Sunday, January 26, 2014

CHUCK KOLB 01/26/2014


Previously posted ...

Tiananmen Square protests of 1989

BREAKING: China dumps all bonds, declares South China Sea closed zone
China has just announced, in response to what it calls US aggression, that it has placed all its US treasury bonds on the open
market and simultaneously has declared the South China Sea a closed zone. This is a developing story, please check for updates.

Still held as a cache ...

China to Purchase the Federal Reserve - The U.S. Government Defaulted in October, 2013
by JC Collins

... It will happen over a weekend, as many have already predicted.  The televisions will announce the largest deal in financial history
between the Federal Reserve and China.  They will discuss how all the worlds currencies have been revalued to reflect true production
ratios and physical assets.  Accounts will be balanced.  War criminals will be prosecuted. [...]

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Philippians 4:8 KJV


Do We Live In A Police State? | Ron Paul (37:53)

by Publius Huldah

The “Convention of States” (COS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page contains 989 words - none of them true - except for these
which appear in the first paragraph: ... That is what happened in 1787 when the Continental Congress called a convention “for the sole
and express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation.” The delegates ignored their instructions and wrote an entirely new
Constitution with its own new method of ratification. [...]
Archives -

Walter Williams On Nullification, Secession, And More (24:07)

Obama-Care - Creates Unconstitutional Army - “HR3590 - Revealed Tyranny”
by Mr. Nicholas Purpura

Dangerous and Unconstitutional. 
The truth be told, the most dangerous and unconstitutional sections of Obama-care contain provisions that have nothing what-so-ever
to do with health - just the opposite. The scariest provision grants Obama the unconstitutional authority to create a “Civilian Ready
Reserve Corps” under his personal jurisdiction.
Constitutional and Statutory Violations. [...]


Rally sites set for Operation American Spring in Washington, D.C. on May 16th

Operation American Spring (OAS) participants will be mustering at the below locations in Washington D.C. starting at 10:00 a.m. EST
on Friday, May 16, 2014. Please pick your place of protest. We will not leave our posts in Washington until the President has been
removed from office for constitutional treason.


Visit Constitutional Emergency

If you haven't read the date OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING is to begin, the date is MAY 16, 2014 and it will continue for weeks, months, whatever it takes to render a solution to our grievances.  We will provide information on how we keep a population of Patriots flowing into D.C. for as long as it takes.  It may take the form of using the alphabet.  Example: last name starting with A has week ____; last name starting with B has the next week; last name starting with C has the next week, etc working through the alphabet.  This doesn't mean you can stay only a week...if so desired you can stay two weeks, a month, as long as you can. The critical message we must send is with our strenght...our operation is not a one or two day trip to D.C., it must shakeup Washington to the point they must meet our demands.
Second, we need help in many areas to effect a successful operation and provide all of us support we need getting to D.C and while we're there.  We're asking you as PFA members to step forward, or provide us information where we can find volunteers in the following areas:  We need legal help; communication team; security team; intelligence team; transportation team; public relations team; blogging/FB/Twitter team; so far.  If you have desire, expertise, talent, have served in any of these areas, we need you to volunteer to participate and develop plans or papers in the area you choose to join.  Team leaders will be selected and become a member of the OAS staff.  Guidance will be provided in each area to get you started.  Volunteers should email your name to David Swanson, who will manage team development.  Please, send you name to David right away, we must not tarry.
Third, our effort is taking off like wild-fire. Blog activity, FaceBook posts, twitter, et al has our mission very high on Google.  If you search Operation American Spring on Google, you will find it very high in the rankings.  That means a very high volume of reporting and posting about the operation is occurring throughout the Internet.  Keep up the excellent work...every day, the more that post on all media and social network opportunities, it gives us much greater out-reach to Patriots across America...and we're needing at least 10 million of them for May 16, 2014 and more to follow on later.
Fourth, our efforts are geared toward Constitutional restoration and will never sway from this mission. You've read our mission, you know the critical nature of our task, success is the only option for OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING. Let's keep on a constant work effort and prove a bright American Spring for the United States.
Our Prayer Warriors are adding an ingredient to our operation, without which we could never succeed.  We're all being bathed
in prayer as we seek an honorable, just, constitutional restoration. God bless the United States of America.

