Thursday, January 23, 2014

RedState Briefing 01/23/2014

Morning Briefing
For January 23, 2014

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No Truce With Evil. Ever.
It’s been another year. Another 3 million kids, more or less, killed legally in utero in this country. Time to take stock of things.

On the one hand, a substantial amount of progress has been made in the last 12 months. Numerous states have passed laws and regulations curtailing the practice of abortion. In the wake of the trial of Kermit Gosnell, numerous more have passed regulations requiring abortion clinics to meet the same standards as other outpatient surgery centers. In the wake of these regulations, numerous such clinics have closed, proving their worthlessness as purveyors of health.

On the other hand, the cause of life has in some ways suffered some political setbacks in the last year. The most pro-abortion President in history continued his attempt to trample religious liberty and expand taxpayer funding of abortion in clear violation of Federal Law. The always active and morally bankrupt fifth column within the GOP continues to scream that opposition to mass infanticide is a political loser and should be dropped from the party platform. “It is time for a truce,” we are regularly told.

Meanwhile, the other side rejects the very notion that a truce exists or even could be possible. Fabulist women in pink shoes are lionized and feted for literally no reason other than supporting third-trimester abortion on demand.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post

Matt Bevin
Matt Bevin is running for the United States Senate in Kentucky. The businessman and father of nine is committed to the pro-life cause. Several of his children were adopted. In 2003, he lost a daughter in a car wreck. The Southern Theological Seminary’s Bevin Center for Missions Moblization is named for Matt Bevin’s daughter.

Matt Bevin is a good man. Right now he is being subjected to withering attacks by Republicans who have long profited from the status quo. Bevin, like a number of other candidates this year, is challenging an incumbent Republican Senator — one who has been in Washington since 1985.

If Republicans want to change Washington, D.C., we must change our own team. We must change the team that heralded passing TARP as a great day for the United States Senate. We must change the team that grew government itself while claiming to be in favor of small government. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

More Common Core: Pay Attention, Democrats
Common Core is an ongoing disaster foisted upon American schools and messing with our kids futures. As an Arkansas mom pointed out recently, we’re forcing our kids to bypass real, efficient problem-solving in favor of .. well, nonsense. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

A Day of Death.
Forty-two years ago today, America decided to adopt a state religious belief: that some humans are not people. It is necessarily a religious belief, because to that point, America had never doubted that humans were persons, in the same way it had never doubted that wheat is a grain; it is self-evident by both one’s senses and one’s common sense, by basic science and by the application of reason. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

A Family’s Struggle With Apparent Mental Health Issues Turns to Life
I heard a story the other day about a family seemingly ruined by the mental health issue of the oldest child in the family. I thought it was worth sharing today, given events.

This family had five sons and at least two daughters. The father died leaving the mother to care for the family. The oldest son had always seemed a little abnormal and after years of living at home and helping take care of the family, he moved out around 30 years old having never married. At that point, he seemed to really deteriorate.

We hear stories sometimes of people who develop mental health issues and claim to see things or they claim to be someone like Napoleon or Jesus or whoever. And that’s what apparently happened here. The oldest son left his family and started claiming wild things. He claimed he was Jesus. He claimed he could heal people. He claimed he could see demons and angels. This was beyond Hale Bopp level nuttiness as far as his family was concerned. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

Conservatives Introduce Bill to Repeal Taxes on Social Security Benefits
At present, federal “mandatory” programs, which include Medicare, Social Security and roughly 77 welfare program, account for 57% of the entire federal budget.  Social Security is by far the largest federal expenditure, which is projected to cost $848 billion in 2014 and at least $11 trillion over the next 10 years.  It is clear that we will never control spending and bend the trajectory of our fiscal insolvency without offering comprehensive and effective reforms to Social Security. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState

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