Friday, December 23, 2022


The home for grassroots conservatives leading the battle to educate and mobilize family, friends, neighbors, and others to defeat the anti-God, anti-America, Marxist New Democrats.


ConservativeHQ Exclusives:

It’s a corrupt, dirty and un-wonderful life (and presidency), Joe Biden


By Jeffrey A. Rendall

In this takeoff on the 1946 holiday classic “It’s a Wonderful Life”, Joe Biden looks back on his presidency to see whether he should run for reelection in 2024 – or simply end it all. Thankfully he has an establishment Guardian Angel – Kamala Harris – to show him that he’s really had a rotten presidency and his contributions to making people miserable definitely merit a second term in a Democrat’s estimation.


Dale Evans Boots


By Susan Swab, Guest Author

I was at the Big House for my grandmother's Big Party and Santa Claus was as big as the Christmas tree. I was shakin’ inside and out because Santa was the biggest man I’d ever seen, and he was coming straight for my sister and me. They told us we could ask him for anything we wanted. Well, all I could think of were those boots Dale Evans was wearin’ in those Roy Rogers picture shows in town.

More From ConservativeHQ:

Tell Congress: Stop The Real Invasion At The Southern Border

By George Rasley, CHQ Editor
It is folly to think that 400 National Guard troops standing by at the border will deter 50,000 determined invaders to illegally cross the border – and it is folly to think that among them won’t be terrorists, spies and criminals. Title 42 is a weak stopgap measure. We urge CHQ readers to pick-up the phone to call their Representative and Senators (the Capitol Switchboard number is 202-224-3121) to melt the phone lines to Capitol Hill with this simple message: Stop the invasion – close the border NOW!

Demand Congress Read The $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Spending Bill

By George Rasley, CHQ Editor
We urge CHQ readers to pick-up the phone to call their Senators and their Representative and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (the Capitol Switchboard number is 202-224-3121) tell them you demand they object to any motion to waive the reading of the bill and that you demand they take to the Floor to personally read the bill word-by-word, page-by-page if that’s what it takes to defeat this 4,155 page, $1.7 trillion monstrosity.

The Hypocrisy of Fr. Frank Pavone’s Dismissal From The Priesthood

By CHQ Staff
Why is it that the burden of obedience to ecclesiastical authority always seems to fall most heavily on conservatives? The obvious hypocrisy in Fr. Pavone’s dismissal will not surprise close observers of the reign of Pope Francis, many faithful Catholics were shocked by the NewsMax report detailing how the Pope – charged with being the ultimate steward of Church teachings on life and marriage – has embraced those who openly deviate from the teachings of the Church on such fundamental issues.

The Right Resistance: All any Washington swamp dweller would ever want for Christmas

By Jeffery A. Rendall
Washington DC politicians wish for a lot of things, but there’s only so much that’s possible for Santa to bring them or supporters to give to them. Christmas means many things to different people, and time will tell whether America’s political class learns the lessons the season has to offer. Ultimately, it’s up to us to hold them accountable.

GO BIG Excerpt 6: A Call To Arms And How I Am Going Big

By Richard A Viguerie, CHQ Chairman
The people who are leading the cultural revolution destroying America are called Democrats, but they are actually elite socialists, and some are Marxists (communists). Today these same Democrats are close to turning America into a one-party, socialist/Marxist, anti-God, fascist dictatorship. Here's ATA’s plan to help conservatives win this war and greatly increase our effectiveness in 2022–2024.

Is The U.S. Military A Paper Tiger? Part II

By Laurence F. Sanford, American Security Council Foundation
Over 300 new missile silos are being constructed in China, and they are also building the fractional orbital bombardment system weapon, which would provide for a nuclear first-strike capability. China is America’s greatest existential threat. The head of the U.S. Strategic Command, Admiral Charles Richard, recently alerted the world that “the ship is slowly sinking” when it comes to deterrence against China. At the current pace of buildup, China will soon overtake America’s nuclear forces.

Today's Headlines:
Will the Republican Party Tell the GOP Base to Go Pound Sand?

Kurt Schlichter, Townhall

The base matters, and the consequences of rejecting the base will be devastating to an already reeling party. What happens if the RNC goes ahead and moons us? If you wanted to find a better way to crush morale, dry up the volunteer pool, and freeze small-dollar donations, tell the base to pound sand and double down on a five-time loser. All the obnoxious texts in the world dunning people for a few bucks is not going to help.

Maybe It’s Time for Republican Voters to Fire Mitch McConnell

Scott McKay, The American Spectator

We’re approaching the point at which we have nothing to lose. Morphine Mitch has an approval rating of 7 percent. SEVEN. Syphilis polls better. And not only will he not honor public sentiment by handing over the reins to someone younger and more in touch with Americans, but he’s actively usurping the spending authority of the new House majority by pushing a spending bill that wipes out its opportunity to craft something better.

Sen. Paul: 'Republicans Are Emasculated ... They Always Collapse and Fear Shutting Govt Down'

Michael W. Chapman, CNS News

KY Senator Rand Paul: “We have completely and totally abdicated the power of the purse," said the senator. "Republicans are emasculated. They have no power, and they are unwilling to gain that power back." "What we try to do in one bill [omnibus], the Republicans don’t have the intestinal fortitude," he said. "They always collapse and they fear shutting government down. So no policy objectives ever get added [to the bill]."

Voter Betrayal as 25 GOP Senators Back $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill
Roger L. Simon, The Epoch Times

Betrayal and atrocity are big words, but they may be too weak for those senators. I don’t like to use obscenity, even in novels (except in dialogue) and I am well aware the Epoch Times abjures it, so I will just put it this way: The 25 GOP senators voted to continue Jan. 6, 2021, for the rest of our lives. … and quite probably beyond. Don’t let any of them do it. For those who aren’t retiring, just vote them out. Every one.
Biden’s Trans-Identifying Top Health Official: ‘I Have No Regrets’ About Lengthy Transition Because ‘I Can’t Imagine a Life Without My Children’
Susan Berry, PhD, The Star News Network

Dr. Rachel (born Richard) Levine, who identifies as transgender and has encouraged parents and doctors to use puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to immediately “affirm” a child’s preferred “gender identity,” said he has “no regrets” that his “transition” took over 10 years because he “can’t imagine a life without my children.” In the process, Levine appears to admit that “gender transition procedures can cause sterility.”

Are Universities Doomed?
Victor Davis Hanson, PJ Media
Eventually, even elite schools will lose their current veneer of prestige. Their costly cattle brands will be synonymous with equality-of-result, overpriced indoctrination echo chambers. How ironic that universities are rushing to erode meritocratic standards — history’s answer to the age-old, pre-civilizational bane of tribal, racial, class, elite, and insider prejudices and bias eventually ensure poverty and ruin for all.

Take Action:
Preserve conservative values by taking action using the links below.

2020 Election Year Campaign Survey


CNN and the Dishonest Media, Democrats, The Corrupt Washington Political Cartel, & The Anti-God, Anti-America Left . . . Will stop at nothing to destroy President Trump and destroy America . . .

Stop Socialism Today


When President Trump vowed America will "NEVER be a socialist country" during his State of the Union Address, leftists in the gallery like U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders scowled . . .

ATTENTION: TRUMP Declares Border Emergency


Now we need your help to urge ALL Republicans to stand firm and support President Trump's Border Emergency Declaration . . .

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