12/29/13 - Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret.,

† † †

We still need some key positions filled.  They are listed below...if you have had experience in any of these concentrations, even interested,
or just want to get involved, please add your name at the PFA web site Tab, Volunteers 4 OAS and specifically state the area/team that you
volunteer to help.  We'll give some guidance in each area to get you started.......

Security Team
Transportation Team
Intelligence Team
Blogging Team
Public Relations Team
Legal Support Team
Logistics Team
Video Team
Please let us know where you want to help the operation succeed.

A critical team is the post May 16/17 "Follow-On Team".  This team must come up with a plan that will keep the continual flow/presence of patriots coming and going to D.C. after the mass gathering on May 16 and 17, for as long as we need to be there.  Three or four need to put on your thinking caps, join this team and begin this crucial, vital plan.  How do we do it?  How do we keep a million patriots in D.C. on a continual basis?  No small task but it must be done.

We must have support from many of you....we do have members that possess experience in the above areas, but experience is not necessary...what we need is a "desire" to help.  Without your shouldering up, you know the answer...........

With regard to OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING(OAS).......we are enjoying nearly jaw-dropping exposure across America.  Because of untold numbers of you posting our message on web sites, blogs, FaceBook, Twitter, it's pushing our OAS to the top of the search engine.  National media is sniffing around as to what is this Operation American Spring movement? (By the way, let's use "movement to action" rather than "demonstration, rally, march")  We have struck a void that America has been yearning...and support is increasing exponentially. It is important to keep the flow going as high as we can keep it, but at least on a continual flow.  We cannot allow OAS message to peter out, just the reverse, we must reach out to new sources, email lists, letters to editors, veterans groups, Tea Party Groups, conservative groups, churches, any and everywhere you can touch a few souls.

We are blessed that so many have signed up on the Prayer Warriors pages...God is our strength in our movement gaining strength to combat the discouragement, verbal attacks, perhaps threats,  that we will experience. We must trust God to see us through the next months and beyond...He is faithful to us.
Best for a blessed New Year,
12/31/13 - Harry Riley and the OAS Team........

† † †

Medical Team: Kathie is Team Leader
More Team needs.........
Need volunteer licensed medical professionals...Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Registered Nurses, Paramedics,
EMT's. All volunteer licensed practitioners should send me an email ( ) with a link to their state licensing board
page for licensing verification.  I can also use unlicensed medical volunteers that will be accountable to licensed practitioners.


† † †

Just a few items to pass on to you.
The big news is the exponential growth, interest, generating in America, and the opposition is getting mean spirited.......good.....good. 
That means we're interfering in the liberal, criminal trough in D.C.

Internet - At the beginning of the month we had 40 mentions on the Internet - as of today we have  151 positive and 18 negative mentions.  For those of us who are not real savvy on Internet jargon, these numbers means we have a lot, a lot of visibility on the Internet...If they hear, they will come.  If they don't hear, how can they the lighting up of the Internet is a great sign.

State Groups - CRITICAL. Everyone must start action on your State Group to organize. Get your travel groups together, car pools, charter buses, check out train schedules, etc.  Do this at the State level. If your State Group leader is not responsive, let us know and we'll find a patriot that will grab the ball and run.  Those of us at the PFA level don't know what you need or your local areas...we will have a page on our PFA/OAS site helping with identifying D.C. travel, motels, airports, maps, etc....

Radio/Interviews I have participated - Dr. Manning interviews   Part 2 
14th Jan       Full Contact with Erik Rush
14th Jan       JJ McCartney - Conservative Junction Radio
15th Jan       The Take with Charles Butler
15th Jan       Rusty Humphries Show
16th Jan       Pete Santilli Show
17th Jan       WBTV with Mel Moss
We at the PFA Staff level are doing our best to carry your water and every other patriot in America.  We have major media interested in OAS efforts.  Everyone is responsible to communicate our effort.
Forum/Chat  I'm depending on cool, mature heads to monitor both the forums and chat room.  Keep it calm, accurate, helpful, guiding as necessary.  Right now I'm witnessing some great cooperative work on both areas...keep it up. We're a team, the mission is vital, the consequences of failure are grave.
BLOG/FB/Event Page  All doing well, our managers of these media resources are fighting off the agitators, infiltrators....I sent the URL for these pages in the last update...visit them a comment.
PFA Members  We have nearly doubled(a couple thousand members) in size since 20 Dec 2013...I don't know what it means nationally, other than many are "hearing and some came" to us.
Rules of Engagement(ROE) We have posted ROE...There is a drop-down under TAB American the ROE if you haven't.
1/15/14 - Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret.

