-TV Christian family the Duggars, spoke at the Values Voters Summit in Washington D.C. this past week and apparently while they were here got a chance to visit the National Holocaust Museum. Click to Read at
A 24-year old mother, Ashley Bridges, made the ultimate sacrifice for her unborn baby when she denied life-saving chemotherapy treatment for bone cancer. Bone cancer accounts for less than 1% of all cancers, and cancer in young adults is extremely rare. In the United States, 2,300 new cases of bone cancer are diagnosed each year. Click to Read at
Cosmo Attacks Jessa Duggar’s “Radical,” “Deranged,” “Extreme” Pro-Life Views
The reality-TV Christian family the Duggars, spoke at the Values Voters Summit in Washington D.C. this past week and apparently while they were here got a chance to visit the National Holocaust Museum. Click to Read at
Woman Who Punched Her Baby in the Head So Hard She Killed Her Gets 29 Months in Prison

A Chicago woman who struck her newborn baby;s head so hard she fractured her skull and killed her has been sentenced to 29 months in prison. Click to Read at
Woman Battling Breast Cancer Rejects Abortion, Gives Birth to Healthy Baby Boy

Although doctors sometimes suggest an abortion when a woman battling cancer is pregnant, Adele Rivas and her husband decided not to have an abortion and to carry the pregnancy to term to give birth to their healthy baby. Studies show women don’t need to have an abortion and can safely seek chemo treatment during pregnancy. Click to Read at
A Chicago woman who struck her newborn baby;s head so hard she fractured her skull and killed her has been sentenced to 29 months in prison. Click to Read at
Woman Battling Breast Cancer Rejects Abortion, Gives Birth to Healthy Baby Boy
Although doctors sometimes suggest an abortion when a woman battling cancer is pregnant, Adele Rivas and her husband decided not to have an abortion and to carry the pregnancy to term to give birth to their healthy baby. Studies show women don’t need to have an abortion and can safely seek chemo treatment during pregnancy. Click to Read at
Pro-Life People Will Tell America: Abortion Kills Children, Hurts Women

Millions of pro-life advocates will line the streets of hundreds of communities across America on Sunday braving cold winds or heat and humidity to tell their neighbors an important message. The annual LifeChain is an opportunity to let people know that abortion kills children and hurts women. Click to Read at
Remembering Sanda Cano: From Abortion “Pawn” to Pro-Life Warrior

Sadly, Sandra Cano, the “Doe” in the 1973 Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court case, died yesterday at a Georgia hospital after suffering from complications to throat cancer. Click to Read at
Millions of pro-life advocates will line the streets of hundreds of communities across America on Sunday braving cold winds or heat and humidity to tell their neighbors an important message. The annual LifeChain is an opportunity to let people know that abortion kills children and hurts women. Click to Read at
Remembering Sanda Cano: From Abortion “Pawn” to Pro-Life Warrior
Sadly, Sandra Cano, the “Doe” in the 1973 Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court case, died yesterday at a Georgia hospital after suffering from complications to throat cancer. Click to Read at
Abortion Activists Vandalize Pro-Life Billboards With Vulgar Messages: “Kill the Shrimp”

Billboards featuring a baby alongside a fetal development fact have been repeatedly vandalized and damaged, according to Mary Ann Kuharski, Director of PROLIFE Across AMERICA, the group sponsoring the pro-life ads. Click to Read at
Judge Orders Toddler Removed From Life Support Despite Christian Parents’ Pleas to Let Him Live

The latest battle between courts and families when it comes to the life and death fate of people on life support is taking place in the United Kingdom. There, Christian parents are battling a court, which has ordered that their child be removed from life support despite their pleas to let him live. Click to Read at
Billboards featuring a baby alongside a fetal development fact have been repeatedly vandalized and damaged, according to Mary Ann Kuharski, Director of PROLIFE Across AMERICA, the group sponsoring the pro-life ads. Click to Read at
Judge Orders Toddler Removed From Life Support Despite Christian Parents’ Pleas to Let Him Live
The latest battle between courts and families when it comes to the life and death fate of people on life support is taking place in the United Kingdom. There, Christian parents are battling a court, which has ordered that their child be removed from life support despite their pleas to let him live. Click to Read at
They Held Her Down and Sedated Her and Aborted Her Baby While She Was Unconscious
On September 22, 2011, there was a hearing before the Subcommittee on
Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights of the Committee on Foreign
Attorney General Says Virginia Abortion Clinics Don’t Have to Report Rapes of Teen Girlse
Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring has issued a shocking ruling
saying that abortion clinics do not have to report rapes of teenage
girls even though Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics have a
long history of doing abortions on rape victims without reporting the
rapes to authorities.
Killed in An Accident at 8 Months: Canada Says Unborn Baby Wasn’t a Human Being
A tragic accident that claimed the lives of two children in London,
Ont., this past summer has now been thrust into the national spotlight.
Study Claims Women Who Abort Their Babies Escape Domestic Violence
Pro-abortion writer, Katie McDonough, wrote an article sharing the
results of a survey from BMC Medicine that claims, “being denied an
abortion tethers women to violent men.”
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