Tuesday, December 20, 2022


The home for grassroots conservatives leading the battle to educate and mobilize family, friends, neighbors, and others to defeat the anti-God, anti-America, Marxist New Democrats.


ConservativeHQ Exclusives:

GO BIG Excerpt 5 - Needed: 20,000 New Single-Issue Conservative Organizations


By Richard A Viguerie, CHQ Chairman

Perhaps you’ve heard this, “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.” Think how the Left operates. The unions, environmental groups, race-based organizations, social justice groups, etc., all operate independent of the Democrat Party, and each has their own source of money, members, and their own agenda. Each one is trying to pull the country to the Left. We need 20,000 new counter organizations on the Right.


Vatican Expels Priests for Life Leader Fr. Frank Pavone for Standing Against Pro-Abortion Democrats


By CHQ Staff

One of the final straws for the church hierarchy may have been when Fr. Pavone said he would hear the confession of Catholic Democrats but could not forgive them for their “sin” of voting for Biden. “We are trained that in the absence of repentance, absolution has to be withheld,” Pavone said. That is an inconvenient statement for those in the Vatican and Bishops who wish to turn a blind eye to alleged Catholics in positions of power, such as President Joe Biden and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who use their power to promote the sin of abortion.

More From ConservativeHQ:

The Right Resistance: Will Donald Trump ever truly need an exit strategy?

By Jeffery A. Rendall
Time will tell how the Republican presidential race evolves next year. At this point it’s premature to speculate who might join the fray – and it’s definitely too early to start planning Trump’s exit. Trump’s enemies will continue arguing that the former president is on his last political leg, but Trump will stay in until the process plays itself out.

Another Bad Personnel Decision By Trump

By George Rasley, CHQ Editor
Kevin McCarthy is no conservative, and the way he spent the money he raised for the midterms should disabuse conservatives of the notion that he is a “nice guy” who will try to get along with all the factions of the new House Republican majority. From our perspective endorsing Kevin McCarthy for Speaker is another example of Mr. Trump’s poor personnel judgement.

How 41 Senate Republicans Could Cut Spending - Just Follow The Rules!

By George Rasley, CHQ Staff
If just 41 of 50 Senate Republicans would vote to simply uphold the budget rules, there would be no way for Pelosi or Schumer or Biden to stop the cuts. These cuts are less than 1% of all the $4 trillion in spending Biden has secured, noted our friend economist Steve Moore in the Weekend Edition of his Unleash Prosperity Hotline.

The Right Resistance: What not to give for Christmas – another four-year term for Joe Biden

By Jeffery A. Rendall
If Americans aren’t enamored with the prospect of another four years of Joe Biden, they’re simply grasping the reality of what a second Biden term would be like. Decent people are fed up with the “woke” Democrat cultural direction of the country and policies that prioritize leftist fantasy outcomes rather than real people. Christmas is coming. At least there’s one thing to look forward to.

Take A Hard Look – 'Politics' Now Equates To Survival

By Kat Stansell, Grassroots Outreach Director for the American Policy Center
Whatever the reasons that politics turns you off – disgust, disinterest, religion, even just busy lives — I’m not listening, because none is valid. Politics is what runs AND RUINS our lives, like it or not. Politics now means survival. You want to live? To enjoy the freedoms we once took for granted? Then you have no choice, YOU MUST get involved.

Call to Action: Oppose the SAFER Act and Its Sweeping Redefinition of ‘Sex’ and ‘Sexual Harassment’

By CHQ Staff
We urge CHQ readers to pick-up the phone to call their Representative and Senators (the Capitol Switchboard number is 202-224-3121) and join other conservatives who have committed to melt the phone lines to Capitol Hill with this simple message: Don’t redefine sex or sexual harassment – vote NO on the SAFER Act.

Today's Headlines:
Poll: Voters Say Twitter Tilted 2020 Election

David Catron, The American Spectator

It’s probable the findings of an honest investigation into pre-Musk Twitter will reveal that the influence of the FBI was considerable in 2020 and, as the poll’s respondents believe, that it was meant to assist the Biden campaign. Unfortunately for the republic, it worked. At length, there will almost certainly be further revelations that rogue federal agencies and social media platforms colluded to assure Biden’s election.

10 Steps to Save America

Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness

Most Americans know something has gone terribly wrong—and very abruptly—with the U.S. They are certain our wounds are almost all self-inflicted. The current pathologies are not a result of a natural disaster, an exhaustion of natural resources, plagues, or an existential war. So, what are the therapies and prognoses for America? In the spirit of constructive criticism, here is a partial, 10-point plan of national recovery.

The Pentagon’s Latest Leadership Failure

Kurt Schlichter, Townhall

From ships catching fire to ships running into each other, to having to recruit from the paste-eating set to perverts in camo, and to getting run out of Afghanistan on a rail with 13 troops killed because of gross incompetence at the top, our military is in trouble. We are going to lose the next war, badly. Ask the troops – they know. And this is a symptom. But it can be fixed in a second – and whether it is or is not is a test.

Internal Twitter Records Show FBI Questioned Twitter on State Propaganda
Melanie Sun, The Epoch Times

According to Taibbi, who has been given access to Twitter’s internal communications by the company’s new CEO Elon Musk, the FBI sent Twitter a set of follow-up questions after Twitter’s June 20 briefing to the DHS, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and FBI on election security. Company representatives testified that Twitter “had not observed much recent activity from official propaganda actors” on the platform.
Senior Adviser Explains Why Biden Doesn't Go to Border: Too 'Disruptive'
Susan Jones, CNS News

On Sunday, senior Biden adviser Keisha Lance Bottoms told CBS's "Face the Nation" that Biden continues "to lean in on this immigration issue." Host Margaret Brennan asked Bottoms, "Well, why doesn't he go to the border? He was just in Arizona." "Well, you have to remember, Margaret, when the president travels, it's not like you or I jumping on an airplane and getting off and going to our destination. Everything comes to a halt.'

VA-04 Republicans Nominate Leon Benjamin for Special Election
Eric Burk, The Star News Network
Leon Benjamin is the Republican nominee for a special election in VA-04 after Benjamin won 57 percent of the votes in the first round of ranked choice voting, Fourth Dist. GOP Chairman Carey Allen told The Virginia Star. “Thank you, VA-4, for your nomination to represent you in Washington! Together we will WIN this Special Election and ensure your voice is HEARD through the Halls of Congress. God bless you all,” Benjamin said.

Take Action:
Preserve conservative values by taking action using the links below.

2020 Election Year Campaign Survey


CNN and the Dishonest Media, Democrats, The Corrupt Washington Political Cartel, & The Anti-God, Anti-America Left . . . Will stop at nothing to destroy President Trump and destroy America . . .

Stop Socialism Today


When President Trump vowed America will "NEVER be a socialist country" during his State of the Union Address, leftists in the gallery like U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders scowled . . .

ATTENTION: TRUMP Declares Border Emergency


Now we need your help to urge ALL Republicans to stand firm and support President Trump's Border Emergency Declaration . . .

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