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From: Susie and Tracy, Social Media Experts
Please check out our Facebook Page. And tell/enlighten all of your friends about OAS. There is an invite tab that will bring up all of your contacts so that you can inform every one of this..

Our official Face Book site associated with OAS  is and our official events page associated with OAS is

Please put out a maximum effort to awaken our sleeping citizens.  There are many still asleep to the fact that we no longer have a Government for, of, and by the people.

Should your friends/contacts have concerns about what is going on with the destruction our Great Nation, they have an opportunity to stand with us to return this country to the Constitutional Republic that our founders left for us to protect....

Don't waste your time by getting involved with internal fighting.  This will distroy the efforts of the goal, to return our country to the Constitutional Republic that it was founded to be...

Guide them here to our Facebook page,

Here is an important forum post by Tracy.....keep it handy for reference...  ....The social media is the tool to reach the is credited as a primary vehicle that resulted in the Egyptian massive/gigantic outpouring that changed the government twice...........we must repeat a massive "movement to action" in D.C. to effect a similar result of leadership removal.
1/16/14 - Harrry Riley, COL, USA, Ret

† † †

We start week five of our preparation leading to an historic event in the life of the United States of America. A situation not greatly removed from conditions experienced by our Founding Fathers...America is being threatened, attacked, abused, betrayed and nearly captured by enemies of freedom, liberty, a nation under God.  There can be no greater calling under God than to rise up, put boots on the ground, in defense of our nation, our liberty, our freedom, and all these rights secured for our children, granchildren and beyond.

This evening , the opportunity is presented to us for me to be a guest on Fox News this evening at 6:15 EST, on the Alan Colmes Talk Show, probably not friendly. This is the first time we have had an opportunity share our mission to the progressive nation...our focus is for all America and I'm excited to be reaching out to liberals, progressives, and anyone else that values their freedom and liberty. Prayer for clarity in my remarks is petitioned.  You can listen at

STATE GROUPS  Several members of State Groups are asking for someone to lead in their States.  First, I would say, if you view a leadership void in your State, then you can be the leader.  We have no time to seek, plead, vote on who takes action. If you have voiced or need State leadership, then you are it.  Send me your name at or to David at and we'll make you an Administrator of your State Group so you can move out and get your State organized and moving.  States must be the "seed" across America to increase the ever expanding circle of information regarding Operation American Spring.  "If they don't hear, the won't come",  If they hear, they will come..............This is critical, we cannot assume an attitude of "let someone else do it"  That has happened for five years now and you see where we are....near destruction of our nation.

FB is experiencing some problems right is being worked on.....we have expected interruptions, challenges to our mission...there will be more.  We're working on a alternate web site in anticipation that our NING site will be overwhelmed with the numbers as we build our patriot nation to action.  The new site will be up and running soon, in parallel with our present NING site. Continue your Twitter posts as often as you can.

New PFA Tabs  Please view the top of our home page for new tabs.  Some of them are now on a third line in "light blue"...we have run out space, thus must tolerate the light blue.........much information that you need, and to pass to your contacts..........

Time is Critical  Use your local sources to spread the word....letters to editors, local talk shows, churches, Vet Organizations, use the flyers located on the OAS Flyers tab at the top of the PFA page.

I'm honored to be part of a noble, honorable cause that millions of Americans are waiting and praying for....
1/20/14 - Harry Riley, Operation American Spring

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We are on the "way to action".  Our numbers are growing......we need to double our efforts. 
Gigantic numbers in D.C. will ensure our success under God's leading.

