Hmmm...Why not replace the WH “security” staff with this guy
and his llamas? No more “false flags’ there?
From: sherzieve.....Amazing story.
Guard Llamas
Sher.....Beautiful! Thanks to Bill. The herd waits on the other
side for the last jumper...From: "William Mann" Massive elk herd in Montana....Near
Bozeman. A big herd of elk. Sent to me from a friend in Libby, MT where
we lived for many years after retirement. Watch the last hesitant jumper figure it out...
we lived for many years after retirement. Watch the last hesitant jumper figure it out...
BJ3: And Congress republicans don’t do beans, looking to share the
From: hokahey...In response to
Re: Top priority for new conservative
congress and administration
I would have a
moratorium on immigration and deport all illegal aliens and Muslims, legal
or not. They are all a security risk. Taking illegals into the armed
forces. History repeats itself. Rome accepted barbarians into
its legions and military leadership and they contributed to the fall of the
Western Roman Empire. As Rome went, so goes the USA. John
Amnesty Isn't Popular with Anyone September 30, 2014
RUSH: They keep putting it off, and again, the reason
is, whoever is seen as responsible is not gonna get applauded. It's not
supported. And they keep moving it back. Listen Now (Members
Only) Read Transcript
BJ3; Not for nothn’ folks but
did this same reporter then immediately write a column and demand Mr. Obama’s
valid, rightly-certified, reportedly sealed and vaulted, original Hawaiian Birth
Certificate DOCUMENT for the proof of his eligible authority to do this to
her? That’s how this whole “thing” started...the media sold out to access.
Someone ask me if I really care. I will...just as soon as any MSM reporter
demands that document...for proof one way or the
KOFFLER .....A veteran
reporter for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel said Monday she was prevented from
talking to the crowd during an event at which First Lady Michelle Obama
spoke. LINK
From: Sher.....And there are still millions of people who refuse to believe Obama
is a Muslim and planning to implement the N.A. Marxist-Islamic
Caliphate.....From: "Dave Hollenbeck"
Kenyan cops shutdown Obama family
connected radical Sunni madrassa - National Law
From: Dave Hollenbeck
From: Rob Astorino.....Will New York re-elect a
governor who could likely go to jail? That is the question I am bringing to the
forefront with my campaign’s latest TV ad.
In September of 1964, the most famous political ad of all time hit the airwaves. “Daisy Girl” only aired one time, yet it is an image we all know and recognize. To honor the 50th anniversary of that momentous ad, my campaign has released “Jail,” which highlights the very serious corruption investigation facing Andrew Cuomo.
In September of 1964, the most famous political ad of all time hit the airwaves. “Daisy Girl” only aired one time, yet it is an image we all know and recognize. To honor the 50th anniversary of that momentous ad, my campaign has released “Jail,” which highlights the very serious corruption investigation facing Andrew Cuomo.
If elected on November 4th, I will
bring honesty and integrity back to Albany.
From: Pastor Lee From: Nancy
DR. FRANKENSTEIN', BILL GATES, NIH, CDC, MONSANTO OWNS THE PATENT TO THIS 'KILLER' !! U. of Texas ecologist suggested that an airborne virus like Ebola could wipe out 90% of the world's population (he announced this in 2006). In 2009 it hit this a coincidence ???????? TWEET, FACEBOOK, FRIENDS & FAMILY ----how much longer are we going to TOLERATE THIS GOVERNMENT ???? ----WILL WE ACT WHEN OUR LOVED ONES SUCCUMB TO THIS VIRUS????
DR. FRANKENSTEIN', BILL GATES, NIH, CDC, MONSANTO OWNS THE PATENT TO THIS 'KILLER' !! U. of Texas ecologist suggested that an airborne virus like Ebola could wipe out 90% of the world's population (he announced this in 2006). In 2009 it hit this a coincidence ???????? TWEET, FACEBOOK, FRIENDS & FAMILY ----how much longer are we going to TOLERATE THIS GOVERNMENT ???? ----WILL WE ACT WHEN OUR LOVED ONES SUCCUMB TO THIS VIRUS????
Sher.....From: Rob
Open a refugee resettlement office in your town and one day be like Eden Prairie, MN « Refugee Resettlement Watch
Open a refugee resettlement office in your town and one day be like Eden Prairie, MN « Refugee Resettlement Watchhttp://
BJ3: If they were reallu serious, they would
rebuke something else and emand his valid, rightly-certified, at birth,
reportedly sealed and vaulted original Hawaiian Birth Certificate DOCUMENT as
proof of his eligible authority to do anything.
Lawmakers, intel officials
rebuke Obama's deceit on ISIS intelligence - National Law Enforcement |
Hobnobbing with the
Hollywood swells, and not attending intelligence briefings, is Obama's idea of a
great presidency?
From: Dave Hollenbeck...
Wealthier whites get 90 percent of licenses in
From: 2tomorrow8
Toronto Mosque using mock beheadings
in plays with young children
From: John
Rolls...BO Staff On OK Beheading: “We Just Can’t
Catch A Break Around Here.”....."A woman loses her life in a horrific act of
terrorism while doing nothing more unusual than showing up for work, and
Obama White House staff see
the tragedy only through the narrow prism of their own diminished political
From: Dave Hollenbeck
Protecting Our Borders ---Respect must
be paid (RE: B P )
From: Vincent
Voter Fraud is Happening Across the
The vote is too
precious to be left unsecure! Only you can DEMAND Voter ID regulations across
From: 2tomorrow8...responding to Charlie’s post.....
Amen! I will
go further by pointing out that on numerous occasions the U. S. has put a
moratorium on ALL immigration, green cards, whatever because this was in the
best interest of our nation at that particular time. I submit that this is such
a time for America to say HALT until enough jobs are found for all current
citizens. Further, this halt must extend until our country gets its
debt under control. Barb.....
Sharing the views of a contact of mine:
I am
Canadian. I studied WWII and propaganda for decades. The foreign fascist
corporate and banking cartel captured our Canadian central gov. decades ago and
then used MASS RACIAL IMMIGRATION TOWER OF BABEL COLONIZATION to utterly and completely destroy our anglo
WEALTH”. It is permanent and irreversible. Make no mistake about it they
are using every MEANS to “ COLONIZE & TRANSFORM’ ‘All’ white culture:
Germany, Canada, France, England, Sweden, Ireland,
Australia, Switzerland, United States....When will the 74%
NFL watching American adult-children wake up and realize that as the Canadian
culture was destroyed and conquered so to in real-time the open border, high
immigration advocates are conquering you and your children. Destroy a
nation’s culture and cultural identity and the nation will fall. Just put a lot
of Citizens on the GOVERNMENT DEPENDENCY PAYROLL SYSTEM and you will have a
nation conquered and transformed by the corporations and for the
When a
nation loses its single unified culture and cultural identity then the central
government, police and military become God. The "tower of babel colonization” is
permanent and irreversible.
From: Devvy.....STATE
How was this not planned in
advance? Ebola vaccine magically ready for human trials in weeks, not
What hogwash.Livestock industry's antibiotic use protected by court ruling
claiming there isn't an 'official' finding of health
Gov. Brown VETOES SB 25—Union to Literally OWN Farm Workers and Farms–VETOED!
Stephen Frank on Sep 29, 2014 08:10 pm
Teacher: We're Overwhelmed by Illegal Kids September 30, 2014
CALLER: Well, these students,
it's my understanding, are in self-contained classrooms. So they're not being
mixed with the general population of students, even other students that speak
Spanish. It's my understanding they're not being assimilated or mainstreamed, to
use education lingo. Listen Now
(Members Only) Read
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