I hope we can accept the video below as our anthem, as our motivation, as our determined goal,
as Americans to do what we can to return America to constitutional, lawful, governing.
God bless the United States of America indeed.
1/21/14 - Harry Riley, PFA/OAS

† † †

Operation American Spring is gaining traction across America every day.  Karin or PR Team tells me we have well over 200 positive mentions on Internet and 30 appearance on the liberal leaning Alan Colmes show seems to indicate that OAS is not limited to conservatives nor did we ever expect it to be, all persuasions in America believe constitutional restoration is critical to our way of life and a lawful's all, all about "we the people".

I would also mention, membership in PFA is not the measure of numbers of patriots that will flood D.C.  PFA just happens to be our hub for official information.  There are millions out there that are relying on local leadership, local groups, building a gigantic "movement to action" in D.C.  This is not about me, not about a specific group, it's all about our "constitutional restoration"...those that are leading us into chaos, destruction, lawlessness, and anti-constitutional behavior is our target....not each other..   Let's move on the enemy and the lawless leadership in D.C. is the enemy of our Constitution.

We have some strong, committed supporters; Pete Santilli of The Pete Santilli show; Overpasses, Before It's News to name a few.  Many Blog Talk radio initiatives are making strong pitches for OAS success.  Our cumulative list is long, so we will have to add a Tab on PFA to recognize them all...they all play a vital role to OAS success.

Karin Smith our Public Relations Team leader must resign due to personal consideration but will be replace by Texas Rose who I have approved.

A couple issues keep popping up.  Some chatter about concept.  As we state clearly, this is a "peaceful, non-violent, unarmed" gathering of American citizens visiting our nations capitol to present demands, grievance, and call for the resignations/removal of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and Eric Holder....everyone, everyone must received this message.

Also, there is some negative accusation tagged to General Vallely.  First I don't believe the accusation.  Second, General Vallely is seen by some as a leader in OAS, thus the accusation is carried over to me.  General Vallely is not a leader of OAS, has his hands full with his own initiatives.  Let's put this false accusation and  ties to OAS to bed.

We will open new sites in support of OAS soon. and

Below is an interview I had yesterday with Before It's News.  It may add to your understanding of OAS.

Regards to all,
1/24/14 - Harry Riley, PFA/OAS

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Doug Hagmann & Jim Garrow: Andrew Breitbart, Michael Hastings & Tom Clancy were "murdered"
- the three men were working on a book together that would have blow the lid on Obama. Breitbart and Clancy were poisoned
and Hastings was blown up. The families and Breitbart News aren't talking because they have been intimidated and much more. (21:47)
Brian Wilson -

01-05-14 Ex-CIA Garrow - Breitbart, Clancy, Hastings Worked Together (12:41)

If what Dr James Garrow says is true I hope we see lots of people hang. I know it won't happen because of the immense cover up.
Maybe if the Saudis get tired of O's double cross they will take care of such problems.

Topic : Thread: Obama, Brietbart, Hastings and Clancy
Until recently, TRUNEWS knew Dr. James Garrow as the founder of the Pink Pagoda organization which rescues baby girls from government sanctioned infanticide in China. Now, Mr. Garrow has revealed himself as a former U.S. Intelligence operative with first-hand knowledge that the deaths of Andrew Brietbart, Michael Hastings, and now Tom Clancy were the result of interconnected attempts to expose Barack Obama as a foreign Saudi plant – a fact that that Mr. Garrow says is common knowledge among intelligence communities throughout the world.

w vid Obama Implicated in Deaths of Andrew Breitbart and Tom Clancy by Dr. Garrow, Agenda 21
Explosive interview of former agent of the U.S. Government for 45 years Dr. James Garrow who implicates President Obama in the deaths of blogger Andrew Breitbart, writer Tom Clancy and Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings. Garrow who refers to Obama as a “Commie Muslim President” also implicates President Obama’s ‘other’ half brother Mark Obama as an agent working closely with the Chinese military and intelligence services. Garrow agree with host Paul Preston that ‘we’re in the midst of the totalitarian take over” Garrow responds “yes very much”. “The American People have been played.”

BOMBSHELL: Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Had Breitbart and Clancy Killed (51:14)

Obama Implicated in Deaths of Andrew Breitbart and Tom Clancy by Dr. Garrow, Agenda 21 Radio Part 2 (45:51)
Pt 1) (45:37)
Paul Preston -

Obama's 'Dead Pool': Deaths Connected To The Obama White House

This film is dedicated to Tom Clancy, who died on October 1, 2013

this makes James Bond look like a cake walk ...

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
is a 2014 American action thriller film, released on January 17, 2014. Directed by and co-starring Kenneth Branagh and featuring
the Jack Ryan character created by Tom Clancy. It is the fifth in the Jack Ryan film series and is also a reboot that departs from
the previous installments. Unlike its predecessors it is not an adaptation of a particular Tom Clancy novel, but rather an original story. 
Kevin Costner, Keira Knightley and Chris Pine who stars in the title role, becoming the fourth actor to play Ryan, following Alec Baldwin,
Harrison Ford, and Ben Affleck.

Extended clip here ...

♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥ 

Video: PROOF Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood (2:48)

A word to rioting Muslims - Pat Condell (5:18)

EDL plan Slough “anti-Islamic extremism” demo next month

EDL NEWS Slough 2014 Martin Hive (3:53)

Smith & Wesson To Stop Selling Guns In California Due To Microstamping Law

♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥ 

Is a False Flag Bioterror Event In Our Immediate Future?

Please allow me to express a high degree of naiveté in order to set the contextual background for this article. We live in a country which is bound by the rule of law. Our Constitution is immutable. Unlike our European allies who grant civil liberties so long as it is in the common, or the “greater good” (i.e. Communitarian law), our Constitution protects its civil liberties above all else. With this being said, can someone please explain to me why the following law, that allows dangerous government experimentation on unsuspecting individuals, is allowed to be a part of the American legal landscape

19 Numbers Which Prove That Americans Are Angrier And More Frustrated Than Ever
Have you noticed that people are becoming angrier? You can see it everywhere – in our homes, in our schools, in our workplaces, in our television shows, in our movies, and certainly in Washington. In fact, many have said that there is an “epidemic” of anger in America today.
Major League Baseball teams began announcing new metal detection screening measures Tuesday, a mandatory league-wide policy expecting full implementation by 2015. Using the Boston Marathon bombing as justification, all venues are now required to subject fans to hand-held metal detection sweeps or walk-through magnetometers, a result of the Department of Homeland Security’s encroaching relationship with professional sports leagues
Cybernetics experts say it's possible for robots to breed with each other, and with humans, by 2045. The magical transhumanist date of 2045 holds many predictions for how man will attain his final merger with computer systems and usher in an age of "spiritual" machines. Ray Kurzweil has issued a bevy of likely scenarios in his book The Singularity is Near, and continues to suggest that much of those predictions could arrive much sooner. Others have pointed strictly to the economic impact and have marked 2045 has the date when humans could be completely outsourced to robotic workers.
When the government is in charge of health care, rationing happens, and some people are handed death sentences. The ObamaCare Left would prefer that this reality remain hidden for as long as possible, submerged in a warm bath of "healthcare for everyone" sentiment, but Sarah Palin eloquently summed up the actuality with the expression "death panels."
Is there a vaster chasm than that between 'worthy charitable giving' and 'swindlers at the top of society'? This is par for the course though when you do an internet search for the Freemasons. Last week brought more hard evidence of the latter (and darker), with the second leaked report from UK criminal justice authorities in as many years to conclude that mobsters use Freemasonry to freely recruit corrupt detectives, being one of 'the most difficult aspects of organized crime corruption to proof against.'

Canadians Buying Potassium Iodide in Bulk over Fears of Fukushima Radiation
Health officials in the coastal Canadian province of British Columbia are cautioning residents not to try and qualm fears of radioactive contamination by ingesting mass quantities of potassium iodide. Journalist Dan Fumano of BC’s The Province newspaper wrote this week that potassium iodide pills have been flying off the shelves of area drug stores after reports published on the internet advised people that illnesses brought on by nuclear radiation can be remedied by taking regular doses of the inorganic compound

Conservative commentator, author Dinesh D'Souza indicted
by CNN's Dana Davidsen  

Conservative commentator and author Dinesh D'Souza has been indicted by a federal grand jury on
charges of making illegal contributions to a U.S. Senate campaign. D'Souza allegedly made and arranged $20,000 in campaign
donations to an unnamed campaign in 2012 and then reimbursed those who were directed to make contributions, according to the
charges handed up in New York City.

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